Judy--Hope things went well today!

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Oct 5, 2008
New York
United States United States
I have been thinking about you today! I meant to get on here before now to wish you well, but work is super-hectic and I just didn't get a chance.

Let us know how it went.

I also want to thank you for your support so far....I'm sure I'll need lots more, still waiting for the approval for the scope, then we'll see what's in store from there.

Yes, thinking of you ...
Thanks MJ and Jo

Well I don't yet know how things are inside my right knee joint. I remember my doc talking to me after surgery saying "I appoligize" I think he realized that I would not remember a thing he said. Absolutely right. He was late getting there and probalby continued to be late all day and needed to get out of there.
I told the nurses how very important it was to me to know what he did. I had paper and a pad with me. I guess they give the patient's privacy when the doc comes in . My husband wanted to drop me off in the parking lot and get to a client lunch. I was not his priority yesterday.

So, doc will not be in until 3pm. My back was really hurting yesterday before surgery. Anyway, my knee feels just tight today. I have an ace bandage and a gigantic immobilizer on. I was told to weight bare as tolerated , the usual elevate and ice, use crutches.
The nurse showed me lots of pictures from the op. I can interpret lots of red , inflammation, lots of loose fuzzy, irregular white cartilage. I can see an instrument looking like it is making a hole in the bone, along with a hole in the next frame. Seems to me maybe only one microfracture hole.
I don't have a good range in my back so I can not get things on and off my leg and foot!!! Fortunately my reacher grabber is around from hip surgery!!!

I know in the operating room the nurse pulled the sock off my operated side foot. My foot looks like it has been bleeding around all the toes. My big toe is kind of a mess anyway (or toenail, or part of a toenail,wquished many times in my running career)
Jo, what do they do to your toes. I thought it was just checking for circulation? Actually it looks like the yellow stuff was painted on them.

I'll post when I know what condition my knee is in.

While I had surgery we had a very cold socal storm. Our local mountains are so beautifully snow covered. One day earlier and my hike would have gone to the snow!!!!
I have been thinking so much about you but have been swamped with getting things done. I hope all went well yesterday - sounds like you made it through. Also sounds like you can weught bear a bit (eventually). Good for you! I betyou can't wait to talk with the dr. I know the feeling. We did the pre op yesterday and they bounced my time back to 1 pm and then 2pm. We sepnt the night here in town do I have some time to relax (hahaha) b4 I go in. Had fun at least. Managed to get all done at work which is why I wasn't able to wish you well b4 hand. My hopes for a speedy recovery are with you! Rest these next few days! Hope all feels better soon!
Marianne (waiting...... waiting.... 4 hours and counting (9ish in AK)
Hey Marianne,
I figured you were swamped. Although they did not call and push my time back, everyone was there and ready except my doc. When he got there he wheeled my bed into the OR while talking to me.
I was only mentioning that there woould be no one to talk to in the waiting room as my husband barely slowed down the car to throw me out. He actually had to get out as my crutches were in the trunk!!!
So that is why I know nothing except I am in this huge immobilizer. If you are still on, were you ever in an immobilizer after scopes?

Post when you can, have a safe scope and ride home. I hope the weather is clear.
By the way when my husband threw me out of the car, it was downpouring, same when he picked me up. No umbrella. He was doing pretty good, I guess he is sick of me and my surgery!!!!!
Yet the best is yet to come (spine)

Good Luck
Judy =
Shall I punch the snot out of him for you!!!! My other half has been a whole bunch more supportive during the past week - finally! He fixed the ice grips on the crutches last pm! I am the one trying to get him to leave this time. My 9 (almost 10) year old is with us and I don't think she should have to deal with this. When I pre registered they told me he doesn't even need to come in with me. He will just in case I need to show my id - then they are off to the movies and some last minute shopping!

Never had an immobilizer after a scope. I was always full weight bearing as tolerated - but I usually onloy had cartilage removed and stuff cleaned up - until it was too late.

Good luck with that. UGHHH. I am a bit more nervous today then ever with a knee scope. This guy keeps telling me he will be grinding a lot so I should expect it to be really sore for a few days. He will play it by ear and see what needs to be done when he gets in. They gave me a game ready ice machine yesterday - looks real flattering. Looks like I am stuck at PT for anotehr 6 weeks - although his nurse said more like 12 - UGHHH. I think I will set up a cot and just move in. I guess it is good that my other half is around. We just found out that even though he is not with his job his insurance is good through 12/31 since he worked 12/1. COOL BEANS - Double Insurance!

