This! Couldn’t say it better and it’s such a boost to be appreciated!,Such sweet sentiments! As part of BoneSmart staff, I can assure you we never tire of reading messages such as yours. We appreciate you taking the time to share with all members how reassuring the forum has been for you. The camaraderie is what keeps so many of us coming back in the early part of the journey and even returning with questions or updates when we’re further along in our recovery. It is encouraging to be part of a group that truly understands through personal experience. Thanks for joining us and also for returning for a second time. That says a lot. All the best in your recovery!
@danelady I really felt the lows and sadness when catching up here after a long vacation, then kept reading onto the happy ending!,, So very happy for you and your beloved dog.
Hee hee, Peter Bill hat! Maybe a ball peen hammer hanging from your belt loop or a tire thumper?.