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Mar 17, 2008
United States
Hello fellow sisters and brothers. As my name states I Bin Limp N for over 4 years now. In fact, over the past four years I had my last knee surgery in June of 05, prostate cancer taken out in November 06, Bladder cancer taken out in April 07, and a heart stent put in three weeks ago as a result of my preop labs (abnormal EKG) for my TKR in what was supposed to be last month. Now it's been rescheduled for the 26th of this month. To my recollection this is the ONLY surgery that I'm actually looking forward to having. I joined this forum to get some insight into the TKR experience and to hopefully gain some much needed information from all you previous TKR survivors. Mostly I've heard good things from people I've met or know who have had TKR; very few exceptions.

So, what can I expect post surgery? My wife plans on taking a week off just to care for me; is that really necessary or can I make it on my own with a little extra effort? Don't get me wrong I’d like to have her home but she works also and I don’t really want her to miss any work if it's not necessary. The doctor told me I'd be in the hospital for 3-4 days and that they would have me up and walking the day after surgery. Could some of you please tell me what your experience has been?

I'm a 58 year old man, married, live in Colorado (COLD COLD), cancer free so far and I like to think I'm a very positive thinker with a strong will to do well and recover from all adversities.
Hey, Bill - welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of your brush with cancer. That must have been scary.

AS for your TKR, don't be fooled. Just because you are only spending 3 days in hospital do NOT think you are going to walk out and pick up life where you left off. You will still have had a MAJOR operation and your body will take a long time to recover, your knee a long time to heal.

Read around the threads in the recovery forum. You are going to be incapacitated for at least a month and find life very difficult. You might manage on your own after a week but I think it will be pushing it.

I am sure others will chip in with their advice shortly. But stick with it - when you get over the worst bit, it will all be worth it!
Thanks Josephine; so it sounds like you think it would be a good idea for my wife to take the first week off with me right? I know it's not going to be a cakewalk but I'm soooooooo ready for this operation. I seem to tolerate pain really well when I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I had reconstructive shoulder surgery back in 1980 and the rehab pain was horrific so I'm well prepared mentally and I understand fully how painful it will be. NINE days and counting.
Welcome Bill, Tell your wife to take that week off when you actually come out of the hospital, that's when you will need her the most. Make sure you have all the aids in place before you get home, raised toilet seat, anti slip mat in shower, maybe a stool for shower, walker, cane, ice packs, heat pad, etc. See if you can find friends who are available to drive you to physio appointments for when you go to physio appoimtments etc. They told me I would be able to drive about 4-6 weeks, I am now almost 10 weeks and hoping to try driving out in the parking lot when my hubby gets back from Europe at the weekend, my bend hasn't been too good and I have been on the strong meds a lot , so I have been worried about driving, also it's my right knee. Other people here have driven a while though, so it depends on how you are after. Though you sound as if you will be OK early on, good attitude goes a long way. I was never warned about the long recovery, this site has been a life saver to me, I would have gone insane without it.

Anyway, I hope to go back to bed in a minute to see if I can get some more sleep, another problem I am having with the TKR. Good luck with the surgery, keep us informed!! Regards, Sue
Ibinlimpin, Wish I Had Thought Of That Name, It Is The Coolest. Welcome Aboard, You Definitely Are At The Right Place, Josephine Is The Greatest And Does A Great Job Keeping All Of Us Steered In The Right Direction. The Rest Of The Forum Is Made Up Of People Who Are Fixin To And People Who Just Did. Everyone Is Super Nice And Will Do Everything To Help You And To Help You Keep Your Spirits Up. Sorry For The Extra Added Stuff That You Have Had To Go Through But You Sound Like Quite A Fighter. Everyone, Whether They Have Had The Surgery Or Are Like Us (i Am Having Both Knees Done On The 7th Of April) Waiting To Have The Surgery Or Have Had It And Are In Various Stages Of Recouperating. Either Way They Are Going To Be There For You Throughout The Whole Thing. I Know I Have Learned An Incredible Amount From The Postings Here And Thank God I Found This Site. Still Haven't Quite Found Out How That Happened But Am Strongly Leaning Towards Devine Intervention. Either Way I Am Just Glad To Have Found It And Have Become Totally Addicted. So Welcome Aboard Will Be Looking For Your Posts. Rowdy
Welcome Limpin!! LOVE your name!!! You need to go to the "after" forum and read, read, read!! There's some CRAZZEEEEEEEEEE people over there and they've got one thing in common, BIG FAT MONKEY KNEES!!!

come on over!!!!
You better get back over where you belong. You and that monkey.
I dropped a perc on the floor and it rolled in here.......thought I'd look around and make nice with the newbies!!
You all sound like a great group and thanks much for making me feel welcome. I found the same kind of camaraderie and instant friendships when I joined several cancer forums.

I can't wait to report from my hospital bed (maybe day 2) with my insights. Tell me, will I be pushing the dope button much??? It cracks me up how they let you self administer/inject now days. The doctor told me they would already have my leg in a motion device when I woke up. Is that how they do it? Is there a lot of pain coming out of anesthesia?

