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Jamie / I just shake my head

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Jan 8, 2009
United States United States
Went to Doctor (OS) and I did not even have to ask to see him!!! Weird uh?
I ask the Nurse 2 weeks ago what was in percocet?, was there codine?? And she told me no. Now Hubby just called and said that the Drug store flaged it because there is some kind of conection to codine in it. Dang I am so confused!!!
I had the staples taken out and even that was different!! The first time I never felt anything!!! Maybe a pull but no pain!! Yesterday I wanted to pull my leg back and tell her I will do this myself!! It hurt that bad!! And the little holes were bleeding. As I keep saying I am so confused!

Then she left and Doctor came in And he Asked what was going on and I told him.
1. I can not get ahead of the pain since I left the Hospital.
2. I can not stand to put weight on it without wanting to hurt someone.
3. I can not get more then 1 to 2 hours od sleep at a time.

He wrote a scribe for percocet.
He wrote a new PT order
He said leg was full of fluid & blood. (Dang didn't know that one either)

Ok Nurse called Drug store and said that if I have been taking Lortab I should be able to take this with no problem. Jim (Pharmacist) said she should not take them both. ( I have known this Man my whole life!!!) Why did he not ask Hubby "She knows not to take both durgs together doesn't she???" I would not take both pain meds!!! This one is to take the place of the one I am taking!!! And this is the Pharmacy that sent my Pain Med,s in the mail where anyone could have open the package and thought WOW Good Drugs!!!!!
I have had it!!! Hubby has now got back on the road to go and pick up med's. He was scared about the Codine. Now he is just plain ticked off about the whole thing!!
Sorry this is so long, But I just wanted to up date you on all the fun I have haveing!!!!

Calling, so glad you were able to talk with your doctor. There is no codine in Percocet. It is a mix of acetaminophen and oxycodone. There are several strengths that can be prescribed and it should be taken on a schedule as your doctor prescribed for pain. Don't wait until you are in pain to take a dose.

I'm not sure what you mean by your pharmacist "flagging it" but you could always give him a call and ask that he clarify that for you. Of course you are correct that you should not take multiple pain relievers. With the Percocet, take only that medication unless you check with your doctor....check even for over-the-counter pain medications.

As far as your staples go, sometimes there is some pain if they have "crusted" from a little drainage or are otherwise not on their way out by themselves. Some of mine were like that and I even had a little bleeding on a couple. It hurts, but there shouldn't be any problems for you now.

If your leg has significant fluid (swelling), that means you need to ice and elevate it above your hip level more than you've been doing. Even keep ice on it overnight as you're sleeping until you get the swelling down. All three of your complaints should improve once you get that swelling under control. The percs, icing and elevating should help with all of them.

Hopefully your new PT will be of benefit too. Don't hesitate to be open and honest with the therapist about what is bothering you and what is helping. Be sure to time your meds so that you are taking a dose about an hour before you will be doing the therapy. And....since Percocet is a narcotic, you must have someone drive you wherever you go.....don't drive yourself!!

Don't be confused. Hubby will live through it. And I do believe you will be better as time goes along.
0h Calling! So sorry to hear how uncomfortable
You've been with this surgery! I'm really hoping you'll
Turn the corner S00N, & make up ground for
All this discomfort! Think positive,,,,,this too
Shall pass! Keeping you in my thought!!!!:)
I am a little confused, but might have missed something like an allergy to codeine.
I am sorry you are so uncomfortable and boy i can relate to it so very much. I pray the percocet does the trick for you and soon. Call that doc if it does not, no reason to stay in so much pain. (from one who did for about 2 months)
When my legs were unidentifyable after my hip replacment I tended to hang out downstairs in Constance (my recliner). My home pt told me to spend the weekend in bed, and yes it made a huge difference. Of course with ice.

So you know what to do. I sure hope it works
Thanks Everyone,
I have my fingers crossed that I will now make up for lost time. So far the New Meds have not got be above the pain I took one before Dinner at 6pm (Hubby brought Fish home from the Church Fish Fry.) I can take either 1 or 2 in 1 hr and 10 minutes I am leaning towards taking 2. What do you all think???? I think that then I will be able to get ahead of the pain and stay ahead. That is my hope any way.
Calling...remember Jo's pain chart. If you are behind the pain curve, it will take a while to get back on track. If your doctor prescribed one OR two pills in a certain timeframe and you hurt, take the 2 pills. Stay with the schedule and maximum dosage you are allowed to take until you feel the pain is under control. You'll know when that is.

Be sure to take them on schedule all through the night. Eat a small cracker with each dose to be sure your stomach doesn't get upset. If you have to set an alarm clock to wake up to take your pills, do it. The most important thing right now is that you stay on the schedule until your pain is under control.

And when you go to that knee! It will help also.
: Hi calling! I would take the max then gradually
Take less! But since you need max relief, pronto,
That's (only) my opinion! Of course, make sure
You take these meds on a full stomach! :)
Yes Calling, take 2 and as Jamie says take on regular schedule until you are comfortable and then refer to pain chart. I have seen that there is a ref to codeine in Percs, but I am also allergic to codeine, but had no problem taking them. So don't worry unless you have any bad symptons.

