Incision throwing heat still

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Mar 4, 2009
United States
Hello everyone!

My incision site is still warm to the touch most of the time, but not all the time. I was wondering, is this is common at this stage of the game? It does not cause pain per se, but I can feel the heat. My concern is my OS said this can happen up to about six weeks and I am between 10 and 11. I went to my GP because my UTI is back. (very stubborn bugs, resistant to antibiotics apparently) She was a little concerned that it's still hot. I will call the OS tomorrow but am curious about other experiences.

Thanks guys
I am no doctor and definitely no expert but it seems if it was serious it would also be red and perhaps swollen.

Do you have a fever, even a light one, with the UTI? If so, it might explain the warmth.

I hope you get answers soon.
Maybe we're prone to UTI's after these replacements! I had one a couple of weeks ago that was relentless! Stock up on Cranberry juice and drink lots of water! You know the drill! :)
I can't recall the exact time frame, but it did seem that my knee stayed warm for quite a while. A good idea to check with your OS if you are worried about it....if for no other reason than to ease your mind. But if you have no redness or fever, I can't imagine it's anything serious....just your body healing itself -- GO BOD!!!
That self-generated warmth is a product of healing and has been known to last for several months. Don't worry about it!
I am 11 weeks post op and also have some heat at scar/wound at times. It is not red or swollen, and have been advised that it is ok.
I don`t get pain as such at wound, but some tingling or dull ache at times. Probably nerves healing perhaps?
I am seeing my OS next week so can check then.
Hi, Good to hear from Josephine on this. I remember wondering about the heat from incision that lasted for months--gone now and I forgot about it til this thread. Bet yours will go away too in good time.

RTHR 8.26.08
No fever no redness. Ok, well I feel better about it now. Will still call the OS at some point if it continues much longer. My husband, funny man that he is, says if only he could figure out a way to harness the heat that I generate, we could heat half the country! My internal thermometer is busted from thyroid issues, so that combined with the hip heat makes him want to run for the hills poor guy! It's so bad at night sometimes that he puts a body pillow between us to insulate himself...Well at least he has a hot wife haha
Hi hurting I hope you are feeling better today......................And nikki how are you doing? Are you still dealing with hot spots? You are about 6 weeks ahead of me....I was hoping the hotness would go away by then but thats ok guess thats part of it.......uh man!! LOL
Hi Texas
I am ok thanks, still some heat at wound area but no redness /swelling etc.. The scar is really neat although long at 10" but I keep massaging in the `Bio Oil` twice daily to help keep it smooth and help it fade (hopefully).
I am still having some pain in the thigh and groin, as well as my low back, but can discuss this next week with OS. Not sure if all pain from new hip, or down to spine problem (awaiting x ray reports) or other hip re dysplasia!! Phew! What next!! haha
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