wow Jennifer welcome back I am so glad to hear you are doing so great.I had my second one done on the 14th, home on the 17th. I have had a much harder time this time around. A lot of pain in my leg, my thigh, along the back of my leg, just aches and aches. I think this is from making my leg straight. I was so bow legged. I did have any throwing up, but it has been over a week now and I still can't go to the bathroom. I have taken miralax everyday this week, 4 stool softners a day, ate almost a whole box of prunes, drink prune and plum juice. The fleet is next I guess, oh the only thing I have eaten in 3 days was a bowl of raisin bran and prunes. I did not have it this bad last time. Sitting on the big old pottie is really getting to me, it hurts my leg sitting there an hour at a time. I feel practically bed ridden. I walk around my house as long as I can take it, can't find any chairs to sit on. Last night I was so miserable I thought I would try the sofa, when I tried to get up after just laying there in pain for 2 hours or so, when I stood up something popped, stretched whatever in my knee that hurt so bad I screamed out loud and woke up my husband. He had to run out and help me. I was so scared, thought the thing was coimng apart or something. I carefully walked around a bit with my walker and then back to bed. I have been up a few times since and it actually feels a bit better. I have been so uncomfortable in so much pain that I haven't even been able to get on here for days. Today my daughter and familyare bringing over an Easter dinner. I hope I can at least sit up in the living room for a few minutes. On another thread Cath I think was questioning why did I do this? I know all the right answers but I can tell you after this horrid week I have been thinking the same thing.
Cath, hang in there with me. We can do this, I want to live, not exhist, don't you?
I want to walk, not be in a wheelchair don't you?
This may have been the hardest week of my life, but certainly it gets better. Look at Pattipoo and Doug and all the rest of our friends here that feel so much better already.