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I'm looking for that special lower leg bandage

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Jun 8, 2007
The North
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Someone posted the link to it yesterday or the day before. It's a pink thing with many tails that you wrap firmly around your lower leg to reduce the swelling. It had a name but I cannot find the post nor remember who posted it.

Can someone point me to the post or the website?

Many thanks.
Hmmm....Jo, I don't recall seeing a post like that!
Jo...I have been searching for awhile and couldn't find it so I started googling. I found a few things but they are not for around the calves but they are for knee pain and swelling.

* DonJoy Tru-Pull Wrap around...go to Neoprene Braces
* Palumbo Tracker....go to Neoprene Braces

I'm still searching for you. I love trying to find something. I'm finding some really neat knee braces I would like to try.
It was only posted in the last day or so. I so wish I could remember - my memory ....... !

Whoever posted it only posted the link
I remember it too it was a tan thing the had little ties on it. I am looking to. Brain is out to luch today but I will keep looking.
Hey Calling ,,how you doing now after this last scope? And jeeze girl,if you get many more things done there will be no room to write them:hehe: Hope your doing well. Time for you and Kim both catch a break!
Its a CircAid Juxta-Fit lower legging wrap. I'm wearing it right now.

It comes with an inner sock so it doesn't make you sweat or get itchy while wearing it.

broken link removed: :D doesn't make you sweat? I would think with all that on your leg you would sweat! That's cool! So glad you found it!
The sock part is so long (I actually cut the foot part off the sock) that I can fold it up over the velcro/neoprene part and it looks like a regular kind of brace/bandage.

The sock is really soft, like a thin baby's T-shirt. And shockingly, it doesn't slide up or down like the velcro-strapped leg braces I've worn before. I have "odd-shaped" calves, in that my lower leg and ankle is tiny in comparison to the muscular part nearer the knee. That's what makes this thing so great- compared to the typical compression stockings- I can tighten it more around the lower leg and not as much on the upper part, but still maintain a similar amount of pressure throughout the whole thing.

I was pleasantly surprised the first day I wore it all day long. Before, I'd be dropping my jeans to peel off those super-tight compression stockings, but I can wear this one all day, adjust the tension if I need to, and be fine till the end of the day.
Thank you so much, Froggie - and everyone else! You're peaches!

I want to get a pair for my sister.
Get a few of the long ones and you can look like a mummy for Halloween!
You're dead right there, Pat. They look creepy!
Yesterday when you said you could not find the post that showed the brace. I do believe that everyone that was on went looking for you!! We really do have some wonderful caring people on this forum.
The original post was in my thread titled: "Hands and knees" about how I was able to get on my hands and knees- which explains why no one could find it, as the brace/bandage thing was a side topic in my original post. :D
Well, I'm grateful to all who went looking as well as to you, Froggie. I put in a request for info on the website but sadly noticed a warning at the bottom of that page to the effect "prescription required". Hope I can still get some as they don't appear to be available in the UK and my sister is in desperate need of them.
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