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I have my x-ray films on cd

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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
How would I post those? I've very computer illiterate when it comes to that sort of thing. It took me over 20 minutes just to find the pictures after I put in the CD.
I just found some directions on another post, and there is NO WAY I can do that alone. I'll try to find someone here at work that can help.
Beth, were the instructions you found the ones for using If not, let me know and I'll post them for you. It's not too difficult and if you can get some help from someone at work, you can get it done.
I can't recall what posting service Gringo was using, so here are instructions to post a photo to the BoneSmart forum using It's what I use and I think it's pretty easy to do.

1. Go to and on the first screen browse your files to find the photo you want to copy to BoneSmart. Either click on the photo or copy the address on your PC into the top block on the TinyPic page.

2. Be sure that the radio button in the File Type (next section) is clicked for IMAGE.

3. In the RESIZE section, click on the drop-down menu and select Message Board. Then click on UPLOAD NOW.

4. It will process and you know it worked when you see a new screen in TinyPic and the message THANKS, WE GOT YOUR IMAGE.

5. Pull your cursor over the IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards to highlight the entire address. Then right click your mouse button to bring up the menu box for editing and select COPY. The correct URL is then copied to your clipboard. Close the TinyPic window.

6. In the BoneSmart window, place your cursor in the Quick Reply box on the thread where you want the photo. Right click your mouse button and select PASTE. You should see a URL from TinyPic with IMG on either side of a web address (https: + the address). That's it and when you post your reply, the photo will be there. You can also type copy before or after the pasted URL in your post.
I do basically the same thing using ImageShack. I use Picasa for the blog. They all work about the same. You upload your image to an online image hosting site, then copy a link to it, then post the link here. Each hosting site has their own little ways of labelling it, but the process is the same.
Thanks, Gringo....I wasn't sure where your post was to check it out. Hopefully Beth can get someone to help if she has problems.
Hope you can master that, Beth. Do so wish we could help you.
The picture is in "My Documents." I don't know how to move it to "My Pictures."

If you know where it is, then just double click on it to open it.
If you want to copy it to somewhere else follow the directions you were given once you locate the file........
Hi Beth, I have been trying with my cd of my knees they get lost and cant find them in my documents. I did sign up for tinypic now to find my knees !!
You cant find your knees!!!! lol How are you doing Tooyoung...I know you have been trying with those pic's......
You really don't have to move it from My Documents to My Pictures to post it here. You just have to be able to find the file when you are uploading it to TinyPic or whatever service you use. If you can find it, you can upload it.
Boy, Gringo...I definitely remember THOSE nights!!! We Winter Knees of 2008 used to call ourselves The Night Stalkers because sometimes the only thing that would work was to get up and walk the house. It passes, though....
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