Should I be on a different forum; I think some of you have hinted at that?
I actually would forget to push my morphine children (ages 24-28) thoroughly ENJOYED "juicing" me up....they didn't hesitate to push my button! I had a nerve block and was put to sleep....when I woke up in recovery, I had NO pain. The nerve block was still "blocking"...and it blocked until the next morning. I won't lie to you, it was uncomfortable when the block wore off, but they give you meds for that and get you out of the bed to "try out" that new knee. It's amazing!! They measured me the day after surgery, I bent to 92 degrees so I didn't have to use the machine. You'll be amazed at how "do-able" this surgery is. Yes, there's pain....expect it. The worst of the pain will not last long. You'll be up and at it before you know it!!! You should read the "after"'ll know just exactly what to expect.
I can't wait to hear from you!!! As much as you've been through, darlin', this will be a piece of cake!!!
We'll ALL be thinking about you and praying for you!!! Get back on here as soon as you can and we'll ALL rehab together!!!

wishing you ALL The best on the 26th!!
Bill, I think you'll find that your hospital stay is not all that uncomfortable. Although they get you up quickly and therapists work with you, you have the benefits of really good pain management. They took me off the "self-administer" morphine after the first day, though. Then you move to pills which still do the trick. If they don't, you need to be vocal and tell the nurses that you have pain. That communication helps them figure out what works for you. Every person is different. For me, the motion device was very comfortable. I asked to use it a lot....even at night when I slept. Somehow it didn't interfere and I believe it gives a good head start on the range of motion. You have been through so much lately, you must really be a fighter! You'll do great with this surgery! And I think you'll like this group. My surgery was February 29th and I have been reading posts here for about 6 weeks. I just joined the group officially last night .... actually about 3:30 in the morning when I couldn't sleep and was feeling pretty pitiful. I think that sometimes goes with the territory on TKR recovery. Welcome to the group and I hope to talk to you post surgery to hear how you are doing.
I'm back! The surgery and hospital stay was GREAT. I was walking with a cain the day after surgery and my range of motion was already 100%. The bomb dropped when I walked out the door of that hospital and arrived home. Couldn't take the Oxycodone they gave me as it made me sick so I had to rely on 800mg Motrin 3 times a day. I have to self inject a blood thinner called Lovenox every 12 hours for 10 days. Apparently this is the preferred method of deliver if you were already on blood thinners before the TKR. In my case I've been on Plavix for the past 7 years.

Anyway, I've been home since Saturday afternoon. Once I walked through the door everything changed a bit for me. The pain medications made me nauseous, the Monkey Knee as you all refer to it starting swelling. Plenty of ice bags helped but the flex machine and the swelling didn't really go well together. I had to back the flex machine off to 90% because my knee looked like a balloon about to pop. Wasn't able to take a shower until early Monday but did that ever feel goooooooood. While showering, my wife pointed out a large deep red/purple rash on the backside of my leg above the knee; about the size of two hands. Apparently the device they use to constrict blood flow during the operation was inflated while my skin was twisted or contorted which cause some injury to the underlying tissue. At first glance I thought it was blood poisoning.

I started feeling like I was gaining ground by Monday afternoon. I was back to 100% flex and my appetite was back.
Wow, welcome home!!! But it certainly sounds like you're having some challenges! I had a little of what you are going through the first couple of weeks. The hydrocodone they sent me home with made me sick and I had to change pain meds. That caused a chain reaction of some backsliding. The first few days after surgery and at home were pretty good, then things fell apart. Take heart, though, it did get better once all the issues were worked out. Just be sure to keep in contact with your doctor about any problems you are having. From your last line, it sounds like you have turned the corner. Stay in touch with us, okay? We're all rootin' for you!!!
Glad youre back, sorry it stunk at first when home.
While showering, my wife pointed out a large deep red/purple rash on the backside of my leg above the knee; about the size of two hands. Apparently the device they use to constrict blood flow during the operation was inflated while my skin was twisted or contorted which cause some injury to the underlying tissue. At first glance I thought it was blood poisoning.

Pardon my rant but ...
Another case where the hospital is not in the habit of using some padding under the tourniquet cuff! How long have I campaigned about that. Never thought I'd see it not being done in the US, tho but!

Still, glad it all went off OK otherwise, IBIN. The problems you met once back home are about par for the course, I'm afraid. But with good friend Ice Pack, I'm sure you will win through ultimately. Keep posting and keep us updated.
My os does not use tourniquets. They say there are studies that show that they may contribute to blood clots. They use an autovac and recycle blood and use annalouos blood donation. Those 2 may becommon procedure though.
Yep, I've worked with that option. Certainly a reasonable alternative but often old habits die hard.
Thought I'd give you all an update. I had a full regiment of therapy three days ago and although the Oxycotin made me nauseous and I stopped taking it initially...I immediately began taking them again. Whoa, was I hurt'n for cert'n. I think I've gained it all back now and things are going better but the therapy is still quite an effort. I am now able to walk up my two flights of stairs without a cain or stiff leg'n it. I kind of forced myself to do this and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to accomplish it at the 10 day mark. I also force myself to at least attempt to walk with a normal gait and I am able to do this if I walk slowly.

So I see that the issue with the cuff is that they do not use padding; very thoughtful doctors I guess. That spot on the rear of my upper leg is as painful as my knee.

All in all I think I'm doing pretty well. I flex 110% on the machine but when flexing on my own power I only get about 70% with a LOT of pain. I guess the old saying no pain no gain applies here huh?

I get my staples out tomorrow; they have been bug'n me when I do the flex exercises so I'll be glad to see them gone.

One question...I have a lot of pain in my bones from my knee to my ankle. When I run my hands down my legs on both sides like a light message I feel pain the entire length of my leg. Is this normal?

Bill, while I can't say I had any of the pain you are describing on your leg, I did want to write to tell you that your progress is FANTASTIC!!! You are really pushing yourself and that's a good thing. Just be careful not to overdo it. You are way ahead of where I was this soon after surgery. Here's hoping the pain you're having subsides very soon so you can continue to make these great strides.
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