Infected knee removed

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junior member
Feb 7, 2008
United States
Hello All, well im 5 days post op from having my 8 month old knee removed, im treating my staph infection with IV bags of antibiotics twice a day, they installed 2 IV ports in my chest,one for a morning treatments and one for the evening treatments for a total of 6 weeks and if the infection is gone the ports will be back to where my knee use to be,they removed my new inplant i had put in on march,8th of this year and packed it with antibiotic cement and will leave it in place for 3 months, then I will get a new knee again. My pain is under control but I do have alot of muscle pain in my upper thigh where they put a tourniquet to stop the blood flow.It really hurts and I find im out of breath just getting out of bed and using my walker to get to my recliner in the living room, just a short distance and no stairs. thanks everyone
So sorry to hear about all of your pain and bad knee.
I cannot imagine going through all of that..... so I really do feel your pain.
I hope soon you will be well on the way to a good knee.
Keep us all posted.
Thinking of you ....Carol
John, Welcome back, glad you have this part of the treatment out of the way. I cannot say I can even begin to understand what you must be going through much less feeling, it is just unimaginable. The fact that you remain so incredibly strong and your frame of mind is so good speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. I will keep you in my prayers and send good thoughts your way as I am sure the rest of the folks on this forum will as well. I will be looking for your posts. I hope you find the forum as helpful to you during this time as I did when I was waiting for BTKR and afterwards. Good luck on an uncomplicated recovery. Rowdy

I am praying for no pain for you and totally clearing up that staph infection. Can you put any weight on your leg? What will your 3 months be like in terms of mobility?
John, you know the routine - ice and elevate!
So glad to hear from you John.

It sounds like you are doing as well as can be expected at this point. I am so sorry you are one of that 1% or so that has to go through this because of infection.

We're thinking of you--keep us posted!
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