Josephine: Questions About Knees that Don't Extend

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Staff member since Feb, 2009
Senior Administrator
Mar 24, 2008
United States United States
Jo, I have some questions about my husband's knees. Years ago (at least 20), he had two arthroscopic surgeries where they removed "bursas" on both knees. He had fluid buildup really bad (gout too in the foot and toes) and the orthopedist said this was the only way to stop it. And it did. He has had no problems with either knee in years in regard to pain. But....I notice that he cannot fully extend either leg. It makes him stand and walk funny and sometimes his legs just kind of buckle if he stands for a while or first thing when he stands up from a sitting position. I would think it might be quite a strain not to be able to completely extend your legs.

Have you ever had any experience with something like this? He sees so many doctors for other things, I don't really want to drag him to someone else to ask about it. He doesn't hurt or swell at all. Is it something that is no big deal?

I could come up with a whole range of suggestions that could result in what you describe but the fact is, I'd only be guessings. My best bet is scar tissue from the previous surgery. Whatever, it would be a good idea to get it investigated as there does seem to be something preventing his knees from functioning properly. Such things are always best dealth with before they get to the point of pain and swelling which would indicate that things have become extreme. Extra deformity and contraction of ligaments/scar tissue are often counterproductive to a good outcome.
Thanks, Jo. I will take your advice and get him set up with a meeting with my doctor just to see what is really going on. I worry about his knees because he has had arthritis before and his Dad was literally crippled from it. I appreciate your help!!
Amazingly, once Chris read your comments, Jo, he agreed to go talk with the doc. You have worked a full-fledged miracle. Isn't it amazing that when information comes from an outside source, spouses listen!!! Hooray!!!
Hope hubby gets relief soon!
Hey! Wonders NEVER cease! My hubby who was just diagnosed with bronchitis (that would be another thread in itself!!),,FINALLY gave in & started drinking TEA! Something Mach Man would NEVER EVER do! I even let him select different flavors! I wouldn't exactly say we have a convert, but he is actually drinking it! So these guys CaN change a little! And after all, it's for THEIR OWN GOOD!!!! (Not only ours!!!). :)
You're KIDDING! Goodness me! I shall soon be in danger of believing my own publicity!

Speaking of which - Michael Jackson is doing a come-back gig in the UK soon .... of never mind! Just kidding!
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