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It's Easy To Get Tired

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Mar 24, 2008
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Even though you read about it, it's still easy to fall prey to the "Walmart Syndrome." I was feeling pretty good this morning and had to go to two appointments, so my husband and I took off in the car with me driving. On the way home, we decided to stop by Walmart to pick up a couple of things and ended up walking a bit in the store. You guys know the rest of the story. I got home and about an hour later thought I had been hit with a pile of bricks - sooooooo tired. Thankfully it was not a lot of knee pain, but just that whole body tired from lack of endurance. It was nap time for a while, and I'm going back to lie down again. You just don't realize how much walking there is to do in one of those big stores. I'm at about 7 weeks, so those of you behind me.....beware the attack of the Walmart Syndrome that can hit you unexpectedly!! Just be sure you can get back to your car and home before it hits!
Good exercise though.. Hold on to the cart though. I've seen a couple of other TKR's doing the same thing I did on my "walkabouts".
See....I learned that from you guys here. When we got in the store, I grabbed the cart from my hubbie (cart pushing is usually the guy's job). He huffed a little cuz he likes to lean on it (weak back muscles), but let me walk with it. I'm sure I would have been a LOT worse off if I had walked the distance on concrete without the cart. I am also sure this IS good for me in the long run. You can't build up your stamina without working on it. I'll be back out there again soon!!!
Idea... Both of you take a cart, start off in opposite directions and see who gets to the back bathroom first!!!
Course if you want to have fun, don't show up. Just sit in the McDonalds and drink coffee while he exercises his male pride trying to win.
Or - Make it even more challanging, see who can spend less in their cart.
You are evil, Doug. My problem is he can't be trusted alone with his own cart. Do you know what our VISA bill would look like??? We might not eat, but DANG, we'd have power tools.
I can tell I would get along well with your husband...You can never have enough power tools...
Especially the new drill/drivers with a lithium battery..
I'm saving for a new rifle or I'd get the driver tomorrow.
Got to have priorities.
After working 8 shopping at Wallyworld (no cane)....i was in the midst of cooking a big dinner when I realized that I was going strong. That felt really good! Then I cleaned the kitchen....straighten the house....45 minutes on the bike and I've still got energy and "steps" left. I'm getting back to my old self....I've not been my old self in a long time!!! I'm really in love my new Smith and Nephew!!!
Patti, when I went on Smith and Nephew's website, there is a deferred prosecution agreement form. Are you familiar with some legal issues with your knee?
After working 8 shopping at Wallyworld (no cane)....i was in the midst of cooking a big dinner when I realized that I was going strong. That felt really good! Then I cleaned the kitchen....straighten the house....45 minutes on the bike and I've still got energy and "steps" left. I'm getting back to my old self....I've not been my old self in a long time!!! I'm really in love my new Smith and Nephew!!!

So glad for you and looking forward for me!
I can remember when I was worrying myself SICK if I'd walk normal.....if my leg would straighten out.....if I'd EVER have energy again. ALLLLL comes back, people. Just give it a little time.
AND....I didn't do hard PT like you guys....I did mine completely on my own!!
I am so very pleased for you Patti. I could not have got this far without my forever encouraging PT and my forever encouraging friends on this site. Thank you all!!!!Although I am at 14 weeks still I think I am still at 6 weeks sometimes. I still have those negative thoughts, not all the time, but when I am tired and due another pill!! Like now!! LOL
Hi Sue,
Patti is like my new hero, can you imagine doing all that in one day. Just wait till she has grandchildren they are going to love going to her house. I thought I was a "man in a hailstorm" I'm not sure what that means other than my dad always said it when we were really busy with our lives, but I can't compare with our Patti.
We are defineately going to get together one day so we can give a real hug. I'm lucky right now if I can make it an hour north to Columbus Ohio to go shopping and plane rides are out for now also. One day we will have a reunion and wow will we have fun.
Our oldest and her family were over to visit tonight as my husband is in a cake decorating class and they always show up when he brings his projects home. She was sitting on our couch and I walked past her to get to my recliner and her feet weren't far enough back and I tripped on one of them and I saw stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She kept saying Mom I'm so sorry are you okay?
It was just clumsy of me not looking where I was going but boy am I sore tonight and I know I have pt tomorrow morning owieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Got to put my big girl face on and suck it up! Thursday I go back to my surgeon and God help him if he doesn't think I have improved enough since the manipulation because I am done with that and will get there on my own with pt and God's help.
Cathy, it would be really great if we could all meet up one day in the future.

