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Is this way too easy???

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Jun 2, 2008
Palmer, Alaska
Ok - I have done a lot of reading the past few weeks and all my pre-op stuff seems way to easy. So we made the decision in the beginning of June and set the date for 7/14 with pre-op 7/11. OK - Set the blood draws up for the week I am home between vacations. Got in Friday pm, had blood draw today, called to "pre-register" with the hospital. Called OS to verify dates - didn't even need to talk with him or his nurse - all info was with front desk group - could have spoken with them if necessary but really had no further questions. Called to pre-register - they already had info from the OS I just had to verify. My pre-op with os is 2 pm 7/11 and then down to the admit at 3 for that round of stuff and back sometime Saturday 7/12 for the final blood testing stuff. IN at 7 am for 10:15 surgery on the 14th. WOW - I keep waiting for something to change and everything seems so easy. No insurance issues so far.... keep my fingers crossed. I talked to a neighbor of my dad's and nothing was easy when they had bilateral - Maybe we just have really good insurance or something. Or maybe it is just the alaska thing. Not as many people up here. Was it this easy for all of you??? Hopefully the surgery and recovery will be the same ( I can hope!!).

Just looking to see if I am missing something???

I can imagine! Sometimes it's unnerving to have things go smoothly.
Trust us---the pre-op and the surgical part are really, really, easy. It is after that that the fun really begins! When you wake up in your room and the nurse comes in and announces, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" You then start punching the time clock on OT and PT...

Best Of Luck To You,

Tim C.
Hi AlaskanTKR.

I know what you mean. My pre-op at the hospital went pretty smooth.
No insurance issues, (maybe me working at the hospital helps) :-)
Got my medical clearance from my family MD today, and as soon as I got back to my office my phone rang and it was the nurse from my OS office following up on my medical clearance appointment. She just wanted to make sure everything was ok! WOW... My surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am, 7/3 so they want me there by 6 am. Glad I got an early time. I HATE waiting around all morning!!! I went to joint camp last Wednesday after hospital pre-op. Very informative. Only thing left to do is my pre-op appt with OS this Thursday.
WHEW!!! I gonna be so worn out it won't take much anesthesia. :-)
I hope your surgery is a great success and your recovery road as smooth as your pre-op road!!!!
Take care.
Gotta tell ya folks...I didn't go to any of the pre-op class stuff---I knew at least five people that had it done, so I was pretty well aware of what was going to happen and what kind of ride I was in for.

Tim C.
Thanks AGAIN! I figured that this may be the easy part - but with the whole insurance stuff - I was worried. In the past I have had issues with dealing with Workman's comp and that was insane. It is so much easier with just plain insurance. As far as I know there is no pre-op class up here so my apts are with the surgeon and then just for general stuff at admitting. I only know one person who has done this and she is back east. Things did not go so well for her so her story was just plain scary - I kinda tuned it out - a bit too much family drama included. I don't know of anyone but all of you - although the pre-registration nurse/tech on the phone told me she had one 22 months ago and all is well but she can't kneel yet - Oh heck with kneeling - I just want to walk and move and bend - I can skip the kneeling! he said it didn't hurt to kneel - just pins and needles.

Anyway - off to bed!

Enjoy the night!
They do this every day, all day, 3-5 times a day. They have a system. For me at least (I'm sure I'm not alone) this was a major life event.
For me if it can go wrong it does.
But, all my pre stuff was so effortless. I had fun aat the class, came home and found this web site as I was trying to figure out how I would pee out in public for 3 months!!!
Day of surgery I had to be there at 8:30 for 10:30 op time. By the time I made it to my pre surgery room and changed, various people started coming in. The IV was put in , immediately followed by the operating room nurse, the anesthesiologist and my surgeon. They were all there at the same time. It was only a little after 9. Then they all left but the nurse, she explained some things to me , left to see if they were ready for me and I was off.

No time to get nervous, excited or anything. I choose to be fully awake as I wanted to see everything. There was an amazing amount of things too. Felt they could construct a new wing on the hospital!!!!
Then I got into position for the epidural, felt the anesthesiologist clean my back, apply whaatever, just started feeling the needle, then I was out. I totally don't remember the operataing room or the trip up to my room. At some point I woke up!!!!!!

yours will be just as smooth and you will do great,
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