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Is Hip Dysplasia Hereditary?

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Apr 26, 2008
Jersey Girl
United States United States
My younger sister announced today that her right hip is giving her sharp pain on impact. (I am 5 weeks post op--LTHR, due to dysplasia)
Is it hereditary?

No, not hereditary per se but can run in families which is not the same thing.
I would doubt it but I'm not a geneticist so don't take my word for it! I would have equated 'hereditary' with 'genetic'.
Hi Hop,

Well, it is certainly running in our family :) My sister and I both have it - she had both hips replaced late last year (she was 40) and I had one done and the right one is now giving me a reasonable amount of pain. Our younger brother has had the same symptoms for years, and is finally booked to see a surgeon in six weeks or so...

Both of my children (one male and one female) were born with hip dysplasia. I was told it was caused by them both being breech and both being "large" babies. (9 lb 14 and 9lb 3).

My obstetrician actually warned me before they were born that there was a possibility of dysplasia so they were treated virtually immediately after delivery. (A cast for my son and double nappies for my daughter).

But I was always led to believe it wasn't actually "genetic" as such.

A very good question Hop! Did you say you are going to need a replacement for the other hip? Does it bother you know? I have bilateral HD and wonder if my other hip will fall prey to it. So far so good although in the beginning of PT my good hip was protesting a little. Fine now tho.

ps. no one in my family has any hip problems
A very good question Hop! Did you say you are going to need a replacement for the other hip? Does it bother you know? I have bilateral HD and wonder if my other hip will fall prey to it. So far so good although in the beginning of PT my good hip was protesting a little. Fine now tho.

ps. no one in my family has any hip problems

My OS said the other hip has dysplasia too, but that one will start going in one year if I don't lose weight, or 10 years if I lose weight, according to the way the x-ray looks. You should definitely ask for an opinion on the other hip too.

My mom was an Octo-mom too-----I'm number 7 of 8. So far hip dysplasia is apparent in me and the youngest who is 43. My other sisters and brothers are all over 50 with no hip problems.

Going further, I believe my mom was given the drug D.E.S. which was banned in the 60's when they discovered it caused abnormalities only in the offspring of the patient it was given too.
(My mom's leg & thigh was accidently run over by a car while she was pregnant with me-----DES was given to prevent miscarriages back then)
I could be way off with this, but on the other hand, it may explain why just the 7th and 8th children (me and my younger sister) are affected. There was no D.E.S. in her system for the first 6 births. Just a possibility.

That's right, Peta. I was struggling to remember the word before and now I've got it - "familial" meaning to run in families. (Must be the pain meds!)

I wonder how far back dysplasia goes in your many generations that you know of on either side of the family has had it?

Do you remember anything about the drug D.E.S. that was banned in the 60's?
Can't say I do, Hop. Some kind of stilbestrol, wasn't it?
Hop,,,,,wasn't that the drug they gave to women who had trouble sustaining their pregnancies in the 1950's???
Yeah Judles.....
It wasn't banned in thee US until the 60's, and I always had a suspicion that I am what they call a "DES daughter" because of my mom being run over by a car while being pregnant for me.
I also had a high-risk pregnancy where I had to stay in bed for 21 weeks, because of an abnormally shaped uterus, which is typical for DES affected offspring.

But the reason I bring it up now is because my mom had 8 kids, and only the two "after" the time I believe she was given DES in 1960 have hip dysplasia. Me & my younger sister-------the first 6 births have perfect hips!
In previous posts, I mentioned that I was in contact with a retired FDA doctor of 17 years. Dr. Betty Martini. She is now on a mission to expose the FDA.
I remember reading her writings on how certain drugs can permanently alter DNA. Which would also make sense as to why only the last two kids my mother had, currently has dysplasia. I have to run this by her too, and see what she says.

Hop mother in law took DES. Her daughter, my sister had a tumor her ovary that had to be removed! I wonder if that had anything to do with DES!
I would say most definitely, thats very common from what I read. In fact she should have joined the class action suit against the drug maker. I didn't because I have no medical records to prove it with. It's probably impossible to find records from 1960.
That's really interesting! It's really making me think!!!
Been thinking of you, Hop! How's Lola??
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