Do you have just the three holes with steri strips under the ace bandage??? Or do you have the white gauze on top of the stiches under the ace. I have had both at one time or another. Will you please post and let us know what the DR. has to say. Thatis my biggest issue as well. The DR will call my other half when done - but the communication back to me will be sparse - if any - so I too will have to call tomorrow and talk with the nurse. Oh well... at least mine is trying a bit harder than I expected - hopefully he won't be late picking me up - They figure I will not leave there till 6:30 - those poor nurse inthe recovery room!

Alright - just trying to stay busy this am! Only a 5 minute ride to to surgery place!

Still really hungry!! This stinks - I much prefer the 7AM slot!

Same with me yesterday. I was so hungry. And thirsty. I agree with getting your daughter out of there. I keep thinking I am going to drive somewhere, then realize, not without bending my knee. I barely fit in my Honda CRV with the seat all the way back. Long Legs!!!
How will I look with lots of layers on top, borrow long knee socks from one of my daughters for the left and a lovely immobilizer on the right, and shorts of course.
Oh, I decorated the top bars (lengthwise) of my crutches with wrapping paper yesterday. Ribbons where the hands go.
As far as pain, I had pain meds in the IV, 2 hits of morphine after followed by 2 vicodin. My back was even ok after that.
Many surgeons will paint the entire leg with Betadine and then wrap it in a see-through sterile drape like a big bag or sheets of clear adhesive incise drape. Betadine should be easily removed with water.
Spoke with my surgeon. He did do microfracture so 6 weeks apx. in the immobilizer. He told me I do not have to sleep in it though. I can allow my leg to bend if no weight is put on it. The exposed bone where he is trying to grow cartilage is in the femur/troclear groove (correct me if need be Jo, I may be confusing knee/hip parts)
He also removed some scar tissue, I can see the bruised area under the kneecap, which is exactly where it was bothering me. He said the rest of the knee looked good!!!
Great news for me. I see him next Wed. then he will send me to pt. My therapist got a whole week off from me!!!! With the holidays it might be more like 2.
I am much more settled now that I talked with him.

On to the spine!!

It's not clear--were you writing from the hospital or are you home? If you're still in the hospital, how long will you have to stay? Can you use a laptop from your hospital room?

You seemed concerned about remembering everything the OS tells you about your surgery. Is it possible for you to get a written report of the procedure?

I got my medical records a couple of months ago from the surgeon who did my meniscectomy, to take to a MIS-TKR specialist. It was really interesting to read the extensive details about the meniscectomy and the surgeon's opinions about what he saw inside the knee. Is this kind of information readily available to anyone who has had surgery?

Yes, the snow on the mountains was brilliant in today's sunshine!

Keep us posted on your progress.

I was at home, it was outpatient surgery.
Going into the scope I did not know what the doc would do. He told me it was my Christmas surprise. Microfracture means lots of down time , no weight bearing. If he simply cleaned out the joint it would have been a simpler recovery. That is why I was so concerned about what he said!!! And as I thought I remembered nothing!!!

I do always get a copy of all my medical and surgical reports, I love reading them. This surgeon is really good at explaining everything he saw and did. He did take lots of pictures which he will go over with me on Wed. The nurses showed them to me.

I went to my daughter's Christmas program this evening. I wore a jean skirt as I don't own anything that will fit over this immobilizer!!! Could be a problem!!!
Glad to be home.
Judy, I am so glad you got through the surgery, but sorry to hear you will be in immobilizer for such a long time. Don't know who is having the msot surgery on this forum, you or Marianne. And Marianne, I will gladly hold Judy's 'Better half" while you knock the snot out of him. Men can be so insensitive at times, I wonder if they same the same thing about us? No, never, we are always kind, considerate and wonderful, what was I thinking? Also, Marianne, I have been looking for posts from you, I have either been looking in the wrong place or have missed them. Just glad to hear you are okay.
It is cold in So Arizona this morning, little dogs don't want to go out, they are such spoiled brats. Big dog hacking up hair balls, I thought only cats were supposed to do that but our big lab (130 lbs) deposted on for the record books right outside my bedroom door this morning. This is looking to me my day to follow one or the other of the little critters around with TP at the ready. Oh, well, at least I can walk this year, last year at this time I was in bad shape and still had the same amount to do.

Keep us up to date on your progress girls and Judy take a pic of the crutches and post them. I think you should have running lights on them. Or maybe what we need is a Christmas contest to see who can decorate the best crutches/walker/cane for the Holidays. How fun, huh? Rowdy
Well, I had just about finished my post and windows decided to install updates.

Here goes again. Pain hit last nite. Pain meds were downstairs, as I have not been sleeping well, I did not want to become fully awake so I stayed in bed. I actually went back to sleep. I am waiting for it to kick in and in my recliner with a big blue ice mat. Still hurts!!!

