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junior member
Jul 6, 2009
United States
Dear Bonesmarties,

I haven't had my TKR yet and have been reading everyone's posts. One complaint I noticed is that so many mention being unable to sleep during recovery. I have had this problem before surgery and had some success with things like Tylenol PM, Advil PM, or melatonin. I wondered if taking something like these over the counter remedies for insomnia is allowed during recovery or if it would be bad for you. Thanks for your input.

Welcome Az! It depends what pain meds your OS prescribes! When is your surgery? ((:0)
Very common, it was three months before I felt like I was back to normal even with sleep aids. I think it's a combination of the surgery trauma, Anesthesia and other drugs that take time to filter out of your system.
Bridget, It is very common before the surgery your mind keeps on thinking what is going to happen when the lights go out. Talk to your doctor maybe he can give you a light sleeping pill. in the hospital you can get a pill they dont want you staying awake all night as you need your engery for PT.
I found that my Ipod was my best friend during the long nights in the hospital and the early days at home. I had some soft music that was conducive to sleep that helped me ignore the pain. Although after a while, anytime I hear a tune by Enya it reminds of the the tough periods when sleep was hard to come by. In the hospital, the earbuds blocked out the background hospital noise. Unfortunately, they couldn't block the people coming in at 5 am for blood draws, etc.
Oh boy! Those phlobatomists!!!! OUCH! They certainly got our days off to a great start!!! (OUCH!!!). ((:0)
A lot of the post I read had trouble sleeping through the night because the pain woke them up every couple hours. Also, there are some narcotics that make you hyper. I think vicodin is one of the narcotics that causes restlessness. That's what I was taking but I never noticed it making me hyper or restless. Talk with your Dr. and see what he/she says. I know I have read some post that some of them take Tylenol pm. When is your surgery? Best of luck and welcome to BoneSmart!
Thanks everyone for your answers. My surgery is scheduled for 9/9/09, just two weeks from now. I keep my anxiety at bay by organizing and asking all these questions that occur to me. When the time comes I will ask for something to sleep because I'm sure I'll need it. Now I sleep great because I am exercising an hour in the pool, half hour on the bike, and then a hundred leg lifts (the hardest for me at first). I hope it will help my recovery some.

Hi AZ!
All the work you're doing now will most certainly help with recovery. Be sure to do some upper body work too, which makes moving in bed and up and down from chairs and the toilet a whole lot easier. You'll do fantastically well, I'm sure!

Hi Bridget!!! I an proof those exercises plus leg lifts work magic for your recovery (at least for me). My recovery has been far smoother than I would have thought--- I credit the daily exercise for months before the knee replacement--it hurt like CRAZY to do leg lifts.aerobics (sometimes running in the pool plus exercises) but I did them. Someone on Bonesmart suggested 100 leg lifts--so I worked up to them--thought that was a challenge--I also did them with 2 and a half pound weights----wow was that a challenge!

I am a little over two weeks post LTKR and am doing great. Walk without a walker or cane, have been able to work hard in home PT from the beginning (I can even do leg lifts without difficulty) and 126 flex has been achieved. Had a OS visit yesterday (2 week check up) and he says I am doing Fantastic. So yesterday I was very happy --we discussed the benefits of exercise before surgery also!! I have been sleeping fairly well, have a good appetite, feel healthy and well and take minimal pain medication (simply do not need it). I get up early in the am each day (go to bed early too), ice my knee first and get on with my day. Each day I feel grateful for my new knee!

After my personal report---on my progress so far---I do need to say that everyone's experiences are different--everyone recovers in their individual way--but most folks arrive at the same destination--being back in their life without pain or some of the same limitations they had pre knee (or hip) surgery.

Keep posting! We will all offer you support as you head toward surgery and will be there for you afterwards! Regards. Nancy
Hi AZ girl we are all pulling for ya.........Take care i know this stinks waiting for it...Try to relax if you can as Judles would say watch the history channel Good Luck to you........
Hello AZgirl, and welcome to BoneSmart. Guess you already discovered the great folk on here!

As for sleeping, I wouldn't fret too much about it as some people don't have such issues. It just depends on how things go. I slept like a log from day one! But then I've always said I could sleep on a linen line!
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