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its go time, maybe

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Apr 23, 2009
United States
hi there. after a very confusing week with long pro and con lists . a decision has been made.
in the corner we have surgeon #1.
yes after a long discussion about everything under the sun we came to an agreement. irony hit and surgeon #1 and #2 actually have the same trainging. and are friends. huh should have known.
so here is the plan.
#1. right hip thr monday sometime around lunch. have to be there at 10am.
2. already checked no further uti.
3. older kids to their dads for three weeks.
4. the right hip will be an s-rom cementless femoral component, with poly acetabulum. large metal head.
5. spiinal and i think i'll just go to sleep last time i told them to leave me awake.
6. other hip to be done in 6 weeks.
there we have it. all the pre op done again. got my scrubs. bags still packed.
anyhow. thank yall for being there for me. i just want to ask a few prayers so that this can really happen. love
You have my prayers. I'm glad it is monday, I know you are ready. I'm just confused as to who the surgeon is that is doing it. I thought you were going to tell me they would both be there!!!!
My prayers are with you as well. Maybe it was a blessing all this happened. You will be just fine. Please let us know how you are doing, when you can.....Good Luck........I know how excited you are !!!!!!
More prayers fo you, Monique! Think positive!
Things are right in line now, Monique. You have worked hard to get to this point and now you can relax and let the professionals take over. Going to sleep sounds like a wonderful idea too. After all you've been through the last week or so, a good snooze is just what you need. And when you wake up, you'll be part of the super bionic club! What a deal!!! You'll be in my prayers.....((((HUGS))))).

Talk to you soon from the other side.
Sounds like you have everything sorted Monique, good luck with it all and we will all be thinking of you. Take care.
Prayers and best wishes are with you. Let the docs take over and do the job they've trained for--your work will come on the other side.
thanks yall. its bad i am only starting today to get my house back in the order i had it in two weeks ago. you know its funny. so many people come on scared to death and i feel like all i've been doing is begging to get this done. it would figure that i would have delays. general consensus is no one understands how i'm even walking so you'd think it wouldnt be that hard to get this. lol. anyhow my sense of humor is back. i'm excited i'm trying hard not to overthink. (my biggest problem). and i want to say to the men and single moms here. happy fathers day. yall have become a part of my life and i cant forget all the support. i hope that i wont be here tomorrow afternoon. but if i am well at least i'll be in good company.
Monique, All the best tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you and looking for your first post on the healing side!
Sounds like you're confident and in a good place . . . all the best to you; you'll be in my thoughts & look forward to hearing from you soon after. :thmb:
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