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Sep 11, 2009
United States
My husband's boss supposedly had knee replacement surgery today. He is a very fit, athletic man of 45, but the girls in the office say he was home from the hospital at 1 in the afternoon after a 7AM surgery.

Now, I keep telling the folks in the office that he probably had another procedure, but they swear he says it was a TKR.

Ever heard of that???
Maybe he "just" had an anthroscopy! OUCH!!!!! ((:0)
One of the guys at the post office (where I am well-known because I send lots of parcels to Australia and I pick up my parents' mail when they're out of town) insisted that his mother-in-law had a TKR and was home the same day. He gave me the name of the doctor- said it was that doctor's patented technique and hardware- but when I googled it, I couldn't find anything about knee-replacements or doctors in Illinois (I live near Illinois).

I can't recall the doctor's name now, but I say bull-pooey.

When I had an arthroscopic knee surgery done 13ish years ago, I was home that same day. My son had his gall bladder out a year and a half ago and was home the same day. My gall bladder surgery (20 years ago this month) should have kept me in the hospital for two weeks, but they sent me home after three days because I had a newborn baby at home. (great idea... it wasn't like I could take care of her or take pain meds because I was breastfeeding). But I digress...
I just can't imagine! He also hasn't been around for any pre-op stuff. I have been so busy with pre-op appointments I can't imagine how he managed. He has been in India, California and Baltimore in the last few weeks. He regularly flies, even internationally, and I told my husband that this operation would probably keep him grounded, but none of that seems to apply to him.

I think he had a little scope and is telling everyone he had a TKR so that when my husband needs time off to take care of me he can say, "why? I just had it done and it is no big deal."

Just kidding, he is a great guy, I just can't figure it out and can't talk to him to ask him! I am so curious!
I have heard of THRs being discharged the same day but never a TKR. Even if he had a partial or just a patellar button, would still be more than that. The anaesthetic alone would preclude him returning to work so quickly. It's hardly Novocaine!
Now that you mention it, I was let out to go home the day of my arthroscopic (three bowling-ball type holes in my knee, no stitches, just glue), but I didn't go back to work for seven whole days and I was on restricted (desk) duty for another four weeks. From there my duty went up as my body allowed it (I was a security guard and had patrol rounds to do- but I was also a shift supervisor and only a supervisor could cover for a supervisor- so I worked the switchboard- boring! Eight hours a night, staring at that brick wall and light post!)...

But yeah, a whole week off till I was allowed to go back to work at a desk.
I believe that he had some type of arthroscopic surgery, no way a TKR. I had my arthroscopy at 8AM, and was at The Pancake House, having their famous chocolate chip pancakes by noon, walking on my own. Later that afternoon, I had to use a cane and by evening crutches. Why don't they invent longer lasting local anesthetic?
It is possible to go home the same day. See below.

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No way did he have a tkr and get home the same day.

Go to your husbands office and ask to see the scar of the boss.

Bet you will find 3 tiny ones. He had a scope only. I was home in a few hours after my scope.

But he did not have a tkr.
I agree no way i have never seen that one here not that fast .......You will do fine all that time laying around when you get yours done we will all be here for ya for sure !!!!!!!!!!!hugs
It is possible to go home the same day. See below.

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Yes but - read further down ...

"Patients generally have a two- to four-week recovery time with the minimally invasive surgery, versus two to three months of recovery time with traditional knee surgery."
Mystery solved! I couldn't stand it anymore, so I emailed him directly and asked him!
He had arthroscopy and said that replacement may follow later. What a perfect example of office gossip, huh??

Now I don't feel so bad about not being home by lunch the day of TKR!!

I figured the girls were wrong, but you never know. Best to go straight to the horses mouth. Of course, he may not be so happy about getting an email from an employee's wife while he is recovering, but oh well.

Enquiring minds wanted to know!
Kimberly it sounds just like the girl scout game where one person whispers something in the next persons ear and it gets passed around. Funny to hear how it ends up usually nothing like the actual story
Good lUck on monday
Ah see i didnt think any of us thought that was go girl thats right i would have done the way to so...........
Well, I think even the two to four week recovery time thing is a load of you know what! You can't cut off a bone and think that in four weeks a person will be recovered. And, I also think kicking someone out of the hospital when they can barely think or move to get themselves dressed is just awful. Things are getting a bit extreme now. Although, with MRSA and stuff around, maybe it is best.

Kimberly, glad you got that settled. Even though there are surgeons doing same day surgery, I sure wouldn't want to do it!

"Patients generally have a two- to four-week recovery time with the minimally invasive surgery, versus two to three months of recovery time with traditional knee surgery."

My first knee was done the traditional way and my second knee was a form of minimally invasive surgery. Same surgeon, same hospital and 8 months apart. By far, knee #2 was an easier recovery initially but it still took the same length of time to truly recover. I had less swelling with the second knee and gained ROM without effort unlike knee #1. But, It's still going to take the same length of time for that bone to adjust to it's new metal neighbor no matter how your surgery is done.
I actually had outpatient, TKR on Sept 3rd was in the outpatient clinic less then 23 hours.. PT was up to see me 2-3 hours after surgery and again the next morning.. My DR. will do the TKR on patients that are basically healthy. ( I am 54 and no other major health problems ). I have an appt with the DR. next week to set up to have the right knee replaced same way. I am newbie just found your site! thank you love it very helpful ... deb:thmb:

( I live in Indiana)
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