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THR I am the Storm

Oh dear, @danelady
Now you really have been through the wringer, as they say. I didn't know that expression before. I learned it on Bonesmart. You see how valuable Bonesmart is. They not only give us useful hip advice but also "listen" and read, when there is something that's preoccupying us and there is the supplementary benefit of improving my English:).

I don't want to pity you, I know you are really tough and have a good sense of humour. But I understand you. Silly burocrats at the bank and silly medical staff. They are so narrow-minded. I had experiences like that, too, and I also yelled at the person involved then. By the way, being discriminatory against the disabled is illegal in Germany. I'm sure it is in the US, too. If they were insulting or something on the basis of you not being able to walk or don't provide you with the medical care you need, I'd take them to court, I really would.

I'm glad, Val is ok, and I hope, moving close to your friends can be arranged in future. Hugs - Constanze
I just now caught up with reading your updates @danelady .
I have no words. I hope you get to move soon to be near your friends!! Like tomorrow, but I know that isn't possible.
It's such a horrible feeling to be robbed. There's nothing lower, especially when you are sick and in the hospital!! That's looting!
But how the bank is making you feel is even worse. Stay tough and tenacious.. wait, I forgot who I was talking to. :snork:
Thank you so much, guys. I am once again trying to find a better, and cheaper, place to relocate to and looking at orthopedic surgeons working nearby. I found one that sounded good with good reviews but he's not taking on new patients.
Next week I'm paying a visit to a bank so we can have a little face to face time and they can explain to me exactly why they don't think my card and my money was stolen by someone I assumed was helping me after I became unable to fend for myself.

@Constanze. And thank you for making me realize that as a handicapped senior citizen (uch, I hate calling myself that, lol) I was vulnerable and taken advantage of, not only by the thief but also by the bank. So this week I call the nice lady at Adult Protective Services because I read they also do their own investigations. I mean, I've been with this bank a long time. Grrrr.

This is all such a waste of the time I have left in my life. I should be having fun, but having the support from all you guys is a great help to me in this fight.

Much love. XOXO
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