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junior member
Jun 2, 2008
United States United States
Hello all,

I had my left hip replaced 3 weeks and 2 days ago. I just noticed yesterday how "jiggly" the muscles in my left thigh are. I had them in pretty good shape before the surgery from working out on an elliptical machine but wow! ... they shake like a bowl of jello down there now. Surgery really did a number on them!

Pain is much better, although the leg is very stiff and sore first thing in the morning. I look forward to getting to the gym soon to get the muscles toned back up.

Hey Rob,
I am having my right hip replaced tomorrow. I have been hiking and pushing myself strengh training to get the hip muscles strong.
I have been wondering what the point is if they will be mutilated tomorrow!!!
Hi Judy,

Well, I was walking unassisted in less than a week after the surgery. I have to think the work I put in before the surgery helped make that possible.

I am back at work (desk work) and driving (auto transmission) at 3 weeks post-op.

Good Luck!

Hey Morris,
Proud Of You Being Back At Work. Yes, Both Judy And Yourself Were And Are In Much Better Shape Than I Was When Going In. She Goes In Early This Morning In Calif. Bless Her Heart...we Do Have To Remember Those First 24 Hours. Anyway, I Had The Posterior Approach And Boy I Am Still Fighting To Regain My Upper Muscle. It Takes Time And Lots Of Pt To Get You Back To Where You Were. My Surgery Was In Feb On The Left Hip. I Was So Weak To Begin With And That Has Set Me Back But I Am Doing Pool/gym Therapy 3 To 4 Times A Week. Your Answer Is Hip Friendly Exercises At This Point And You Will Start To See Your Old Self Back Again. Remember, It Takes Time And Patience. patty
Hey Rob,
I am having my right hip replaced tomorrow. I have been hiking and pushing myself strength training to get the hip muscles strong.
I have been wondering what the point is if they will be mutilated tomorrow!!!

Hope you op is going ok, sewell. Am thinking of you.

The point is that fit muscles heal better than flabby ones because they have a more vigorous blood supply. And they are also in better shape for you when you start your PT.
Thanks Josephine,
I am glad all that work was for something. Actually I love being strong and have exercised all my adult life.
Thanks so much for this forum, I am off to the hospital in less than an hour now.
Just dealing with the smell of coffee in the house and I can not have any. No jitters, aside from pain in the back and hip I am doing great.
Judy in ca.
I know your out of the loop today. Good Luck. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
A safe and rapid recovery to you Judy! We are all thinking of you.
Hey Guys,
I can't say my muscles feel jigggly one week later. I am so swollen everything is feeling pretty firm!!!
Rob, you did great walking unassisted at 1 week. My OS had told me he wanted me using crutches for 4 -6 weeks before I had surgery.
Seeing he had to do some femur wiring it may be longer now. Fortunately I will see him next week at 2 weeks and find out the details as It was all fuzzy when he told me.
Then I went to the puking stage and barely listened to anything anyone said trying not to move a muscle anywhere!!

I do think gettin everything strong has helped though. The first few times getting out of bed in the hospital were extremely difficult, by the second day post puking it was easy to get up. Same process with getting my leg in and out of bed. Although that still is kind of difficult but sure doable.
Can't wait to get everything strong again.
Thanks everyone for all of your thoughts. It helped me more than I can tell you to get through those first horrendous days.
Recouping in So Cal

Hope your recovery goes well! Glad to see you posting again.

I had quite a bit of swelling at first. It started in my thigh and moved down my leg, my foot ended up black and blue and puffy for 2 or 3 days and thent he swelling was mostly gone.

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