Hi folks--new member here. Had THR (right) just over 6 weeks ago via anterior approach (ONLY way to go IMHO) after 18 mos. of increasing pain due to osteoarthritis (I'm 58). Home 2 days after surgery, minimal swelling, walking with no assist device by day 14, off pain meds completely by day 15. Follow-up w/surgeon 2 weeks ago, who told me xrays were "sparkling," driving & back to work last Monday. No PT required/ordered other than what happened in hospital (PT came day after I got home, watched me with walker & said I didn't need her.) Been doing exercises sent home from hospital PTs & walking as much as possible, plus housework (vacuuming, etc.--not lightweight stuff.)
So after all this "super-patient" stuff, here's my issue: Last couple of days, side of upper thigh (where trochanter is) has been increasingly tender to touch & leg aches (upper femur) when walking. Also sore spot under right glutes--hard to explain exact location--just above the bony part of pelvis that you sit on. Sounds kind of weird, but it's like I can feel there are foreign parts in me!
Surgeon told me lingering soreness down the side of the thigh was normal, & I read somewhere that healing to bone for cementless hip (which I assume I had--of all the questions to forget to ask!) can cause intermittent thigh pain for 18-24 months. But this just seems strange . . . no fever (below 98.6), so guess infection isn't on the radar. Figured soreness was because of exercises & lying on only carpeted floor, but today was the worst. Should I be worried?
Thanks in advance, fellow "hippies!" (Just love that expression!
So after all this "super-patient" stuff, here's my issue: Last couple of days, side of upper thigh (where trochanter is) has been increasingly tender to touch & leg aches (upper femur) when walking. Also sore spot under right glutes--hard to explain exact location--just above the bony part of pelvis that you sit on. Sounds kind of weird, but it's like I can feel there are foreign parts in me!
Surgeon told me lingering soreness down the side of the thigh was normal, & I read somewhere that healing to bone for cementless hip (which I assume I had--of all the questions to forget to ask!) can cause intermittent thigh pain for 18-24 months. But this just seems strange . . . no fever (below 98.6), so guess infection isn't on the radar. Figured soreness was because of exercises & lying on only carpeted floor, but today was the worst. Should I be worried?
Thanks in advance, fellow "hippies!" (Just love that expression!