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It Was a Tough Week

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Mar 2, 2009
United States
My first week back at work was exhausting. I was so tired that I was in bed each night at 8:30 and last night I slept 11 hours! On top of it, I went to physical therapy three afternoons. On Wednesday, I saw the OS and he was pleased with my progress but warned me about doing too much.

To add to the stress of this week, I had a medical symptom - not orthopedic - that was cause for concern. I talked to my doctor about it yesterday and he wanted to see me right away. On the second day of classes, I had to leave school early to see the doctor. He now wants me to have a test done to check things out. I don't know how much more I can take.

I am glad you put in a busy week back a work and things are progressing well with the knee, but whatever the symptom is, you do need to be cautious and take care of the situation. Hopefully your testing is not for something serious..... Your timing seems right on target for returning to work. Each week you will feel better and better. What do you do for a living? Teach?
Remember to pace yourself.

Hang in there. You have come a long way and done so well. You can overcome what ever the medical problem it.
Please take it easy. I know going back to work takes everything out of you. I'm starting back next week...can't wait but I'm just doing a couple hours each day at first.
Please let us know what you find out about your other situation...we all care.:pray::cnsl:
Hi BigRed!

Going back to work is wonderful, and totally exhausting. I'm sure it will get better as your body gets stronger and you adjust to your new schedule. I'll be praying that your other problem isn't serious and that you'll soon be feeling well.

It is tough... I was able to prop my leg up and use ice when I first went back. I know that many can't do that because of the job requirements. I would come home and go to bed and then get up about 10 pm and ride bike and hit the hay again. Rest when you can!
I was tired for months after surgery, I think it's the body's way of healing. Sleeping 11 hours was good for you.

You probably should cut back something, like PT 2 days a week?

Then teaching, you're probably on your feet all day? That's tough.

Good luck,

Big Red,

One of the ongoing trends that I see on this site is the feeling that we HAVE to go back to work early---our students NEED us, our co-workers NEED us, we NEED the money----yet, we are denying our own needs for rest and recovery to satisfy everyone else.

Sure, your students want and need you, I am sure you are a dedicated and good teacher---but, right now, maybe you need yourself too. Is it impossible to have a half time sub for two weeks? I went back to work at 12 weeks and was no longer tired, but my leg does swell.

If you must work right now---take some rests whenever you can, get off your feet and use those kids to get things for you and to help. Level with them and tell them you need help---they will be happy to help and it is a good lesson for them too.

Even though I am tired when I am on my way home, I stop by the gym and ride the bike or "run" in the deep end of the pool--with a belt or noodle under my arms. I always feel so much better when I leave the pool---it is worth the effort to do it.

Make sure your dinner is ready for you---I have more energy in the am--make sure your dinner is high protein---and then climb into bed!!! Don't worry about too much rest at this stage. Let everything else go for now.

In other words, take as good care of yourself as you do of your students---we are worthy and need care too!!!! Kelly
AMEN Skigirl!

I too was one of the ones who had wanted to go back to work early. But I consciously made a shift in my thinking. I decided to take all those over achiever traits I have and put that focus on my recovery. That made such a huge difference and really has helped speed my recover to have all my energy focused in the right place.
Thank you so much for you helpful comments.

As for my knees and work, I may be working a full day but I actually only teach half of it. I am the coordinator of my department so half of my day is spent doing administrative tasks. I coordinate the department in two buildings but the building administrators have worked it out that I will not need to travel for the first month of school. Now that the supplies have been distributed and the professional development that I had to facilitate has taken place I should be able to do most of my work from my school computer for at least the next couple of weeks.

I think the suggestion to cut back on pt is a good one. My OS gave me the okay to do that starting this week so I cancelled one appointment. As for having dinners ready, I have an incredible husband who has been cooking dinner for quite some time now.

I also appreciate all of your expressions of concern for my other medical problem. I am still reeling over having something else to worry about now. My doctor is pushing to have the new test done soon so we will know what is causing the symptom. My husband is being supportive but I have not told my children because I don't want them to worry when we don't know if there is something to worry about or not. I am glad I have all of you!!!
I am happy to hear that you are not running between 2 buildings. I feel better about you being back to work knowing that. I am pray that everything is ok after 2nd test are done. I just know that when you have these things hanging over your head it makes stress and right now you do not need added stress.
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