I'm still exhausted...

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Aug 4, 2008
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, U.S.
I am a 62-year-old woman who is 30 weeks out on the left knee and 21 weeks on the right knee. I still do a set of exercises everyday as well as pedal my stationary bike to help strengthem my quad muscles. For the most part, I haved resumed most of my normal activities. In the weeks immediately after surgery, I napped every day for an hour. Now, I find on the days I don't take a nap, I am totally wiped by 7 pm. Is this normal? I was never a naptaker prior to surgery. It doesn't take much physical activity before I feel totally exhausted. Does this eventually subside? I am concerned that I may not regain the strength and stamina I had before the surgeries.

Thanks for your comments.
I had a few immediate thoughts, such as are you still on any pain meds? They would make you tired.
My other thought is about iron deficiency anemia. Have you been checked and are you totally back to normal?

Then after all that, you had not one but two major surgeries and only 5 months have gone by. I would say that is not enough time to be fully recovered. I am tired just thinking about it all.
I had a hip replacement 6 months ago, time does fly. I can't judge well as I am on pain meds for a spinal problem.
Take it easy
I'd say after only 5 months for two surgeries, it would be quite normal to get tired like you are. I believe you will get your full strength back, but this is a major healing effort and it will take some time. When you feel tired, nap! You body will tell you what it needs!!!
Indeed - recovery is a long, long process and 5 months is about two thirds of the way through. Everything takes its toll - the anaesthetic, the surgery, the PT, the medications but not least, the healing. I know by now your scars look all find and dandy, but it's different deep inside. There's a lot of adjustment and restoration going on and it all takes energy. Your body has X amount of energy which it must share out between that and normal activities. So, as Jamie quite rightly said, you need to listen to your body as it will most eloquently let you know when its reserves are getting low and your 'batteries' need recharging. You'll find this gets less and less as time goes on.
Your comments made me feel much better. No less tired but at least I know my exhaustio is normal. I recently had a physical with my PCP and except for a slight Vitamin D deficiency (which everyone seems to have these days), my bloodwork is fine.
I really enjoy this forum, it has been a tremendous help.
I really appreciated this post. I am also still exhausted easily, and I was beginning to think I was a malingerer! Thank you for bringing this problem to the forum. I bet there are others who will appreciate it as much as I have.
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