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Apr 18, 2009
United States (California)
I can't believe I'm on the other side. My LTKR was bright and early on Monday morning. Not having had surgery in decades, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was given a spinal anesthetic and light sedation. It wasn't bad at all. One minute I was talking to the folks in the operating room about something or other. The next thing I knew I was being awakened and rolled into my room in the hospital.

My first night was just fine. The spinal had yet to wear off. I was feeling very little pain. The doctor told me this is one of the reasons why he preferred using spinal anesthesia.

My second day was the worst one. The spinal wore off and then the staff and I were playing catch up with the pain meds. I was nauseous and in a lot of pain. Finally, the pain meds kicked in and all was right with the world. I got up and took a short spin on the walker with the physical therapist.

After getting the pain meds straightened out, I was fine. I really was. I got a decent night's sleep that second night. I felt well enough to get up on my own the next morning and go for a walk. Then, about two hours later, I went for another walk. I'd also been getting myself in and out of all of the contraptions all night in order to go to the bathroom. I'd gotten tired of calling the nursing staff. Eventually I had them show me how everything worked. That way I could do what I needed to do when I needed to do it.

By the time I saw the physical therapist again, I was ready to go. After walking with me, she decided I only needed a cane at home. I needed neither a walker nor a commode for the the toilet.

I checked into the hospital at 5 a.m. on Monday and was out by 11 a.m. on Wednesday. I'm home with a cold unit and a continuous passive motion machine.

I feel like this knee will never bend again. It's stiff and swollen. However, I've read so much on this forum that I understand I must simply be patient. Thanks for all of your support!
Way to go, Sister!!!! It's GOT to be better from here on it! Its so much better on th other side!!!! :)
Congrats !! Hang in there it will get better. Sounds like you are doing real well. We are rooting for ya !!!
Surf is officially UP!!!
So glad that you are home safe and sound!! Now you must Rest and Ice till PT. And then you will Rest and ICE again. But inch by inch you will get better and better!!
Welcome Home!!!!!!!
RTKR on Jan 14 2009
LTKR on March 6 2009
Now comes the hardest part, work and patience!!! You'll get there. Use the forum for support whenever you need it. Rest, ice, elevate and work your leg. Take pain meds on schedule (every 4 hours) even if you don't feel you're in that much pain. You need them to get the swelling down. And....don't forget the stool softeners!!!

I'm glad the surgery part went so smoothly. Your excellent physical condition is a benefit. Hang in gets better from here little by little!!!
I feel like this leg will never bend again! I have to keep reminding myself I had surgery on Monday and today is Thursday. How long does it take the swelling to really start to subside?
Good grief! And I though I'd done pretty well! I am in admiration. I didn't dare to get out of bed on my own until at least day 3.

My worst swelling lasted for a good three weeks but it can last an awful lot longer. Everyone's different.
You are amazing! Just listen to Mother Hen, Super Jamie, and all our wonderful friends here at BoneSmart--and your own body, of course--and you'll be enjoying all that life has to offer before you know it. Good healing!
I've only just come across this thread, and it's amazing as your experience is almost exactly the same as mine a few hours later in another continent! My knee is now very swollen but - as it's my second TKR - I know that it is normal and will go down eventually. The swelling does make exercising difficult and I am being very good this time at taking all the pain meds.

I'll look forward to keeping up to date with your progress, and seeing how we compare! Val
Thanks, Val! I got stubborn—or should I say "stupid"?—and tried to stop taking the pain meds a couple of days ago. I swear I almost died that day. That night, I began taking them again. Today, I haven't taken any yet only because I haven't felt any mind-numbing pain. I will, however, take some tonight since my knee hurts the most at night.

I still find it hard to believe it hasn't even been a week since the surgery. Everyone is amazed at my progress so far. But, as my doctor said, I am relatively young and very fit. He expected my recovery to happen rather quickly (not that I am anywhere near recovered from the surgery). I hobbled around the corner to my mother's house yesterday on my cane. She was horrified. I knew it was something I could do. Thankfully, I've not had to wear the stockings because I'm moving around so much.

