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Jo I Need Your In Sight

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Dec 24, 2007
Northern California

I am experiencing a great deal of pain in my groin and hip. The hip seem as though it is going to give out on me. I have had 4 weeks 2 hours each sessions with the new therapist. He is good! However, it seems when we get to this point in therapy it become very painful. This is the first time I have felt the weakness as though the hip is going to fail. However, it has happened several times. I would appreciate your insight.

Happy Monday!
Hey Splenda,, this is not Jo,but sometimes I have good answers also,,,ok ok,ok ok,,one time I did,lol.

You might be over exercising the hip and actually weaken the muscle structure. I had a tkr,and actually went backwards at about 6 weeks. I thought the knee might be failing,but I just over pushed my muscles and broke them down,but never gave them a chance to heal. I do know we make bigger gains if we rest the muscles in between workouts.

Now I will let Jo answer correctly,,lol

I wish you the very best,pain is no fun,but there will be better days to come.
Splenda....I agree with Mark...your sessions are each TWO hours long??? At FOUR weeks out from surgery??? That seems a bit much. Are you doing exercises or activity in between also?

With the time difference, it will probably be tomorrow morning before Jo gets an opportunity to answer your post.
Quite so. There are muscles/ligaments in that area that are susceptible to being over exercised and strained.

[] Jo I Need Your In Sight

~ the group of muscles between the numbers 3 and 4 is known as the adductor mechanism which you use when you move your leg away from or towards the other leg.
~ the long thin muscle to the right of the number 4 is the gracilius which does the same but also helps with flexing the hip joint
~ there are other muscles but you get the picture

If these muscles are over stressed then you get pain and dysfunction. The answer is to stop doing what it is that causes the pain for at least 2 weeks and to take anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) to help settle things down.

Moral of the story - be kind to your body and it will be kind to you! :wink:


  • [] Jo I Need Your In Sight
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Hello Everyone.

I will be two years post op on 11/8/09. The PT is not working me out for 2 hours sorry for the confusion. He is icing, heating, using the TEN’s machine, and massaging or stretching me out as he calls it before we go into the gym. He does this everytime. He limit my exercise due to pain. I am the young lady with the leg length discrepancy. He measured me at 34" on the left and 36” on the right and I wear a 3/8 inch lift. Most of the exercises the PT have me doing I am on a mat because of the back pain due to the leg length. I am wearing a NSAID patch on the SI joint. I am feeling better this morning. I will be seeing my OS on tomorrow.

Thanks for all the input…
Ms Splenda,
Your going to be just fine,
And having Jamie and Jo actually agree with my vast medical knowledge ,,well is actually a miracle..:hehe:
Time will heal so much for you,,it really will.
I am the young lady with the leg length discrepancy.

:doh::doh: I'm so sorry - I quite forgot that! But what I said still applies. I'm glad your PT is being so good. He obviously has this well in hand.
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