Is this normal???

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junior member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
I gues I just dont know i I am expecting too much too fast but I will be 21 days post op tomorrow on Right THR and I am still in pain. I don't know if I am doing right by sitting around (which hurts after a while) or get moving (which hurts). I don't do much besides walk around the house, unassisted at this point. I try to go out and I get very stiff and swell and just generally don't feel comfortable. I have a desk job but sitting for even 30 minutes in a chair is not fun. I'm getting very frustrated because I have always healed so fast. Interetsted to here opinions...I'm 23 years old by the way.
Hi welcome yes you are sooo should do your exercises and ice alot...yes sitting around is normal......i mean go to the rest room maybe use the walker and get around the house.......but TAKE IT EASY,,,,,,im not as young as you but im 42 i thought oh wow i can do this fast.....NOT it does take time.ang in anytime.............(
I am almost 8 weeks post-op total LHR and I still have discomfort, nothing like the first few weeks, but still take ibuprophen for pain at night. I still use a cane, because, I walked without one for two days, and my incision became swollen and more painful. My doctor's office said to use the cane for a while longer, that I need to heal longer and to much weight and activity is what caused more pain. Don't get discouraged, take it easy and get rest. I'm 60yrs. but very active before surgery.
Welcomelgowens! It IS still early in your recovery! Expect big the next few weeks! Good luck and be patient with yourself! (:)0)_
I didnt know if I was being too easy, if thats even possible, or doing too much. The most frustrating thing is not being able to get comfortable in the bed. I do not like taking the Norco because it makes me sweat profusely. I am still on a regimen of Norco and Robaxin. As bad as I hate the Norco I still use it. Should I ask for something else from the surgeon?
It is so hard to say what's normal. I went back to work after one month and I think it was to early for me. Yet, I had a DVT just after coming home, also I had a couple hematoma's. Now 8 months later I am still in a lot of pain and they found that my implant is infected. So, obviously my case what not "normal" in any way. So, I urge you not to compare to my situation. Be easy on yourself, keep your surgeon in the loop and don't be afraid to say you hurt. By the way I am only 32! Being more active by being younger is going to give you a little more pain. I was told that the recovery for younger people can be a little tougher. Keep your head up and keep posting.
Hi, lgowens.....welcome to the BoneSmart forum! So glad you decided to join us.

You are VERY early in your recovery and you do need to be kind to yourself at this point. It sounds to me like you are undermedicated for pain. Speak with your surgeon about it. If he is not willing to make an adjustment in your meds, talk to your primary care doctor or someone at a pain management clinic.

Proper pain management can make all the difference in the world when you are healing. If you don't have it, EVERYTHING goes slower and with more difficulty.
I'm 28 days from RTHR and walking unaided as well. I am doing about the same. I walk around the house. It hurts after a while, worse when the meds are wearing down. I can handle a small bit of shopping with the cart as my aid. I do feel uncomfortable sitting in the same position for too long especially on a hard surface. I was comparing it to how I felt about 2 years ago while the arthritis was progressing...mostly like that chronic achiness (sp??) but worlds ahead of where I was a month ago when I could not take a step without the cane, cried in the night, & was desperate for the hip replacement. I know it is hard to still be sore...It would be nice if we were just all better but we WILL be. I have a hard time now to remember how bad I was but I am forcing myself to do that so I can better appreciate where I am now.
I also struggle with Norco...still take it during the day but dr just switched me to Percoset for night and that is MUCH better. Maybe you could give that a try.
Best to you,
Why are you back at work already? Three weeks is awful early to do that and accounts for all you have described. Plus you haven't mentioned pain meds. What are you taking, how much and how often?
Hi, I am 23 days after THR and I don't plan to go back to work until my 6 weeks are up. I have an appointment with the surgeon, this coming Monday. I hope to get the ok to return to work on Dec. 8.

Each of us recovers differently. I am trying to listen to what my body is telling me. For example: I have used to cane instead of the walker, off and on, these past few days, but still feel more comfortable with the walker. When my body feels good enough to take the cane all the time, I will do that. I am trying to keep up the progress, listen to my body and following the directions from the surgeon, all at the same time. My surgeon suggested that I stick with the walker for four weeks.

As far as sleeping at night, sometimes, after taking pain meds first, I put two pillows side by side, under my two legs, elevating them somewhat, from my bottom all the way down. I am not tall, so one pillow will hold one leg. I can sometimes sleep the night through like that. I also elevate my head a little. I have tried sleeping on the unoperated side for awhile, but it hurts a little on the operated hip so I don't last long.

I understand the need to go back to work as early as possible. I am in that situation - sole income producer, no disability insurance, no income while out other than sick leave and vacation leave. I planned for this, so unless something awful comes up, and things run smoothly, I will be ok until Dec. 8.

I am trying so hard to keep a cool approach to this recovery and not measure my progress against anyone else's. It is difficult to keep a cool head sometimes and then I settle back and chill. I have to treat my body with respect and tenderness. I want the best outcome possible.

I hope your progress continues and you learn more about what your body is telling you.

Keep us posted, please, as I especially, have an interest in you since we are so close in surgery date.

Good luck.
Welcome and congrats on the new hip. I have the same question Jo did. Why are you back to work already? I am a very active person, but for the first 2 weeks after my hip replacement, i did not leave the house. I did my pt exercises, took naps, rested some more and on .
Definately talk to your surgeon about the norco, there are many drugs out there and do tell him about the pain you have as well.
Good luck
Thanks everbody for the replies. I have had a rough day today, I didn't sleep last night at all. I have a call in to my doctor to change me from the Norco. I will be taking it easy for the next week or so because the pain can be severe at times. The Norco only gives me relief for a very short time so that is very frustrating. I will get there I just need to get everything lined out with the meds. Im trying to keep my attitude positive and stay upbeat about everything
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