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Feb 13, 2008
Oakley,IL USA
i tired to go without my percocet ddi it for 36 hrs got to where i was hurting pretty good and the hebbie jeebie feelings in my legs i thought i could do with out but i guess its telling me diff :O( JIM
Try cutting them in half to get off of them..I now take 1/2 pill at night. I have been in the cut back mode for a couple of weeks with no major problems. I did get those hebbie jeebie legs though.
I get up and raid the refrigerator and go back to bed.
Are heebie jeebie legs like the restless legs others are talking about?
Don't worry Jim, reduction will come.
heebie, jeebie, kneebie legs... we all get it.

I am tapering off as well. I went three days with no meds, then 1/2 last night. Doing okay so far.
wonder if you get the same thing with tramadol. That is primarily what i use now. I may take a perc at night if I can't get comfy.
I did Tramadol for six months prior to the TKR.
Had no problems stopping for the surgery.
I will probably ask for that as a rainy day pain killer in the future.
Doug, did you ever take the tramadol & perc together?
No but play some Jimi Hendrix and I might try it!!
heebie, jeebie, kneebie legs... we all get it.

I am tapering off as well. I went three days with no meds, then 1/2 last night. Doing okay so far.

No heebie, jeebie, kneebies for me.... but i am taking this respite opportunity to cut back on the meds. No withdrawal problems so far...... and it was so cool to wake up this morning and NOT need to take anything for that morning stiffness and pain.. not even Tylenol..... I think I had a 1/2 pill yesterday after my (last) PT before I went to bed.

If I would quit smacking my knee against my desk at school I wouldn't have needed a Tylenol tonight either! Gotta remember to push that sucker in HARD!

I've been taking Tramadol for over a year and I really do like it. It doesn't make me too goofy to work and takes the edge off enough so that I can concentrate. Unfortunately, it doesn't agree with some people, but I think it's great. How strong is percocet? I'd never heard of it until I started reading these posts.
heebie, jeebie, kneebie legs... we all get it.

I am tapering off as well. I went three days with no meds, then 1/2 last night. Doing okay so far.

Congratulations, Skeet!!! Sounds like you are making a change here! If you have had any trouble sleeping, I'm betting that will improve shortly after you are off the prescription pain meds. It made a HUGE difference for me. After being off Darvoset for two weeks now I can sleep through the night and the restless leg thing is no big deal anymore.

How strong is percocet? I'd never heard of it until I started reading these posts.

I believe percocet would be described as a pretty strong narcotic. But you will need something strong for a while after your surgery. The pain would be so intense without it that you would not be able to do your therapy which would then delay or stop your recovery. Bad deal!!! So you need to not be afraid to take whatever pain meds your doctor prescribes. If one gives you some trouble (some of us have had stomach problems with one or the other pill), tell your doctor and they can switch you to something else. Bottom line is you NEED good pain management. There are several threads here with Josephine's pain management chart that explains how pain can impact you in recovery.
I wish the only heebie jeebies I have when my next perc is due was in my legs, I get the whole body ones. I got it 2 hours early tonight, so I had a rum and grapefruit (the first alchoholic drink I've had since January) and I really chilled out. It's OK though, I don't plan to make a habit of that. It's easier to get off drugs I think, I don't know any one who takes pills as an addiction, but a lot of my friends social drink. I think I am going to cut down to 3/4 of a perc next week, four times a day, I am on one four times at the moment. The sad thing is I don't need them for pain now, just the addiction.

Actually there is a very funny song about drugs on youtube by Hale and Pace, two English comedians. Here is the one I mean. YouTube- Hale & Pace The Drugs Song
I am finding that I am really sleepy at night and not needing anything to sleep these days. In fact, I'm heading there now as I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. I'm really starting to get back to being totally normal. What a blessing and gift from God.
NP, I'm glad to hear your looking to make the next cut in the meds. Keep it up and you'll be "clean" before you know it. I'm praying and cheering for you Sue. Jen
Are heebie jeebie legs like the restless legs others are talking about?
Don't worry Jim, reduction will come.
Ah. I've just posted about restless legs. Glad it's not just me. I don't take medication though, so don't know what to do about them.
I am finding that I am really sleepy at night and not needing anything to sleep these days. In fact, I'm heading there now as I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. I'm really starting to get back to being totally normal. What a blessing and gift from God.
Hi there. When did you have ypour TKR? I'm wondering if there is any hope for me having a good nights sleep!
I'm 13 weeks post op. Sleep does come...I think it was around 6-7 weeks for me..It just happens..
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