Have a pain free weekend. If you can manage to keep your leg above your heart even better for swelling, and of course ICE and REST!!! ((((HUGS)))) Sue

PS Try a body pillow to sleep, drape your leg along it right down to the toes. It helped me sleep
I say take the 2 percocets at a time. I just went through major pain and debate about how long I have been taking percocet (since my hip replacement in June) Then I started taking them for my back. My surgeon and my primary care doc were not comfortable with me taking 2 at a time, so I was sent to a pain management doc.
Anyway even last week I was still worried about taking so much pain meds. But you will gradually ease back without even thinking about it as your need decreases.
I am on a 24 hour pain med, but the percocets for break through pain I only take one at a time and only maybe 2 or 3 times per day. It just happens. Right now you really need the pain to be gone (or mostly gone).
Just in the last few days (on steroids) but with so much less pain, I have looked forward to my pt exercises. Last week I would guiltily skip a day or 2.

Long story, just want you to be pain free. As the pain doc told me even if you feel better, keep taking them on schedule.
,,,,,Judy,,,,which reminds me,,,,,How is your
New steroid regimen working out for you?
Ok thats it you all make me cry!! I know that Our Jo-Jo would tell me tears are good for healing. But you all are just so great!!!! One day when I am back to being Granny Dude do I have to leave???? You all know more about me then most of my freinds here do. I tend to always look like I can do anything at any time with no help. With all of you I have droped my wall and let you really see me at my worse!! And you were still there for me. It did not matter to any of you that I was not perfect. I will hate it when it comes time for me to leave. Who will I talk to?? Really talk too??

I took 2 pills thank you for saying that it is ok. I believed that it was the only way to get ahead of the pain. But need to get need opinon too.

Hey I got it you all should come to Iowa for Hubby's and my 40th It is a surprise party!!
SEE MY SURPRISE LOOK???? Ok I will keep working on it. LOL But it will be a fun party!!! They whole town will be there!! And I do mean the whole town!!!! No Kidding!!!
So you all need to come and party with me and my family. You beautiful lady's can even dance with my 17 year old, 7 year old and 3 year old grandsons. It will be the event of the summer. So haven't you all always wanted to see Iowa??
Don't worry, Calling....the forum police will never show up at your doorstep and tell you to knock off the posting on BoneSmart. You're good to go for as long as you care to type.
Yes they have made it better! I am still afraid to exhale Judy. Silly uh? But for the last 2 weeks pain the pain has been so unreal. I all most said "Uncle" and believe you me that is something I do not take lightly!!! Uncle is one thing I just do not do!!! But now I think I am going to be able to pull this off!!! No one will see me cry outside of this house. And I know that you all won't tell anyone what a cry baby I have been!!
Got time foe a short story?
I will admit from the time I woke up from my spinal surgery to the 10th day in the hospital, I spent an awful lot of it crying. Mostly softly, but the heavy sobs came the second nite. I even sent my kids out of the room as I was embarrassed. The pain was horrible.

I am so happy taking the 2 percocet is working for you. Please take them on a regular schedule, do not wait until you need them. I did learn this from Jo, but the pain management doc really pounded it into me too. Well, I already knew.

I am holding my breath as the steroid dose pak has made such a world of difference and it will be gone on sunday. Then I leave for florida. Oh well, it can't get as bad as it was!!

Set that alarm clock now!!
No worry Judy,
I am not thinking of sleep. Like I said I am afraid that this feeling will just be a dream so I am not going to close my eyes for awhile. LOL
Calling. I am so glad you took two. My feelings are if given a choice between taking two and taking one, taking two always wins out.

And congratulations on your 40th and big bash. I am sure you all will have a wonderful time.

Judy, I guess you are leaving for Florida tomorrow. I will say a couple of prayers that you will have a wonderful time with NO PAIN.

I am actually leaving on Wed. afternoon. But thanks.
My g;oing at this time is to meet my army son and meet his girlfriend. She is flying into Atlanta on thursday and they are supposed to be driving down on friday.
I keep telling him I made these plans to meet them there. It is typical for him to delay leaving. I am really hoping he is not going to let me down.

Of course I found out that his German girlfriend is meeting her host family in Disneyworld on April 9th. That is of course the reason he agreed to meet me there!!!

Calling -- I am no expert at pain pills since I was lucky enough not to need many of them. But I just went back and looked at the label on my bottle of Percs -- and the instructions said "Take one or TWO every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain". Seems to me that means 2 if needed WHEN you need them!!! After I switched over to extra strength Tylenol -- 2 every 4 to 6 hours -- I made my own command decision and took 3 or each daily home therapy session. even though I am really nervous about Tylenol and possible kidney damage. It worked and nothing bad has happened. So do what you need to do and don't worry about anything except doing your exercises, getting the swelling down so you can get the bend going better and feeling good about yourself. I'm a strong lady too and greatly appreciate other strong women. But we're all just human underneath and no one can fight the world with one hand tied behind your back. This is your time to do what you need to do for yourself and not ever for one moment feel guilty or "weak" somehow. Just be yourself -- whoever that "self" is at the moment and forget about your image to the outside world or even your husband. He'll understand. You're the needy person now; you can return the favor when all this is over. I have been married a little longer than you have and we are both very strong personalities and fight all the time. But my husband really wanted me to have the TKR done and he was extremely helpful and supportive. Very unlike him because I am this strong person who doesn't seem to need a shoulder to lean on. But I did and he knew it. and I am extremely grateful and made sure I praised him and told him how much I appreciated it -- told him ALL the time!! Now of course I am getting back to my normal life and we are back to our normal selves -- fighting about the usual 40-year -plus things. And politics. And people. And food. Etc. But underneath we actually, I think, have a new appreciation for each other. And I have learned a lot of valuable lessons which I just hope I can remember. some of them, also, from people on this forum.
Good luck, Calling. sounds like your "surprise" anniversary party will be a blow-out!!! congrats!!!
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