I'm 6 1/2 weeks out now, and still fighting an incision infection. I'm going back to the OS tomorrow to have it checked out. I'm on my 5th day of 7 days of antibiotics. I hope it's not anything too serious.
My question is about the pain. I'm not exactly sure that I'm in the right spot. The arthritic pain is GONE, which is nice! I'm sore all around the joint, though. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like my body has not accepted the new knee yet. I am sore, and I don't know if I just need to get stronger, and this is normal, or something is wrong!
Is there any way that the joint could be infected? How would I know? How will the OS know tomorrow when I go in?
I'm supposed to be leaving with my family to go on vacation to the lake for 10 days, but to be honest, I am not sure that I feel up to it.
Is this normal?
My question is about the pain. I'm not exactly sure that I'm in the right spot. The arthritic pain is GONE, which is nice! I'm sore all around the joint, though. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like my body has not accepted the new knee yet. I am sore, and I don't know if I just need to get stronger, and this is normal, or something is wrong!
Is there any way that the joint could be infected? How would I know? How will the OS know tomorrow when I go in?
I'm supposed to be leaving with my family to go on vacation to the lake for 10 days, but to be honest, I am not sure that I feel up to it.
Is this normal?