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Dec 3, 2007
North Carolina
United States United States
YO, Jenn!!! SO glad you've got the big ordeal behind you can b*tch and moan with the rest of us!!

(her surgery was on the 17th...she should be home by the end of the week)

God Bless you, Jenn!!!!
Can't wait to hear from you!!!
Hope you're doing okay Jenn, we are here if you need us. At least there is no more waiting and if you're like the rest of us your house is probably cleaner than it's ever been.
You got that right....before my surgery...I cleaned myself house was spotless when I got home...that really was a great feeling.....then the knee blew up (swelled) and I could not have cared LESS about the house.
Me too Pattie, I had to clean today as my husband was having a poker game here tonight and it sure was different than before the surgery. I hate this tree trunk of a leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Will this ever change? There are so many days I think you DUMB?SS what were you thinking having your knee replaced did it really hurt that much before?
Am I missing something here Cathy? You and your owie knee had to clean because of a guy's poker game??????? Do guys who come to poker night wear white gloves? Do they CARE whether you cleaned your house? Did they NOTICE you cleaned? I'm thinking you just set out an extra plate of muchies and call it good!

You are amazing! Take it easy!
Thinking of you JenniferG! Waiting for the good news that you are on the mend! We're here for you! Crazy, but here!
Hey, JennG, prayers have been sent up for you and your new knee. I hope you are feeling pretty good and managing pain well. It's a tough trip, but well worth the trip when you get to ~3 months or so. I wondered for the first few weeks why I ever did this... then one day I walked a few steps without even remembering I had the surgery and I knew it was a good decision. We're here for you when you are ready! God bless you!
You got that right....before my surgery...I cleaned myself house was spotless when I got home...that really was a great feeling.....then the knee blew up (swelled) and I could not have cared LESS about the house.

you not caring about the cleanliness of your home runs contrary to everything I
know about you/ it is in your genes...(remember Grandmother?)
Kathy; You got the cleaning thing backward. You clean after the poker players leave or the company for that matter. If you clean beforehand you encourage them to come again and nothing to gossip about after they leave. I don't want to encourage any poker buddies or company (right now) and since I can't do much else to inspire gossip dragging these legs around like I am someone's greatgrandmother the least I can do is have them go home and say, "My, God, I feel so sorry for poor Hector, how in the world does he live in that mess? She was always so neat, what happened?" See what I mean? Rowdy
Okay...I admit it...I lied! I DID care about my house.

Hello...My name is Patti and I'm a clean/neat addict.

When I first came home from the hospital, and the PT would come to my house, she always came at 8:30am. From day ONE, I would get up at 5:30....take a bath and wash my hair....walk (with a walker) all through my house making sure my hubbie had not left anything out of place....I would vacuum my bedroom carpet and make the bed(all while using a walker)....grind coffee beans and make fresh coffee so the house smelled like a Starbucks....have EVERYTHING just perfect for that little fireball to come in a KICK MY A$$!!!!!! She would sit in the middle of my bed, take my heel and drive my knee up my nose!!!....BUT...BUT,BUT, was ALLLL worth it when she would ask "Patti, are you wearing Amazing Grace" (it's a perfume)..and I would stop puking from the pain, smile and say "Why, Yes I am".... all can tell that I need therapy!!! Yes, I'm chatty...heck, I've just take a big fat monkey pill!!!!

Thanks,'ve exposed me!
Happy Easter all! I survived! anyone want to tell me how you can puke so much, eat such bad food and work and sweat so much and still come out with you clothes tighter? RNs say probably all the IV fluids the pump in to you. My BTKR surgery was actually the 18 at 2pm. I'm home. Was supposed to go rehab but by the 19th I was off the walker and on the cane and by the 20th I was doing stairs and walking 1000+ steps. Hospital PT said go home, you don't need rehab. Plus insurance was being stupid about blood thinner shots and the whole copay thing for a second facility.... So here I am. Monday VNA & PT nurse should come in for the 1st week and All my special deliveries of shower bench etc. SS advice heeded. Let me just say they give you way too much in the begining, Milk of mag, colace & senekot. Soft was the problem. after the first day and a half i said slow it down, SS only. Iron supp only 1 a day instead of 3. Probably more than anyone wanted to know qbout the lower half of my digestive. thanks For all the thoughts and prayers. they help. By the way, professionals have heard of this web site. When i would mention it some would say they knew of it. Lots of good practical advice.
Welcome to the other side Jennifer! It sounds like your doing great! I cant imagine two at a time but at least you are getting it overwith in one sweep. We are here for you on both the good and the bad days. Take care. Karen
Well, Jennifer,
Welcome back hope your knee feels better and your butt gets healed...Something has to give right?? It wasn't too much information for this group. You should have seen our discussion back at the end of January. Constipation and hemroids...And Patti and Skeet took center stage.
I over corrected with was a bad thing. A very bad thing. Try and run to the bathroom with a walker..Especially when the two dogs think daddy is playing with them.
wow Jennifer welcome back I am so glad to hear you are doing so great.I had my second one done on the 14th, home on the 17th. I have had a much harder time this time around. A lot of pain in my leg, my thigh, along the back of my leg, just aches and aches. I think this is from making my leg straight. I was so bow legged. I did have any throwing up, but it has been over a week now and I still can't go to the bathroom. I have taken miralax everyday this week, 4 stool softners a day, ate almost a whole box of prunes, drink prune and plum juice. The fleet is next I guess, oh the only thing I have eaten in 3 days was a bowl of raisin bran and prunes. I did not have it this bad last time. Sitting on the big old pottie is really getting to me, it hurts my leg sitting there an hour at a time. I feel practically bed ridden. I walk around my house as long as I can take it, can't find any chairs to sit on. Last night I was so miserable I thought I would try the sofa, when I tried to get up after just laying there in pain for 2 hours or so, when I stood up something popped, stretched whatever in my knee that hurt so bad I screamed out loud and woke up my husband. He had to run out and help me. I was so scared, thought the thing was coimng apart or something. I carefully walked around a bit with my walker and then back to bed. I have been up a few times since and it actually feels a bit better. I have been so uncomfortable in so much pain that I haven't even been able to get on here for days. Today my daughter and familyare bringing over an Easter dinner. I hope I can at least sit up in the living room for a few minutes. On another thread Cath I think was questioning why did I do this? I know all the right answers but I can tell you after this horrid week I have been thinking the same thing.

Cath, hang in there with me. We can do this, I want to live, not exhist, don't you?
I want to walk, not be in a wheelchair don't you?
This may have been the hardest week of my life, but certainly it gets better. Look at Pattipoo and Doug and all the rest of our friends here that feel so much better already.
I had a very loud pop and extreme pain last Saturday while I was on the bike. It hurt so bad it literally knocked me off of the bike. I kept iced down for several days and it came out o.k. Scared me though.
I think as it has been mentioned there is a whole lot of realignment going on in our knees.
I noticed for the first time this week how straight my leg is. It must have bowed out 4 ins. prior to surgery.
You two hang in there...It does slowly get better...
And don't even get me going about walking around at night. I about drove my wife crazy. She never knew where I would be...
I'll admit it and make you smile...One night I was outside at the edge of the woods peeing on a tree...I was sick and tired of being in the house..
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