Mine has gotten better at almost 3months, but, I still have a small limp. I want to go to the specialist who does orthopedic inserts, get another measurement from someone who does this for a living.
My pt person told me to slowly add 1/8 of an inch inserts, like the Dr. Shole's (spelling?) until I get to 1/2 inch. So far I have added an 1/8th of an inch, I need to go pick up another 1/8th. On a good day, without over doing it, I don't notice that I limp. My teenage son will usually point out when I'm limping. Again, it has gotten better. My biggest fear in having my LLD get worse with time. I've seen posts that reflect a LLD of one inch longer after surgery, then 6 months post op they are even. This has made me wonder if at 6 months I would have a greater LLD, maybe a full inch. I want to wait the 6 months prior to getting mine measured by the specialist, can't think of what you call someone who makes orthopedic inserts? Anyway I figure that by 6 months all will have settled and I should be at my total LLD.
Then again, depending on how far down the Dr. was able to tap my stem into place without risk of fracture, I may get lucky and stay at 1/2 shorter LLD. I've heard of much worse senarios, so I try to be positive. My backdoes hurt a little, not sure if it's from the LLD or the fact that I have osteoarthritus in my back as well. Oh, the joys of getting older, even at 47...