I am so sorry you are so sore tonight. I always find if I feel tired and stiff I feel better once I get to physio, exerciing does seem to limber you up. Your daughter must have felt so bad for you. I know the other day my son had used the bathroom and forgotten to put my seatraiser back. I rushed in there after shopping and sat down quickly not realising and the pain as my knee bent too far oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!! I burst into tears
(I have a low tolerance to pain) and he felt really bad too and kept apologising.

I was totally exhausted after my PT today though. I think I was so emotionally drained yesterday, I had bad withdrawal symptons between pills yesterday, that is why I am so tired now. I find the constant bouts of sweating don't help any, some are regular hot flashes, but most are the Percs.

Hope you appointment goes well Thursday, do you know what your ROM is now compared to before. I am still convinced I will need one.

Anyway, hope you sleep OK tonight despite the soreness. (((((((HUGS))))))))) Sue
Patti....I'm tired just reading about all you did today. Woman of Steel! Congratulations on feeling so good. Hope it continues each and every day! I'm certainly looking forward to those days. Although.....I think even on my very BEST day, I won't have your energy!

And Cath and Sue....I am your soul sister today. I went 13 hours today with no pain pills and thought I could make it until bedtime. Not!!! I had to give in around 9:00 and take the two pills I normally take when I go to sleep. Even though I don't think the Darvoset are quite as strong as the percs or other narcotics, there must be some type of withdrawal when you just stop like that because I was feeling all achy like the flu. And my knee was starting to hurt. Once I took the two, I am now starting to feel okay again and the knee doesn't hurt as much. Guess I just need to continue scaling back like I've been doing. I keep thinking I don't need them anymore, but I do. I'm not there yet. However, it is comforting to know I only need to take them 2-3 times during a 24 hours period instead of 4-5 times. I keep repeating...small steps....small steps. That seems to work best for me.

I hope you both feel better after a good night's rest. Good luck in therapy, Cath. You are a trooper and you'll be fine. Just remember to rest and ice immediately when you get home!!!

And Patti....hope your whirlwind day doesn't catch up with you tomorrow!!! I'm hoping to hear you went on another tear and are still going strong.....Energizer Bunny!!!
Jamie, you are right, make sure you cut back gradually. I went from 1 1/4 to 1 this week, as long as I don't leave it too long between pills I am OK usually. I am only on them now I think for the addiction, so far I am not in too much pain usually, I think I could be taking Tylenol by now. We'll see when I am off the Percs I guess.
I have tried Tylenol, but they still don't work very well for me. I get pain breakthrough. So I am going to take it slow. But I guess it's just like pushing yourself with exercise. If you don't make a push now and then, you won't know when you can reduce the number of pills. My problem is mostly that I am not very patient. My doctor and therapists tell me I'm doing fantastic and sometimes that vote of confidence just makes me want to go faster.....a character flaw!!! (smile) I appreciate your concern and know I'll get there.
Are you sleeping better now Jamie? How is that new bed?

The new bed is STILL HEAVEN. We so needed to replace our old one....YEARS ago, I'm afraid. You know how it's one of those things you can just keep delaying. I'm so glad we bit the bullet and did it.

Last night I actually slept for 7 hours straight and wasn't hurting like crazy when I woke up this morning. I was so happy! I'm hoping to do it again tonight or at least sometime again in the future. One night was great, but since I've been Night Stalking for 6 weeks, it's gonna take time to gain back all the rest I've lost. I'll get there, though.

Thanks for asking!!! And a (((HUG)))) to you!!
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