Just got back from OS visit

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Jun 14, 2008
Southeastern US
Went to therapy this morning before my OS appointment.
I got 103 ROM! I am sooo happy! Left there, and went to see my OS.
I have not seen him since I got out of the hospital. He said I was doing great.
He was very pleased with my progress! Told me I could start using a cane instead of the walker, I could start driving again, that I can take a NORMAL shower, and is letting me go back to work August 18th!!! Best of all, I can TAKE OFF THESE DARN TED HOSE!!!!!
I am so excited. He had me lift my leg off the table and told me not to let him push it down. He tried to push it, looked at me and told me wow, you have got some good strength in that leg. I told him I have been working really hard and that my sweat and tears are in this recovery.
I asked him about my trip to the mountains in Oct, and he said he saw no problem as long as I did not plan on taking long hikes. NO, just shopping and walking around the town.
I am sore as all get out, but my spirit is soaring! They are picking up my CPM machine today. The OS told me that he flexed my knee to 135 degrees while I was on the operating table, so he know that I will be able to flex to that.
So, evidently that is the goal he has for. No problem, only 32 more degrees to go! :) Still alot of hard work ahead. Now it is time for another pain pill and ice!
Cha Cha cha! good work and good times ahead. (shopping good therapy for knees.)
Bet you're on cloud nine today. So happy to hear you're doing so well. Although my RTKR is not until Sept., I love reading when someone has success. I can't wait to get there, too. Sandy
Party Time!!!!! Awesome news! Sounds like you and I are making those Docs extremely happy! Let's keep pushing together! Sorry to see your CPM machine leaving you - but from the sound of it you are moving right on past that! Keep up all the hard work! Its wonderful to see it paying off for you! Smiles and Hugs!
Are you planning on heading over to the mountains as in Gatlinburg Tn??
How great is that news! You must be on cloud 9! It is nice to finally start feeling better and feeling like yourself. I find that I get tired in the afternoons and that is when I sit and ice. I too hope to get to 135.....
I had 135 before surgery and my PT told me since my range is at 125 now (6 weeks post op), I should be able to achieve the 135 with more time........
Good Luck!
Crystal -
125 - WOW - Super numbers for you as well. You can get 135 - keep on working ! I can't wait to just get to 90 now that the staples are out!
Hi Doug,
Boy, I wish I could go to the Mountains now! But I am gonna have to wait until October. The doc told me I could drive around town only, no driving to New York :). I did drive this afternoon after hubby got off of work.
We had a few errands to run and he said no time like the present.
I did good! But I could tell it in my calf muscles when I would hold the brake pedal down while in line to pick up prescriptions.

Crystal, I too get so tired in the afternoons. But long before surgery 3 pm was my "down" time. For some reason, I would always get soooo sleepy around that time. I am trying to stay up all day, no naps, but I will lie down for a bit. I seem to sleep better doing this.

Jennifer, thanks for the kind words, and I agree, there is no better therapy than shopping! I plan on doing some real soon! One store at a time!

Marianne, you hang in there. Once my staples came out, my ROM kept improving! Yours will too. We are doing it girl! Everyday we are getting better and stronger. I am so glad to have all of you to go thru this with. It makes it so much easier.

Sandy, you will be so glad to have this done. Thanks for your kind words.
At 4 weeks post-op I can tell you, I am already doing things I could not do before the surgery. Sure, I may be doing them slowly, but I am doing them!
Just do as much as you can to strengthen your quads! It will make a difference.

I actually went up my steps on my front porch this afternoon one leg then another and did not even realize I did it until I got to the top step. My hubby and I were talking and I just did it. When I got to the top step, he just looked and me and said do you realize what you just did? I have not done that in months! Before surgery I literally pulled myself up those steps.
I am getting my life back little by little, and I thank God everyday for giving me the strength to go thru this.
It's so good to hear all these wonderful stories. Power to you all!
I am still floating after my good news yesterday! But during the night last night and so far all of this morning, my leg from below my knee to my ankle is giving me fits. Then it hit me what has caused this. While driving I was using my lower leg muscles. So far all I have really worked has been my thigh muscles. I even put my ted hose back on the surgical leg about midnight last night. It feels better when I am walking, but really aches when I am just sitting. Well at least now the whole leg is getting a good workout!
Anyway, it is a beautiful day HOT but beautiful and I think I am just gonna sit in my chair and look out the window for awhile.
Ya'll have a good day.
My Doc told me there's something about driving that's murder on these legs. The position we're in makes it swell, and we're stuck there with limited motion for as long as we're in the car. I used to take several ice packs with me in a small cooler with some frozen water bottles and use them to keep it iced. Helped a lot!!


