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I am scheduled... and ready to chicken out.

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Welcome home, Lidia. And well done!

7½hrs? 9am - 4.30pm --- would that include time in recovery? Otherwise that would be quite a marathon even in MY experience!
Actually it was supposed to be 9, but took me at 12 and rolled into OR around 12:30. I arrived in recovery around 7:30 - 8 pm. I think it took quite a while to get me the epidural (they did it twice) and get me positioned on the table on my side. I think the positioning and prep took about 1.5 hours. I was in recovery till about 2 am, because at the end they decided they would give me transfusion so they ended up pumping 2 units of my own blood into me. Then I went to the floor to my room.
Being at home is nice, nothing is beeping, it's nice and quiet, but I woke up several times from pain. I guess that is to be expected.

Progress Report:
Yesterday was day 3 of home PT. On days they don't come, I do my own excercises. I am able to stretch more every day. Pain is less. And I take less pills.
I made it outside yesterday for the first time and walked (on crutches) to the next house down the street (it's not very far).
I am not allowed to put any weight on the operative leg. Just toe touch for 6 weeks.

Overall, this could be a lot worse. I just really hope that evenutaly I will be able to straighten out my leg all the way! Right now it's a little bent in the knee and stretching it out is the most painful part.

Take care everyone and good luck with your therapy!

Lidia, I'm so sorry I missed your previous post - it never showed up on New Posts which is what I generally used. So I worked out you spent about 5 hrs on the table which is about average. Still knocks the stuffing out of you, eh?!

Good to hear you are getting about a bit. Just please remember your body has had a punishing and will take some time to get back your vigour. You sound like you are doing great though.

Sounds like you are doing great. I do remember that I had an apt with my doc at 2 weeks and I had not left the house until that point!!!

Remember to rest!!!
Hi Lidia,

I also had my THR at the Cleveland Clinic (9/11/08), though you must have had a different OS since you got better pain meds ; ) From reading your blog, it sounds as though you also experienced the nursing shortage and had to rely on loved ones to assist with your care. It's a shame, isn't it?

When I read your earlier post about not wanting to be "awake" and aware of all the ghastly things they do to you during a THR, I remembered feeling exactly the same way. I did not want to have general anesthesia (which my OS strongly prefers, though he couldn't give any rationale). I insisted on a spinal, but I certainly did not want to hear or feel anything going on during the actual surgery. I wasn't entirely convinced when they told me they'd give me something to make me "out of it". Happy to say, I remember going into the OR and then, thankfully, not another thing until recovery. I just hope whatever they gave me didn't cause me to lose all inhibitions and say ridiculous things in the OR that will bring shame and humiliation to the family name for generations to come : )

The spinal I had was called DuraMorph, and I was very happy with it, as it allows a good bit or morphine to stay in your system hours after surgery. Good thing for me, since they were so stingy with pain meds.

I'm curious as to why the doc has you on toe-touch only for six weeks. I was surprised when I left the hospital after 3 days at 50% weight-bearing, and was cleared for 100% at my 3 week check-up. Not bragging, just wondered if it was because of the prosthesis used or the surgical approach? I'm not as knowledgeable as most folks on here!

The post-op muscle pain certainly was daunting, but after 2-3 weeks, it was gone. I had knee pain similar to what you described after surgery too, especially when I did my PT exercises. Not sure what that was about, but it resolved quickly, maybe 2 weeks.

You will be so very glad you didn't chicken out. Consider it a badge of courage - we've endured one of the most major surgeries there is! Hang in there, the worst is behind you. I'm looking forward to following your progress! Best of luck to you, and don't forget to take it easy still, even once you begin feeling better. It's very easy to over-do it.

P.S. And a big high five to your husband for taking such wonderful care of you!
LOL, so many people have so little faith that the 'knock out' will really knock them out! But to quote a famous saying "resistance is futile" when it comes to anaesthetic drugs! And if it's any reassurance to you, I have never known anyone ramble and/or reveal or do anything they would not have done had they been fully awake. The drug works in such a way that the patient just peacefully slumbers and we have to be fairly vigorous if we want them to wake. But despite the deep sleep, they still retain control of their swallowing and cough reflexes which is the objective.

As for the difference in post op regime, different surgeons have different ideas on what is necessary or advisable, that's all. Depends on how he was trained and by whom ad what ideas he has added to his armoury since.
Hi Guys, been out of touch for a few days. Shamrocker - thanks for the nice post! My approach was posterior (Dr. Muschler - awesome guy), but they MOVED my entire joint - the acetabulum is now 1 inch down and over from where it used to be. With that all the ligaments. I have to make this short for now, but here's my daily progress:

And if all this wasn't enough, we found out yesterday that my 19-mo old broke her arm! Poor little thing! We go to a pediatric ortho today - hope I can make the long road trip and thru another hospital. They should have wheelchairs there, shouldn't they?? My poor husband, he says all his girls are broken :(
sounds painful for you.
Your poor little one. How the heck did she break her arm?
Your husband is right!! Hope he takes good care of both of you
18 month old bones heal well. Mostly they don't actually break completely but crack half way through like a green twig which is why they are called a green stick fractures. And they heal in very few weeks.
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