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Just about one year update

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junior member
Jun 17, 2008
United States
HI All,
I haven't posted in a while. I have been very busy getting the things done I couldn't do before my TKR. I saw my OS in December my flexion is 180, I can touch my butt with my knee can bend it all the way back just like before. I forget I have had a TKR, my Os said to me see you in three years just for an xray.I was surprised that he did not want to see me in a year but I am doing great and loving having had this done. I am totaly back to normal can do everything and anything I want to do. No pain no problems never had any problems after the surgery everything went great. Just am so happy I did it. Just loving doing the yard work, housework walking etc. This promises to be a great summer as I had the surgery in June and it was a tough summer not being able to do lots of things so now I will make up for it. Just opened up camp last weekend and looking forward to a great long weekend this coming weekend and a great summer. Enjoy:D
That is such great news. Thanks for posting that, gives us something to look forward to. To the butt huh, that is really far. Have a great summer and enjoy it. I hope all your success continues..........Kim
Misscheer, GREAT news!!! Thanks so much for posting. I could hear the smiles in what you wrote. I'm still not sure how one touches one's bottom with a knee, but I'm going to assume that means you have a fantastic ROM going on!:hehe:

Best of luck to you and let us hear what you're up to now and then. I helps for those in recovery to know what is available in their future!
I never knew 180 was possible with any knee! Oh golly gosh! And there was me being all smug about my 140! But then, I don't reckon you have thighs the size of mine, misscheer!! Thanks for the update - that really was good cheer.
Oh wow! That is fantastic news! 180 is the best I ever heard of. You are doing so well and it gives us all something to look forward to now! Thanks for telling us of your success!
What kind of knee did you have put in? Just wondering.... I had BTKR on 6/18/08.
Touching your foot to your butt is impressive while bending the knee. I used to be able to do that as I was very flexible. Now, I am about 145......
Misscheer what a great post! I too have had an uncomplicated recovery so far and it's good to read that you are so flexible and can forget about your TKR!! Something to look forward to down the road. Just curious. Are you continuing to do the bending & stretching exercises to keep your ROM? I am still pull my foot toward my butt every day sitting and also lying on my side since I can't quite pull my foot to my butt on that side yet in the standing stretch.
I dont think I could do that with my good knee, lol, I'm just not that flexable. I wish though. Kim are the new poster lady for knee replacement! You go, Girl!!!! :)
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