Just got out of my first "normal shower"!
By that I mean, no shower chair, no wrapping my leg, no propping my leg up.
But a normal, "just get in the shower" shower!
My lower leg is still achy, but it is not quite as bad as this morning.
I would have never thought driving would make it act up like this.
I still have a couple of places that have small bruises coming up to the surface. My lower leg is still kinda sore to the touch. Nothing like it was the week of surgery or the week after. But then again, I was one huge bruise from my knee to my ankle! I know it is gonna take time.
I still have a visable bruise around the area where the drain was inserted.
Anyway, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. First thing is PT, then on to see my hubby for lunch, shopping for my (hubby's sister)sister-in-law's birthday present, then up to the lake, as sis-in-law and her hubby are coming down from NC to the lake for the weekend. We are not staying tomorrow night , but will be going back Saturday for most of the day and then out to dinner with them.
This is the family we went to see right before my surgery. She won't let me do a thing, so I know I won't overdo too much!
I am actually looking forward to going, it is the lake we keep our pontoon boat at, but I don't plan on getting on it just yet. It is beautiful up there and I think a change of scenery will do me good!
You might be surprised that you CAN go on the pontoon - can you get on from the dock? It would be so theraputic for you!!! You should try! Just remember to use SPF 30 on that knee!

We're going to Gulf Shores Al. for five days at the beach. Our friends from Louisiana are towing over a 23' boat with twin 160 jet drives on it. They have bought a tube that supposedly launches you over the waves....My son is thinking we're going to ride it together.
Now I can just see me skimming my butt over the waves..No pictures will be taken.
Unless it is the news media as I am being medi choppered out.
Hi Doug,
Yep, I can get on it from the dock. It's a 28 footer, so I can get up and walk around once we stop at one of the islands at the lake.
I just hope tomorrow is better than today. For some reason, I have hurt all day. Right now the pain is cranking really good.
The inside of my knee is really hurting. That is the area that gives me trouble when flexing my knee at therapy. PT said it is either muscle or the ligament.
We are also in the middle of a huge thunderstorm and it is pouring rain.
I have layed around all day due to feeling so blah. I know that does nothing to help the stiffiness, but it is all I have felt like doing.
More steri strips have come off and the incision is really tight. I am just ready to go get in the bed for the night and it is only 7:30.
I hate feeling like this. But tomorrow is another day.
Feeling somewhat better. Can't sleep, but that is nothing new.
Shortly after the storm last night we lost power. We heard a transformer blow, so I knew it would take awhile. A little over 2 hours. Our youngest grandson was here, and he and his Pa-Pa had just gotten back from picking up some dinner. I was already in the bed, so they pulled up the bench I use when sitting up to prop my leg up on, and we were eating when the lights went out. Well, it was all one big adventure for him, we ate by candlelight, and my hubby brought in the big converter thingy and kept my ice machine and a box fan going for me. (spoils me rotten!).
He did not want to leave when his mom came to get him! My leg is not hurting nearly as bad as it was when I went to bed. I am taking my vicodin
right at the 4 hour mark also!!!
I hate those rough days, but I know I am gonna have them, and I try so hard not to let them get to me, but yesterday and last night almost did!
Well, I am going back to bed and hope I can go back to sleep. If not,
then on to channel surfing!
Feeling lots better this morning. I can't get over how if I overdo it, it takes me that night, all of the next day and next night to get over it.
So lesson # 1 - DON'T OVER DO IT!!!!
Have therapy this morning, and my OS has asked them to use moist heat 5 minutes prior to therapy to help loosen my muscles a little. He asked me at me appointment if they were doing that and I told him no. He said it would help and for them to try it. I am anxious to see if it works. At the end of each therapy session they put the game ready on me for about 10 minutes and I love that! It gets sooooo cold, I tell my therapist it is kinda like my reward after a hard session.
Hope all have a good day!
I have that overdo it problem too. My doc said at 2 weeks that he could not tell me exactly what would be ok to do , but that inevitably I would overdo it and my hip would tell me!!!
It tells me that a lot!!!
CarolinaGirl... love those lessons. #1 - Don't over do it! Well, with my personality, that's going to be pretty hard but I'm going to really try. Please keep the lessons coming. Hope you have a good week-end.
All these stupid summer thunderstorms we are blessed with on a daily basis here in the south are just about to do me in!! My leg just screams when those fronts move thru. We had a storm last night that was a real doozy.
35 mph winds, rain, but the thunder and lightening lasted about 3 hours.
LESSON # 2 Keep an eye on the weather. If storm is moving towards me,
TAKE PAIN MEDICATION. It helps somewhat, but still get achy.
We spent the day at the lake yesterday, I stayed in the cabin or on the porch, (102 degree weather made that easy). Took my ice machine with me,
and was able to lie down and rest. I felt more like myself Saturday that I have yet. Now today, I have felt puny all day. I started using the Merderma my OS recommended for my scar. I have only 6 steri-strips left on my knee. Hopefully they will come off soon.
Hope all have a good night.
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