just askin

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Feb 13, 2008
Oakley,IL USA
Hey all im goin on my fith week post op and just wondering if any of the rest of you had pains that shoot out the side of the knee? i mean like when your talking and it happens it makes ya quit talking LOL and i also had what they call inner suters and glued incison but i have what appers to be a suter coming out it ,has any one had this happen ??????????
thanks JIM
sorry, Jim....I had staples! As for the shooting pains, they'll ease off as time goes by. You're still an infant in the new knee world.....just an itty bitty baby kneeboy!
I have glue and inside suters (stiches) but am just shy of 2 weeks. Incision is still a scab and shooting pains is a relative term. Though I do have a bit of numbness around incision area whhich I assume is some swelling and PT siad nerve damage that is normal and will heal.
and i also had what they call inner suters and glued incison but i have what appers to be a suter coming out it ,has any one had this happen ??????????
thanks JIM

The little suture they run along just under the skin is very close to the surface and the surgeon has bury the ends in the fat. But it is not unknown for these to find their way out and peek out. But they are dissolvable sutures and should drop off in time. I would point it out to the doctor or health care worker when you see them next - or see them anyway if it's going to be more than a few days. In the mean time, I would keep the area covered with a sterile bandaid till you get advice, just to be on the safe side.
I saw those little suture stubs too in the first couple of weeks after my staples were removed. Poked at them from time to time (I know Jo-- probably NOT the thing to do) and they got a little bit red and irritated so I left them alone and they just went away.

My advice--- don't poke at them!

Hey all im goin on my fith week post op and just wondering if any of the rest of you had pains that shoot out the side of the knee? i mean like when your talking and it happens it makes ya quit talking LOL and i also had what they call inner suters and glued incison but i have what appers to be a suter coming out it ,has any one had this happen ??????????
thanks JIM
hey thanks to all for the replies and i will do the bandaid thing Joesephine thnks ....................... JIM
just am update called doc they told me to take tweezers and pull it out and i did was bout a inch long they said all is ok so i put on a bandaid and here i am LOL ........
Speaking of hairs....my knee mowhawk is coming along NICELY!...for those of you that care!....actually....I could probably get some kind of job at FSU - helping groom the Seminole Horse or something with this luxurious SWAFT (is that a word) of hair!
And...I must say...Jim, you're brave cuz this country girl ain't pulling NOTHING out of her knee booboo.....if it's there, it's staying!
EEEEEUUUUUUUU, Jim! I'm with Patti!! The thought of pulling out something is gruesome! And an INCH long!!!! I would have been flat on the floor by then. You are one brave guy! But....that said, I'm sure you're happy to have it outta there. I would have made my doc do it....sissy that I am.
Patti, thank you for being brave enough to speak of evil leg hair. I didn't shave before surgey and now I wish I had. They say no shaving the area 3 days before surgery, but I meant to Nair my legs. Just ran out of time, and now I feel every hair rubbing and that hurts. ladies, you know what I mean. even hippie growers have a limit, right? How long before the incision is healed enough to get wet?
I shaved my legs the day of surgery and then again the day I came home and took a shower. I just avoided the area with staples. When those came out, I got as close as possible. Only recently have I shaved the entire area... Still gives me the creeps.
just am update called doc they told me to take tweezers and pull it out and i did was bout a inch long they said all is ok so i put on a bandaid and here i am LOL ........

Did it hurt whenyou pulled it out, or bleed?
My doctor told me no shower until the staples were out (10 days), but never mentioned shaving. I was kind of scared to do it until I was sure the wound was healed enough...finally gave up and did it at three weeks for the same reason that Jen is talking about. Those pesky hairs HURT...even with shorts on, they would rub against the couch, sheets, and were pokery to the point of agony. I felt sooooo much better to be smooth again. You might want to check with your doc, but I think it would be okay if you are showering with the knee uncovered. Josephine....how 'bout your opinion????
Skeet, really, you shaved day before suregery? My dr office sad don't because any microscopic nicks could leave you vulnerable to infections and bacteria. Amazing how things vary from office to office.
That said, I'm like Skeet....it gives me a HUGE case of the creeps. Today, though, was the first day I could actually put my bionic knee up on the shower stool to shave. I felt pretty proud to do that. Of course, it was not nearly such a big deal to hubby.....you know.....
I know the stabbing pain you are talking about on the outside of your knee. My first knee done in Jan. it still happens on rare occassion, but for a while it happened quite often. No warning just a big old stab. It goes away. I am getting it a little now on the new knee, but on the inside top part by my knee cap. Funny how different my two knees have reacted. On the first one I still have a numb spot a few inches around, but the newest one done 3/14 is not numb at all really. I can shave my new leg better than the previous one. It is creepy, but I do it anyway. I am a shave my legs everyday girl, so I just grit my teeth and go for it.
Yep, I shaved that morning. There was no mention of not doing it and my mother told me never to go out unshaved or in dirty underwear... so i did as she taught me. Hospitals and no showers is gross enough.. without not shaving. That's like cruel and unusual punishment! Bad enough I couldn't wash my hair until I got home. Glad it was long enough to straighten before I went to the hospital that morning and then pull back while I was there. I had to be at the hospital at 6 am so I was up at 4 am to make sure I had time to do all the critical tasks!
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