I have a date!

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Mar 25, 2009
United States
July 6 I am having a left TKR. This OS does nothing but MIS procedures.
Using a cement-less Stryker implant (triathalon).

He told me that my right knee was deteriorating, but that it wouldn't need
to be addressed for another 4-5 years. I am 54 and very fit. He said
that biking vigorously at week 4 is very much a likely scenario. I will be in
the hospital 3-4 days. Discharged with an ice pack machine and CPM
machine. The PT will come to me and as I understand it, this will go on for
close to 3 weeks. Stationary biking might be possible after 2 weeks. I
was told to bike like mad between now and the surgery so that the quads
are as strong as they can be; the better to withstand several weeks of

He said that the first week is intense, but that for someone who has had
rotator cuff surgery, this one really won't be as a bad. He said 'we have
the pain mgt part of this figured out'. I wonder about that comparison
though. It was a tough rehab and all told it was six weeks before
I could do a single push up. I lifted weights at 10 weeks after finally
getting to the point of cranking out 50 push-ups in a row.

Anyway, I am excited, yet anxious.
Everyone is diff. vigorously at week 4 humm. I had the rotator cuff surgery I thing is easier, but again each person is different. I am
7 weeks in from my surgery. My pain is under control for the most part it just depends on how much I do. I still have a lot of stiffness but it is getting better this last week I noticed. I am still not doing what I did prior but adding more everyday.
Jo or Jamie will be able to advise you more of what to expect.

Your doc is correct on building the quads, it does help.
Read as many knee threads as you can and you will see how
different each has recovered. Some that were in really good shape have had a long road while others where up and about right away.
Good luck in your surgery.
Sstoots....great news about having a date scheduled! Hooray!
I NEVER had the rotator cuff done. Loggon Im sorry did you say the cuff was harder ? I really dont know what that is I know its shoulder thats it. ...............Sstoots, glad you are getting this taken care of. You sound like you are getting prepared. Good for you . I think that will atleast help, surely cant hurt. It is an uncomfortable 1-2 weeks but yes much better after that. But if you say the cuff was real hard then it my not be that bad for you. My quads were shot. I wish I would have built them up prior. Couldnt lift my leg after ugh!! Just take it easy after, for while, post anytime with questions. These people on here are amazing and will do there best to help. They surely have for me........Hope you feel better.....Kim
No TKR harder. My quads were strong and my flex was really good
before surgery. But this has been a test for me. But when it is all over it will be worth it.
All sounds very good. I agree with him 100% about the pre-op exercises. I put my 'miracle' recovery down to the gym work I did last year. Made a heck of a difference from day one!
I do agree on the pre-excercise. But I had just had 2 surg in 2 mths and was told to stay off of it but yes I think it would have made a big difference. My quads would have atleast been built up in someway..............I would tell that to anyone who was going into this surgery if they could then do it......Kim
SSToots: Is your surgeon doing "quad sparing" technique where your quad muscle, tendons, ligaments are left in tack and you don't need to work hard building them back?

I got the Stryker Triathlon X3 almost 6 weeks ago. My surgeon really likes Stryker, says Zimmer is going downhill. This Stryker has been around a long time and has a proven good record, they just updated it with new indestructible poly (X3). It's known to have a natural "bendability" that can tork a bit, somewhat like rotating platforms. I notice it is easier going up stairs on it than my Zimmer high flex gender on my other knee. I think they both have about 155% flexion. Anyway I like mine.

Good luck,

Quads sparing is only concerning the quadriceps muscle, Hollie. All the other ligaments and muscles are left intact. They have to be or you wouldn't be mobile again for weeks!
well, I asked about the knee ligaments (PCL, ACL). He said with a TKR , they
aren't preserved. With a partial replacement they do try and preserve these
ligaments. As I understand it, MIS is quad sparing surgery. The quadricep
muscle and tendon is spared any torment. He drew a line on my knee which
wasn't more than 5" long.
Yes and after do the bike . I love my bike. Just keeps everything going. I know you will do your other excericeses when you can, but yes do the bike when you can even helps with scar tissue I believe......KIm
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