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Apr 15, 2008
I'm 6 1/2 weeks out now, and still fighting an incision infection. I'm going back to the OS tomorrow to have it checked out. I'm on my 5th day of 7 days of antibiotics. I hope it's not anything too serious.

My question is about the pain. I'm not exactly sure that I'm in the right spot. The arthritic pain is GONE, which is nice! I'm sore all around the joint, though. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like my body has not accepted the new knee yet. I am sore, and I don't know if I just need to get stronger, and this is normal, or something is wrong!

Is there any way that the joint could be infected? How would I know? How will the OS know tomorrow when I go in?

I'm supposed to be leaving with my family to go on vacation to the lake for 10 days, but to be honest, I am not sure that I feel up to it.

Is this normal?

6½ weeks is still early days and you are going to feel all sorts of aches, pains and soreness as you haven't yet completely finished healing. In other words, it's to be expected.

So far as your incisional infection, your new knee is all safely tucked up inside the joint capsule and a little superficial infection shouldn't be too much to worry about. Nevertheless, it's difficult to be precise without actually seeing it so your surgeon will give you a much better reassurance than I can.

I suggest you also ask him about the vacation as well.
Hess, I'm approaching 7 months. I still get infrequent and unexplainable little aches and pains in the knee. I've been repeatedly told by Josephine and the Dr. that I need to give it a year. Just keep working it and it will come around.
And it is very normal to be tired those first few months. I would go shopping and have to just sit down and take a nap for awhile.
I seemed to really jump forward at about the four month mark. I do continue to work the legs out every other day.
Hess -
If the doctor gives you the OK to go on vacation - DO IT!!!

Getting out of your routine may be tiring, but you will be making yourself do things that you wouldn't bother doing at home. When I flew to St. Louis, MO for a four day trip (at 3 weeks post op), I came back exhausted but was so excited I didn't have to miss out on anything. In fact it built up my endurance so much that I decided if I ever have to have my other knee done, I've told my sisters, we are planning a trip to St. Louis 3 weeks after my surgery!!! I really did things I didn't even think I could do! In fact, I forgot my cane at the hotel and didn't even remember it until I got back home!!! The hotel had to mail it to me!

See what the doctor says about the incision/infection, but if you get the go ahead, GO!

Hi hess,

My knee still feels sore and I think this is normal for where we are in the game. I wouldn't worry. I think my first knee took 4-5 months before all that soreness went away.

I just got back home from a week away visiting my mother and finding a retirement home for her to move into. She's lived in her house for 50 year so you can only imagine how hard this is. We had to do a lot of walking around and visiting different places that did not have anywhere to sit. My plane trips, which I talked about in another thread also ended up taking 12 hours each way which was really miserable. I made it though.... Like you, I really didn't want to make the trip but now I'm glad I did. At least you have a REAL vacation to look forward to unlike mine! Go for it Karen
Sometimes -- as regards aches and pains -- I think we forget.

Not only do we forget the pain we had BEFORE, but we forget that they just:
  • cut open our leg
  • sawed the ends off two of our bones
  • cut out our ACL and maybe our PCL
  • drilled holes in them
  • hammered in pins and then pulled them out
  • stuck metal parts in and hammered them into the holes
  • flipped our kneecap upside down
  • sawed the back off of our kneecap
  • glued a plastic piece to it
  • yanked around on the leg, flexing and straightening
  • pulled out all the stuff they put in
  • and maybe tried some other ones

When they FINALLY got a combination they liked, it was hammered and glued into place and we were sewed up.

Really... When I think about this, even 19 weeks later, though I am having much less pain than I did before they abused me in this way, I find myself worrying, poking, squeezing... Always worried something may be wrong.

Most of the time we're fine.

The incision infection is scary, but as others said there's plenty of stuff between skin and bones, and the odds are overwhelming that you're fine, and the real risk of implant trouble infinitessimal.

Most of the time we just want someone to tell us we're OK. That's why this is such a great place. =o )

I've been told that fever, some sense of "heat" - like fever in the joint, - combined with new onset pain in the bones is the biggest indicator of implant problem. Doc -- if he's at all concerned -- might do an x-ray, and from what I've seen online they're able to see a line between the bone and implant if it's infected.

I was as paranoid as I could be. Until my very last scab was gone I kept my incision covered, even though everyone said I had nothing to worry about... I used a plain gauze pad, and left the sides open so air could get in - they kept telling me"that's not necessary" but I figured it will not hurt, and might help. It made me feel better, and that was fine.

Same for the rest of us. If you're worried, talk to your Doc. He'll tell you what you need to know... The odds are overwhelming that you're fine, but it's the Doc's job to be sure and then reassure us.

That's what makes this place so great...

I love it here!

Actually, I am going to see the Doc tomorrow morning! I would hate to get out of town, and find myself with a real problem. I'm sure I'm okay, it will just be nice to hear it from him! Thanks for all of the response, and yes, this place really is GREAT!!
I'm SO excited!! I went to my OS this morning, and he said that the infection is clearing up, and the incision looks fine! He assured me that the new knee is okay too!!! I can't go into the lake next week, but that is just fine! My vacation will be a time to rest, rest, and rest! A new setting will be nice! My husband and kids are really excited about vacation, and I'm getting more excited by the minute. I'm sure they will help me out lot!

Thanks for everything,
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