How did all of you make it through knee replacement, this was just a scope!!!!Ouch.
I have lots of bruising, probably from removing all the scar tissue. Lots of numbness almost down to my ankle.
One big issue is what to wear!!!! I have one pair of sweat pants that I can stretch to barely fit over the immobilizer, seems to be it!!! Although only Doug would consider it cold here, it is chilly. I had a jean skirt on last nite and just about froze waiting for a ride home from my daughter's Christmas program!!

Decorating walking aids is a great idea Rowdy. The nurse that took mine when I went in for surgery walked around showing everybody. I will take a pic and hopefully one of my kids will help me post it. Mine would have lights on it if I could get to a store and find some.
I just don't see my husband driving me around to look for battery operated lights for my crutches!!!

I would love for you and Marianne to straighten him out by the way!!!
How are you doing? your crutches sound so cute! I HATE immobilizers!!! As for what to wear, can you get (or have someone get you) a couple pair of really big sweats? I have a stash of "just in case I need knee surgery" sweats that I refuse to get rid of, yet. Someday, hopefully I can get them out of here!

I hope your pain level is better. Hang in there, it can only get better, right?!

I was pm Marianne (kneesie going hip) and she suggested wearing the immobilizer over clothes.
That is what I have been doing. Unfortunately everyday but one I had to go somewhere. The world would not fall apart if I didn't go, but all important.
My knee still hurts and in the middle of the nite, I am too dumb to take pain meds. I feel like a junky when I get up, grab the pain med and grab the ice. As soon as the ice comes off it hurts again!!!!

I could be worse!!!
My kids are already melting down saying there is no food in the house and I can't drive them anywhere. Actually it is my 14 year old daughter. My 20 year old daughter told me there was no food in the house, so after showing them the full cabinets and freezer, I gave the older one $100.00 and told her to go shopping.
I have to go for a possibly long, uncomfortable car ride today. Abnormal bleeding so I have to have a uterine biopsy (not very comfortable from what I remember) tomorrow my knee surgeon, CHRISTMAS, steroid injections in my neck at the hospital on friday. Interesting week.

Here is what I did when I had my knee an immoblizer as well as a full leg cast. If you have jeans that are a little roomy or some sweats undo the seam on the outside and then get some big safety pins and use those to hold the edges together. If you are talented with a sewing machines you can make yourself some velco tabs. Not the most fashionable but it works

At least you won't have to go with the garbage bags and duct tape to take a shower, I had that trick with a full leg cast.

Oh Judy-
I dont know how you are doing this! I am such a lazy bum! Yesterday I went to pt and that was it! The hubby made tacos for dinner...mmm mmm mmm and then I fell asleep. Today I did my pt exercises, took a shower, went down stairs, watched mama mia and worked on a 1000 piece puzzle. I mixed up the dough for cinnamon rolls. Slept a bunch. Showed the hubby and the kiddo how to roll the rolls out and am now crashing again. I am such a lazy bum but I am doing what they told me this time. I have pt in the am and that will be it again!I figured I screwed up after the tkr so I am being a good girl this time! I am enjoying being totally lazy. The puzzle is fun and sleeping helps with the itchies. I have been religous about the pain meds after falling behind once. I even set my alarms. I dont know how you are dragging your knee in that immobilizer around. I am so glad I didnt have any microfracture done. You seem to have it covered. Tell the kids they should take turns making dinner - Wes is actually enjoying it right now (hope it lasts ) Tomorrow he is making surf and turf (I will direct). I might be more excited about dragging around but the snow is finally falling again and I have no desire to fall down and go boom!

Try to rest and elevate that knee!!!

My body is finally able to sleep. This am I had my alarm set for 7am so I could have coffee and get ready for my 9am post op apt. I don't know what happened , but I woke up at 8:15. Mad rush to get in the shower and get ready.

At my follow up apt. my doc showed me the many pictures of mk knee. Some good, some bad!!. He showed me the groove and him doing the microfracture. I got the stitches out. I will see him in 4 weeks. He also put the immobilizer on the correct way. I blamed the nurses at the surgical center, told him I just followed what they had done. I also said...besides , when I asked him what I would wake up with on my knee, he had told me nothing. So, he told me he thought that the immobilizer would really keep me down without throwing me in prison.
Now i have to try to get some range back in my knee. Seeing I can't drive, I decided to wait for pt for the next month. I apparently burned my knee with ice. I will have to watch falling asleep with ice on.

Then I went upstairs to my spine doc's office and scheduled my 6 level thoracic fusiion surgery for Jan 9th. I told my husband the date when he picked me up . His only comment, Is this outpatient surgery!!!!!
Oh, I am in for a difficult time.
Glad I have my friends here
Is this outp ..... !!! Oh my!
[Bonesmart.org] Judy--Hope things went well today!
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