I survived! Now in rehab ...

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Re: Really trying not to complain!!

hi all tried to stand this morning pt thought it was too early i was still numbed out will try again later.I was a little disappointed but this too shall pass.So far no hip pain!!!
Re: Really trying not to complain!!

You'll do it, Ron!!! Chin up and keep plugging, man!!:thmb:
Re: Really trying not to complain!!

right now my biggest battle is getting lunch!!! been asking for 2 hours and since i havent eaten in 36 hours im getting a wee bit testy!!!
Ron! Good to see you're getting there!

I moved your post into a thread of it's own so it won't derail Janis's thread. Plus you now have one all to yourself!
woohoo walked up and down the floor today could not this morning now into the sti=ool softeners i can see that problem coming~~~
I really don't think they give you enough. My next surgery I may have to smuggle in my own!!!
congrats on the walk:thmb:
Well done Ron - good to see you back and so upbeat. It was well worth doing wasn't it? It only gets better from here on.
Re: Really trying not to complain!!

Why have you had no lunch? Are they trying to starve you into submission?
Well done! I am always impressed that people can post so coherently after surgery. Hope all continues to go well for you :)
Yea Ron Ii am SOOO happy for you. You are moving right along.....Yes get those softener thinggy's. Please keep us posted. I cant wait to hear how your are progressing but still take it easy please...Good Luck to ya!!!
im sitting here waiting for the other shoe to fall i stopped my pain meds today and so far so good!! by the way os said it was one sick hip!!!
:D:thmb:Love the title of your thread, Ron! Feel good!!
So happy for you Ron! Welcome to the other side :wahey: Don't be too brave, if you need those pain meds take them. Pain will only slow down your recovery. But it is so awesome now you're on your way to getting your life back.:D
You stopped your pain meds? Aren't you just like 4 days post op? I'm not thinking that's a good idea because if you let the pain get ahead of you it will be a really bad time. Did you talk with your doctor about stopping this quick? Pain is not conducive to healing Ron and your are not near out of the woods as far as that's concerned. Also when you do your rehab exercises the pain will increase and you won't be able to do your extensions and flexions if your hurting. Please let us know how your getting along. We'll be here for you.
Blessings and Prayers.
Nancy's absolutely right! we know how testy you are when you're hungry! Now's the time when you NEED those meds! Don't be a hero!!!:sct::pnc:

Way to go! One day after surgery and you're already walking the halls, posting on the 'net, and stopping your pain meds! Amazing! :bow:

I thought I was being agressive when I dropped my meds after only a week and a half! :D Seriously though, l agree with Nancy and Don -- don't be a hero -- you need to stay ahead of your pain. If it starts to surface, don't hesitate to pop those pills for a little while longer.

So... are you feeling 'semi normal' yet?? :wink:
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