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THR It's done (finally)!

Ok. Well, let me start off by saying I slept on my back last night (not curled up on my side). I dozed off with ice pack on my leg. And again, when I woke this morning, screeching pain. Not all over the leg this time, but in the outer hip and outer thigh. I know I wasn't twisting around through the night. So what in the heck is this? Took Tylenol, Aleve. Same as usual. It subsided to a dull ache.

At the surgeon's office. Explained the pain/discomfort that didn't seem to be easing up. More X-rays taken. Everything perfect. Even showed me the first X-ray taken at 2 weeks compared to today's X-ray. Zero difference.
As an aside, something said to me that I found interesting. I am a small person. 5'3" 128 lbs.
Small boned. On the X-ray it was pointed out to me that there was no place for my implant to move around or slide down, etc because my femur is so slim. It's a very snug fit in there.

I do still have a lump under my incision. Not a hematoma. Not a seroma. But scar tissue that is likely inflamed, tightening, etc. No infection. Was ordered to start applying moist heat to the lump since the incision has already healed up nicely. Want to soften the scar tissue. Can continue with ice on other parts of the leg if that feels good. No more swelling anywhere - other than that lumpy scar tissue.

As regards these crazy moments of pain on the 10 scale...just garden variety stuff that you can expect when all the tissues, nerves (especially), etc start melding back together and mending. No way to predict who will have an easier time of it than others. Was prescribed a muscle relaxer to try. (Didn't want more opioids. Hate the side effects.)

Did a very gentle ROM with the leg. I was so scared. But shocked. Slowly, very slowly, lifted my leg up towards my chest, bit by bit. It actually got pretty high. Nothing. No pain. Gently moved it to the left, then the right. Again, no pain. Praying I won't be feeling the effects of that tonight.

But all in all, they were pleased with how everything was going. And just said the pain will come / go, get better / get worse at times. Yada yada yada. I go back in 2 weeks to see how things are.
@DaisyDuck, OH what a welcome relief to hear Such positive explanation from your surgeon....WOW, and your ROM moving your leg up is remarkable.
Is applying moist heat on lump the same as a hearing pad ?
Any time frame when you can sleep on your side safely ?
Let's try to both keep up our recovery on a less painful journey during the upcoming week!!

2nd Hippy
Hi Hippy. Yea. I was flabbergasted when they started slowly raising my leg and it wasn't painful at all. Go figure. So that's an indication the hip joint is good (and pliable). It's the thigh that is giving me the most trouble as far as pain. I mean, other parts get pain in them too - the knee, outer hip area, but that pain is more fleeting. Moves around. The moist heat - yes, that would be a regular heating pad. I have one at home already. It's the type that has a soft fabric covering. I sprinkle water on the fabric covering (safe to do so) and heat it up. As far as sleeping on my side, I was told to wait at least another week before trying that again, being as it was so painful yesterday. Let another week of healing go by. Keep up with everything else (ice, rest, elevate, heat on the lump under the scar). My mind is so much more at ease when I saw the X-ray today and my implant is as it should be. I was having this crazy fear that my thigh pain was possibly due to something having happened to the stem of the implant. Like I said in other posts, I've got issues with health anxiety. And it's been on full alert since this surgery. :scare:
@daisyduck0801 my thigh & groin pain was AWFUL-so I understand being concerned. I am also a small framed woman-interesting you mentioned that. Everyone kept telling I shouldn’t have that kind of pain-I’m like well I AM!!! I think some of mine was sciatica pain but it eventually got better. I am glad your ROM is good & implant is ok, that is the scary part.but good news for you. I’m sure you will follow Drs orders!!!
Moist heat and, if tolerated painwise, gentle fingertip massage to soften up the scar tissue - I had to do that with my knees for superficial scar tissue. The massage movement can be circular to start with, then crossways (right angle to the way the muscle goes).
:hi:Good to read you're feeling reassured after viewing your x-ray yesterday, daisyduck!
There's nothing like peace of mind.
Happy One Month Anniversary! I hope your weekend is all you want it to be. :)
@daisyduck0801 -our mind is so powerful!!! It’s amazing to me, keep thinking positive & embrace the good days & remember to be thankful. I look back now & i don’t know how I made it, but I have and am. Thanks Bonesmart staff & patients. I’m just thrilled you are doing good & you will continue to improve as time goes on & hopefully you will have less anxiety about your hip. I know I do at this point.
Hi msart. Was doing pretty good (over the weekend) then had a small set back (involving having to help my elderly mom with something).

So, on Saturday, I tried using my cane a little bit inside the house. Just to see what it would feel like. Did pretty good (better than I thought I would). But still not ready to ditch the walker for the cane.

On Sunday, I drove (yay!) to small, local gourmet grocery store. Very close by our house, like 5 minutes away. Hubby was with me. Not uncomfortable, just felt a tad strange. We parked very close to the entrance. Exited the car using the cane and transferred to one of those motorized scooters to get around the store. Drove back home. No problems that night or Monday.

