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I'm back. 10 months after my 1st LTKR and 6 months after my second RTKR.

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new member
Dec 31, 2008
United States
Well hello to everyone new to this site and to those who have been hanging around for a while.
I had my RTKR on Feb 28 and have to say that it is better than it has been in many years. I had then had my LTKR on June 23 and although it seemed like things were going great, now 6 months later I have some serious pain in my left knee. I had been to my Surgeon who had put it simply to me, "STAY OFF AND DON'T DO AS MUCH AS YOU ARE DOING AND USE LOTS OF ICE". i MUST ADMIT THAT RECOVERY FOR MY SECOND KNEE WENT PRETTY QUICK SINCE IT WAS THE "BETTER" OF THE 2 tkr'S I HAD DONE. It was summer time and I had been cooped up in my house for a long time because of my first TKR. I started taking my daughter to soccer and standing for 2 hours, going to the shore and testing out the water with my new knees (which felt great) and then a couple of months later here I am looking for the GURU, Jo that's you.
I have a really sharp pain when bending my left knee, I was told it may be a bruised or partly torn ligament on the inside of my knee, my Surgeon told me that since the prosthetic looked good in the xray that I would need to heel this on my own by staying off of it and icing, well staying off of it is not really an option for me any more. I am 36 years young and live an extremely active lifestyle and have been off of my feet for almost 9 months before trying to work. I did go to a wedding about a month ago and danced for 5 hours (with the help of Percocet), now my knee already was hurting before the dancing, but I feel as if maybe I made it worse. It started to get really painful when the weather had dropped in temperature. The pain seems to be almost unbearable when I have to bend my knee on my own, not so much standing or walking but bending it on my own, if someone where to bend it for me it would be less painful. Well anyhow before I bore anyone, if anyone has some ideas please feel free to discuss them.

As for those of you who are ROOKIES, I am a pretty good person to ask for advice since I have been through alot at my young age....

HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. AND ESPECIALLY TO JO ( I havent been around for a while and you messaged me to see how I have been, THANK YOU so much, this site has been the only support I had and I thank god for that) Thank You
Hi NuNeez517

Your story is a long one and you have been through a lot of problems but its so good to "feel" your positivity shining through and you're even offering to help us new ones! Youre right - this site is amazing. Only a few days joined up and it has given me so much help and support.

Wishing you all the luck in the world for your knee - - -

keep the faith

kipper :-)
Hello, I'm almost 5 months BTKR and I think I'm experiencing a similar sharp pain in one of my knees. I posted about it a week or so ago. I find if I bend it with one hand underneath, very slowly, I don't feel that pain. Is that what you mean by bending on your own vs. not on your own? In any event, I have found that resting really does help so I guess you can try it for a few days and see if it gets better. Then, what I'm doing is what I've been doing for years -- trying to find that balance between pushing a little and doing the things I need to do to live and keep myself sane and trying to stay out of pain. It's a constant dilemma and battle with myself but I think it's the best we can do since total rest is never a real option. Lots of luck to you.
Hello NuNeez, sorry I missed your thread, good to see you back. Sorry to hear you are having the pains. Hope it feels better soon. Happy New Year to you!!
Wrong NuNeez, Sue. Our old friend was NuNeez19.
No Jo its me, I had to change my sign in name since it is the day of my upcoming wedding, May 17th. I had Nuneez519, wrong day. LOL

And yes MissyC when holding my leg while bending it it does not seem to produce the pain. Seems to be more of when I bend it or extend it. I woke up this morning and getting out of bed I noticed the pain was only there while extending it, I was so excited and couldnt wait to tell my Fiance since it has been really hurting for a while. Now after a few hours of using it it seems to be back. I have no idea of where this pain is coming from and it seems my OS doesnt know either.
[] I'm back. 10 months after my 1st LTKR and 6 months after my second RTKR.
Well, Ron, that is too, too wonderful! I've missed our chats on msn.

If you'd have said, I could have simply changed the name for you. I still could if you want ...
My sharp pain seems to be dissipating as long as I don't overdo things. I really hope the same happens for you soon! lots of luck, MC
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