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Standard Shoulder Replacement Jiu-jitsu Athlete Shoulder Replacement

Mat Savage

junior member
Nov 2, 2016
Asheville, NC
United States United States
I had my surgery yesterday, but I actually have no idea of the surgeon gave me total replacement, or a resurfacing. If it was a total replacement, I'm not sure what prosthesis was used: "old school" stem, or "new school" cap... our whatever that thing is.

The surgeon only talked to my wife afterwards, and she doesn't have any background information, but she sous that the surgeon was happy with how strong my socket was, which makes me think he just did a resurfacing.

I'm going to see him tomorrow, so I'll find out then.
Congratulations on getting to the Healing Side, @Matt Savage. Are you at home? How is your pain?

Let us know how you are doing and please share your surgery details once you have them.
Congratulations on your new (whetever it is)!
Congratulations on getting to the Healing Side, @Matt Savage. Are you at home? How is your pain?

Let us know how you are doing and please share your surgery details once you have them.
Yes, they woke me up, threw me in the car and I've been home ever since. Pain is fairly minimal.

I just read the write-up of the procedure, and they did a total replacement using a stemless prosthesis where my humeral had used to be. This is what the doctor was hoping for, but didn't know if he'd be able to do it prior to the surgery.

So far, so good! The doctor is gonna remove my bandages and check me out tomorrow, then I'll start PT the following day.

Looking forward to getting on with my life. :)
Thanks for joining us, Mat Savage!
Best Wishes as you begin PT on Friday. When you're able to share whether you had a total replacement, or resurfacing, please let us know so we're able to complete your signature and assign your thread a prefix. This will be helpful to members scheduled for, or recovering from, the same surgery since they will likely take great interest in your recovery.

Stay in touch and let us know how your recovery is progressing. :)
@Mat Savage
Ok, thank you for getting back to us on that, Mat.
I hope you have a great day!
@Mat Savage
@Mat Savage Welcome to the healing side! Glad you are recovering well. I am almost 3 months out now. Just saw my surgeon today and found out I had a stemless anatomic shoulder replacement as well. I don't know how I missed that specific piece of information all this time but it happens, I guess. The x-ray tech said, "Oh, that's different." So I asked the surgeon about it. He said he'd been using a stemless procedure for the last couple of years. There you go. Complete picture.

I was in a sling for 6 weeks and started PT at 4 weeks. Getting started sooner sounds really good as long as they're not too aggressive at first. The weakness and stiffness from being in the sling has kept my rehab progress slow but steady. Now the restrictions have been lifted and we can move ahead. Wishing you the best as you journey on. Keep us posted as to your progress.
Yeah, my surgeon says he's been using the stemless version for the last couple years as well. He was really excited he could use it on me, although I kinda feel like a guinea pig lol.

First day of PT was pretty easy. PT guy just moved my arms around and measured stuff. Apparently my left (operated) arm is already more flexible in one direction than my right arm...

I'm weening myself off the narcotics now. Overall everything feels great, considering the circumstances.
10 days post surgery, and I'm feeling great. I really have to remind myself to keep the sling on.

I've been changing the bandage on my sutures every other day, for the past week, so that I'm able to shower. Showering is definitely a bit tricky.

I get the sutures out on Monday. Really looking forward to that!

My wife's been driving me around town, and had been a really good sport about that. I try and keep my mouth shut even more than usual regarding some of her driving/parking practices :).

I'm definitely not burning enough calories, and am not super thrilled about my current "dad bod" transformation, but I know I'll get back in shape again eventually, and the time off is necessary.
Sounds good. And I am sure you know that protein needs to be a major part of your intake, first to heal, then to rebuild
Sounds good. And I am sure you know that protein needs to be a major part of your intake, first to heal, then to rebuild
Oh yeah. Totally. Forgot to mention I'm pounding tons of protein: got a giant box of quest bars from Sam's Club, and there are only like 3 left lol.

Otherwise, I'm eating tons of veggies and food protein sources like chicken, eggs and beef. Normally I do the cooking but I can't chop anything so my wife's stepped in, and she's looking out for me.

I should mention I'm also supplementing with vitamin D, vitamin C, occasionally some B vitamins, occasionally fish oil, creatine, and... that's it I think.

I'm otherwise not taking any other meds, and have not needed to use Tylenol/ibuprofen in the last couple days, and I haven't had opiates since last week.
Oh yeah, and another weird thing that happened: my immune system got all out-of-whack. I'm attributing it to the antibiotics and sheer trauma, but I had like 2 cold sores that *almost* appeared on my face, one after the other, but went away without blistering up. Really weird. Iexperienced some really brief sore throats, some waves of nausea... all in all not bad... just weird.

I spent a lot more time than normal sleeping during the first week, but my sleep schedule seems to have returned to normal now (~ 6-8hrs).
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I'm not surprised to read about transitory immune system things; inflammation and immunity have a certain amount of mutual feedback.

You're incredibly lucky to have normalized your sleep so early - nuff said; don't want to jinx anyone!
Just saw the physician's assistant yesterday. They took x-rays and took the little bandage thingies off my incision. Everything looks good.

It's really interesting to see the "new school" (stemless) prosthesis on the x-ray and to learn more about how it works. Technology keeps marching forward.

At PT, our options are pretty limited for the next 4 weeks: just passive range of motion stuff. However, we are doing some blood flow restriction exercises with my more mobile limbs, so it's nice to be able to get a little bit of a workout in!
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