I went to my family doctor Friday to get some blood work ordered for my surgeon. While I was there he decided to do an EKG which was fine with me--as a precaution because of the upcoming surgery.
As usual, he flipped out and made it sound like I would die on the operating table.
History of this: In 1992 I had an EKG in his office and it showed inverted t-waves. He said I had heart disease, etc. and had me so upset....he faxed over a copy of the EKG print out to a cardiologist. That doctor said that there is nothing wrong, but that the inverted t-waves were just "normal" for me. In 2000 I had another EKG in his office and it turned out the same way. He flipped out again. Same resolution.
Friday SAME THING. He said that this would probably put off the surgery and had me at my wit's end. So he made an appointment with a cardiologist for me. I don't really have a problem with that, but it makes me so mad that he freaks out like that when that has been "normal" for me for 17 years. I have had 5 different surgeries since then, and no one has even mentioned it and nothing has gone wrong. I got copies of all the EKGs and I'm going to take them with me to my pre-op and show them to the surgeon.
(In case you are wondering, the reason for the EKG's in the past were no because of any symptoms of heart problems, but because at that time I was using a lot of Imitrex for migraine headaches, and he would make me occasionally have an EKG to make sure everything was OK. Imitrex can be hard on the heart)
As usual, he flipped out and made it sound like I would die on the operating table.
History of this: In 1992 I had an EKG in his office and it showed inverted t-waves. He said I had heart disease, etc. and had me so upset....he faxed over a copy of the EKG print out to a cardiologist. That doctor said that there is nothing wrong, but that the inverted t-waves were just "normal" for me. In 2000 I had another EKG in his office and it turned out the same way. He flipped out again. Same resolution.
Friday SAME THING. He said that this would probably put off the surgery and had me at my wit's end. So he made an appointment with a cardiologist for me. I don't really have a problem with that, but it makes me so mad that he freaks out like that when that has been "normal" for me for 17 years. I have had 5 different surgeries since then, and no one has even mentioned it and nothing has gone wrong. I got copies of all the EKGs and I'm going to take them with me to my pre-op and show them to the surgeon.
(In case you are wondering, the reason for the EKG's in the past were no because of any symptoms of heart problems, but because at that time I was using a lot of Imitrex for migraine headaches, and he would make me occasionally have an EKG to make sure everything was OK. Imitrex can be hard on the heart)