I still say this forum is a godsend!
Just remember that when you get to that "mind-numbing" pain, you've let it go too far and it will take more pills and time to get comfortable again. At this early stage, you would be better off to continue your pain meds on a schedule for a while. They help with the swelling too, and it's so important to keep that down also. Take care of yourself and don't try to hurry too fast.
Well, surfsister, you do like to try and push the boundaries!

My recovery 'happened quickly' as well, but there was NO WAY I ever expected to stop taking pain meds at one week! I'm now 5½ weeks and only just starting being able to go all night without another dose after my late evening one. Sometimes I find I can have a dose in the morning, maybe even just paracetamol, and then not need another until late afternoon because I am comfortable. The only thing you should 'try' to do is the exercises! Only stop taking the pills as and when you stop getting discomfort because that is the early warning for pain. Also the sooner you take them, the more likely you are to be begin taking milder stuff like paracetamol.

I'll tell you something though - today I found I was a little low on my extension ROM so have been doing some extra stretching and guess what? This afternoon I ended up needing to take my usual dose of pills!
Today I've had one pill so far. Don't worry, I'm not trying to give them up again. I'm now taking them when I feel the pain coming on. I felt it at noon. I haven't felt it since but will take one before I got to bed.

Please don't think I'm a crazy person with a knee replacement. Well, I am crazy. I'm a crazy athlete. I once did a 100 mile bike ride on a Saturday and then did the Los Angeles Marathon (mostly walking) the following day. I've spent my whole life dealing with pain. I think this is why my doctor said I would recover rather quickly. My threshold for pain is probably not normal after years of competitive cycling, surfing, swimming and weight lifting.

However, I'm not an idiot. I'm simply paying attention to my body (which is what I wasn't doing when I tried to give up the pain meds a few days after surgery). I'm kind of anxious to see how this surgery works for an athlete. I think my doctor is too.

Everyone keep up the good work!
Good for you, Surfsister....the best thing ANYONE can do is listen well to their own body.
Have you searched for other threads and posts where athletics is mentioned? There's been an awful lot of them over the last couple of years.
Hi Surfsister,

I am Nancy and we had surgery a day apart. Mind you, mine was only a PKR, was done Tuesday, so this is Day 5 for me. Athletic as you are, it still blows my mind that you walked around the corner with a cane this week! And using a cane period-jeez. I still use the walker religiously as I still use Vicoden whenever that pain gets at a 5/10. I think about the cane and my husband (physical therapist) has a screaming fit.

Overall doing well. I am 57, used to take hour beach walks daily before this all happened a year and a half ago. But I was certainly not in great shape prior. I am doing the exercises on three times a day-sometimes feel looser and more comfortable than others.

Did a dumb thing last nite. Tried to get half way across the room to the walker (my husband leaves it there so I will always ask him for help) and I attempted to get to it myself. Dumb. Had a good twist and a bit of a ka-boom in the house trying to right myself. The dog even barked the noise was so loud. But I did not fall. Will continue to use that stinkin walker and not do dumb things like that.

To those of you who are NOT in as great physical shape as Surfsister, and just a PKR, how long before you could get rid of the walker? My knee feels "sticky" but I have great mobility not too much swelling. Guess the walker is a necessity as long as any narcotic med is taken. There. Answered my own question.

Thought I'd go crazy missing work but don't at all!!! Very comfortable with books, laptop, dog and cats to keep me happy. My husband is feeding me South beach diet again. Have no ability to get to sweets, so after a few days without them don't miss them. Hope eventually to shed that 20 lbs I gained sitting around feeling sorry for myself.

Thanks to everyone. You are such an inspiration Surfsister.

No such thing as a 'just'. A knee replacement is a knee replacement whether it total or partial.
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