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I hope I haven't done any damage!

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junior member
Dec 29, 2008
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I woke myself up last night and I realised I had been lying on my TKR knee side and in my sleep I had "bounced" myself over on to my back just using my KNEE! It was a quick and strong movement and it woke me. Today my knee is very swollen and burning hot. What a stupid thing to do but you cant help what you do when you're asleep.

Its difficult to explain this really - I wouldnt say i twisted the knee - more like using the outside of the knee in a sudden movement to lift myself over.

Can I have done any damage?

Sorry its a stupid question!

kipper - not keeping the faith so much today!
Jo is the best answerer here but I think you are OK. My OS said I would break my leg before I broke the new knee. The inflammatio may be from irritating the healing muscles etc around. And they will probably be mad for a day or two but eventually get over it. You can always call the doc if you're worried, better to call and know. Best with it. Jen
When I fell, the folks at the OS's office said that if I REALLY damaged something, I would know--I would be hollering to go to the emergency room. I actually found that strangely comforting.
What Linda said!!! You can easily prang your soft tissue but it takes a lot to do anything to the prostheses and certainly nothing you could do in bed!
[] I hope I haven't done any damage!

Thanks Jen, Linda and Jo! mind back at rest now! What you all are telling me makes sense and so now I know I have hurt the tissue and not the joint! Thats a big relief!
- thanking you all - kipperxx
I think that was one of the first things I did after my sugery that both alarmed me at the time I did and then made me realize that my knee was going to great. I have donce several things that scared me including the very hard fall I took a couple of weeks back where I landed on my left knee very hard. Amazing what these knees can stand up to and like the bunny keep right on going. If you are still concerned on Monday give your OS a call and see what he has to say. That is what they are there for after all. Good luck. Rowdy
Thanks Rowdy!

Been better the last 2 days so last night I ventured out to my photographic club where I go on Fridays and have nice friends there - someone picked me up and I was fine. Everyone was pleased to see me and I felt WOW I am on the mend now. Today I am suffering for it and it feels like I have skewers being pushed through my knee and it really hurts. Im beginning to think I have a low pain threshold.
So - up one day and down the next! Roll on the Summer!

waiting for the sunshine
kipper x
Hang in there does get better...HONEST! How far out from surgery are you? I'm betting you are doing better than you think.
Thanks Rowdy!

Today I am suffering for it and it feels like I have skewers being pushed through my knee and it really hurts. Im beginning to think I have a low pain threshold.
So - up one day and down the next! Roll on the Summer!

waiting for the sunshine
kipper x

Know what Jo would say?! "Ice and elevate, ice and elevate!" She's right. Feel better. I know you will.
"Ice and elevate, ice and elevate!"
THanks for reminding me JenniferG - you're absolutely right! OK OK I WILL ice and elevate and I WILL try harder! Thanks jennifer you're a star!

Jamie - Im 5 weeks after RTKR on Monday. i'm doing good sometime and then go right back. Now I go for a short walk - im fine and enjoying that but afterwards my knee swells up and gets stuck. Early days I guess!
That's what it sounded like,'re still VERY new to this recovery processs and from what you say, you are doing wonderful. I was much longer than you before I could get out of the house!
Kipper you sound like i did back in the day. Lol. Seems soooo long ago now but at the time i thought it would never pass. Just hang in there and you'll make it just fine. Even at over 8 months out i am praying for summer but that is mainly because i hate to even be slightly cool, then summer comes and i freeze everybody out with the ac, there is just no pleasing some of us old ladies. Good luck. Glad you are on the mend. Rowdy
You lot really keep me going! i mean that!
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