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junior member
Jul 5, 2008
United States
I've been full of questions and comments today, but thanks for all the input.
Now - How do you get through ice? I don't think of myself as a big baby, but dang I can't keep the ice on long enouogh for it to do any good. It is extreme discomfort and I end up pulling it off after ten minutes. Am I the only one that is having trouble with this? I feel so foolish....
Do you put a towel between your knee and the ice? Use a thicker one if one is not enough. It should be comfortable for you and something you look forward to. I sure do!
Hopefully you are wrapping your ice bag in a towel or pillowcase. You do not want it directly on the skin. I bought a DonJoy ice machine that has a pad that I use and I place a pillowcase on the leg then the pad. Hope this helps.

Are you using an ice bag??? I am lucky to have an IceMan by DonJoy. In the past I have been able to use a cry-cuff (same idea). I am also trying to ice the back of my knee to help with swelling. For that I am using a gelpack type of thing. No ice touched the knee directly. B4 the staples came out all went over the ted hose. Now that the staples are gone I am to use an ace bandage and all ice goes over that - I have used ice bags and as long as they are on top of 1 layer of ace bandage that usually works for me.

Actually, that is not a foolish question at all. I find that if I use an ice pack if it is TOO frozen, it becomes really stiff, and is not at all flexible. Try to let the pack cool down a bit, hopefully it will be easier to mold. Then be sure to wrap it either with a towel, or a pillowcase. Good luck!

No such thing as a stupid question ... ever!
I've been full of questions and comments today, but thanks for all the input.
Now - How do you get through ice? I don't think of myself as a big baby, but dang I can't keep the ice on long enouogh for it to do any good. It is extreme discomfort and I end up pulling it off after ten minutes. Am I the only one that is having trouble with this? I feel so foolish....

I had the same problem--could not stand the ice bag. I used it as much as I could tolerate--about 5-10 minutes maybe.

I use a kitchen towel between me and it. Also, some rubbing alcohol in the water helps keep it a bit slushy--fits on knee better.

Finally I adjusted--I can use it for 20-30 minutes and it really helps. But it took me several weeks to get to where I could stand it. Now it is my friend :)
That Don-Joy Iceman is wonderful. I got mine from the hospital it was charged to my bill. You can buy them online and they are a little expensive but very worth it especially if you will be doing another replacement in the future.
Thanks everyone - I have been using a towel, but still had problems. I'll try stick with an ice pad rather than a bag of ice, and mold it more.
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