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Icing back of knee?

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Jan 24, 2007
Champaign, IL US
I got my trusty polar-ice in the hospital and dutifully ice the front of my knee
just like they set it up in the hospital. And when I do PT they ice the front of the
knee. but as I was laying here with my leg elevated and icing
after a session at the gym, I realized that most of what I work on most is extension and
I seem to stretch is the back of the knee. So I started to think (always dangerous) should
I toss a little icebag behind the knee. Would it do any help.
Absolutely ice front, back, sides... anything that is swelling and hurts!

My PT has this cool ice cuff they put around my knee and blow it up with a pump so it give my whole knee an icy "hug". Pretty cool, huh?
My therapist said you NEED to ice the back of the knee. There is a very small space there and any swelling in that area can be quite painful and inhibit some of your motion. So go for it!!!!
I used to sit in the floor with my knee over one ice bag and another bag over the top. I couldn't keep the ice on the back of mine as long as I could the front though.
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