Improving a little at a time

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new member
Jun 16, 2009
United States
Hi friends,
It will be 4 weeks on Tuesday since my rthr and everything seems to be coming along okay. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the soreness and stiffness I was having then. I have had three weeks of physical therapy and it has helped tremendously. My therapist have all been wonderful. Be diligent in your therapy becaude it really does help. I am still having pain in knee and thigh and some lower back pain, but it has improved greatly since the first week after the surgery. I have a lot of stiffness especially first thing in the morning when I get out of bed, but I'm sure most of you are familiar with this.
I just wanted to check in and let everyone know how grateful I am to have found this forum and be a part of such a wonderful group of loving, caring, and inteligent people! I love you all and wish everyone of you the best in you surgeries and recoveries. This has been such a great place to come to for knowledge, tips, help, and a quick pick me up durin those emotional down times. I will keep checking in later. Thanks again!
I am a knee Ron, but I hope you continue to improved. Take it easy....keep us posted !!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck to you....:)
Hi Ron, you sound like you are really making excellent progress and sound so upbeat about it all as well. Well done you! The PT really does so much good doesn't it? I always find that as you say, the mornings are quite stiff, but after a quick cup of tea and a shower, I then do my exercises and feel really good then for the day - it really loosens the joints up.

keep up the great work and good luck with it all
Nice to know the forum's still doing it's magic! Good to hear from you, Ron.
Wonderful to hear about your progress, Ron! :thmb: And yes, those PT exercises are very important for recovery. I'm further down the road and have gone back to the gym for elliptical and light weight training. But on those days I can't make it, I still do the PT exercises. When I don't do either one in a day, my hip will let me know it by getting stiff. :hissy: So keep at it and you'll be amazed at the continuing improvements. :wahey:
I am so glad that you are having improvments!! I love it here on this site too -- it really has been a God send for me and my family. Keep posting and letting us know what is going on with you!!
I am so very happy to hear that your doing well! Keep up the good work and keep posting! We do love hearing how your doing and thank you for letting us hear great things about our forum. It's such a great place!
Thanks for posting, Ron !

Those of us who are still facing the surgery really appreciate posts like yours from people who are still going through quite a bit of the therapy. To hear upbeat reports does a LOT to calm the concerns (terror:pnc:, in my case).

Hang in there - LOTS of people are cheering for you ! :D
It's always great to hear from you, Ron. Your posts do so much to help others. I agree that PT is fantastic for helping a person get along faster in recovery....if you have a good therapist. Fortunately most of them know their business well and are beneficial. Hope to hear from you again soon!
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