We had to help my 88 year old mother with some minor emergency at her house yesterday. Even though my husband did the heavy lifting, I had to be there too. It was just too much moving around and being on my feet too long. Really couldn't be helped. So I paid the price last night and today. Spending the whole day today feet up, ice all day, getting up for 10 minutes or so every couple of hours. Feels like the earlier weeks.
Spending the whole day today feet up, ice all day, getting up for 10 minutes or so every couple of hours.
That's the best way to recover when you've landed yourself on the ODIC (OverDid It Club) bench!

We've all been there at least once in our recovery (I was there several times!) During the early months of recovery, it can be hard to know when you are crossing the line and doing too much.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Sorry to hear you over did it. But just rest & ice & usually you feel better. You are still fairly early in recovery.
I'm sure Eman will add something here to your scooter in grocery store. I had posted early on about going to big box store & using scooter & Eman suggested using shopping cart as a way to get around the store but also have something to hang onto. I did exactly that after he recommended it.
All my best.
General question for anyone: pain on the outside of the hip, heading down through the outer thigh... how is one to determine if that is related to IT band issues, or just general, overall recovery pain?

Prior to my hip replacement surgery I had, only occasionally, soreness that ran from my hip, down the outer thigh, to the outside of the knee. I'm concerned that even though the surgery will have hopefully taken care of the hip pain, I might still be left with IT band issues.
Since you are still very early days post-op, it is very likely normal recovery pain. It takes time for our bodies adapt to their new improved structural alignment.

If you'd like to read more about IT band, here's an article that may be helpful:
ITB (ilio-tibial band) issues and treatments
@daisyduck0801 -it happens to the best of us. Hopefully you are all rested up now. I still have IT band soreness-some days worse than others. Really feels just tight. I’m hoping it will go away with time-but idk really. I need to read link above.
Good morning all fellow hippies! Sitting at my kitchen table after breakfast watching snow fall (in the Deep South, can't believe it) as I write this.

Would like some opinions on something. So today (Tuesday) marks my 6 weeks out from THR. Yesterday I had my 6 week check in with the surgeon - or rather, the surgeon's PA.

Went through the usual. X-rays. Things look good. Gentle ROM manipulation. Great. Asking me to lift my leg, hold it, he pressed down on the thigh but I was able to hold the leg up, in place. Good strength in the surgery leg.

I questioned him about a constant nagging ache/pain at the outer hip. Not excruciating pain, but it's always there. Sitting, walking, laying down. Ice helps, but the pain waxes and wanes. Never disappears completely. I also mentioned a spot on my outer thigh, midway between the hip and knee. Same thing. Pain that varies, changes intensity, but it's usually just always there.

I fully understand I am in the early days of recovery. What I am having is most likely normal. AND, I only know this because of discovering (Thank God!). The PA's response to me and my 2 constantly sore spots was: "Well, you might have developed bursitis in the hip. But really, I think it's the way you're walking that is causing your issues."

Huh? I walk with a walker, only occasionally with a cane. I learned from a PT the proper way to walk using a walker and a cane. I pretty much am able to walk properly using those aids. BUT, I still have discomfort or mild pain (sometimes moderate pain) when walking using both aids.

I told the PA that if my walking is not perfect it is most likely that I am adjusting my gait somewhat precisely because there is pain. And the PA never even asked me to walk. He never watched me walk using my walker. He just made the statement that the way I am walking is causing the pain.

I walked out of that visit furious, feeling that this guy was trying to gaslight me. Not wanting to be honest and just say that what I'm feeling might be related to still being early in recovery. That it will probably get better, but maybe not. To imply that I am bringing pain upon myself because I'm not walking "right" hit me from out of left field.

Am I being unreasonable in that I think he's full of it, or, might he have a point? I am not too proud to hear explanations that don't align with my view of what I was told in that office visit.
@daisyduck0801 ,
Oh My, I can totally agree with what you're saying. It isn't fair to pronounce your gait is likely causing your pain, but didn't WATCH you walk .....Unacceptable.
Can you write a note to the O.S. in your patient portal explaining your reaction from the P.A. ??
AND, since we both had same surgery date, Dec. 10, I thought we were on our 7th week today. ????
Either way, we're at this stage together.!!! Hang in there, keep writing us your thoughts, & know We All will get better, eventually.

Sorry about your Winter Cold Blast of SNOW...... LIKE I wrote before, we get down to freezing overnight, but by mid afternoon, it's warmed to near the upper 50's.....(I am still wearing a merino wool turtleneck, fleece sweatshirt, jacket & gloves !!)
Am I being unreasonable in that I think he's full of it
No, you are not being unreasonable. I agree with you that the fact that he didn't watch you walk before making such a statement is ridiculous.

I'm so sorry he made you worry when what you are experiencing is completely normal for this early stage of recovery. The reason for those aches and pains is actually pretty simple: all those soft tissues were pushed and pulled and stretched during the surgery and it can take up to 12 weeks for them to recover from that surgical trauma.

I'm glad to read that you are still using walking aids, which will help you achieve proper gait. Focus on proper heel-toe walking and keep moving as much as you can.

It will get better, it just takes time!

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