I can't recall what posting service Gringo was using, so here are instructions to post a photo to the BoneSmart forum using TinyPic.com. It's what I use and I think it's pretty easy to do.
1. Go to
www.tinypic.com and on the first screen browse your files to find the photo you want to copy to BoneSmart. Either click on the photo or copy the address on your PC into the top block on the TinyPic page.
2. Be sure that the radio button in the File Type (next section) is clicked for IMAGE.
3. In the RESIZE section, click on the drop-down menu and select Message Board. Then click on UPLOAD NOW.
4. It will process and you know it worked when you see a new screen in TinyPic and the message THANKS, WE GOT YOUR IMAGE.
5. Pull your cursor over the IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards to highlight the entire address. Then right click your mouse button to bring up the menu box for editing and select COPY. The correct URL is then copied to your clipboard. Close the TinyPic window.
6. In the BoneSmart window, place your cursor in the Quick Reply box on the thread where you want the photo. Right click your mouse button and select PASTE. You should see a URL from TinyPic with IMG on either side of a web address (https: + the address). That's it and when you post your reply, the photo will be there. You can also type copy before or after the pasted URL in your post.