Well yesterday I decided I wanted to ride my bicycle (shiney and new, I had bought it about 3 months before my TKR and could not pedal it at all before my TKR) since it was nice outside. I am 6 weeks post RTKR and I have been feeling pretty good. I ride the stationary bike for 5 miles a day at PT and the gym so I decided that I would try and go for a ride with my 8 year old daughter. Well I road about 2 miles and felt pretty good, although it does take more ROM to pedal a bicycle then it does to pedal a stationary bike (maybe because i have been using a recumbant at PT). I have been doing great with the stationary bike since week 2 so i figured the regular bike would do me some good. Well here it is the next day and boy am I feeling stiff... I do not think I hurt myself I think using my TKR leg to balance as I started and stopped peddaling is why I really feal sore. I also had ALOT of tingling in my leg as I tried to sleep. All in all I was SO HAPPY to ride with my daughter that I am looking forward to riding with her again. Hopefully it will not rain out this weekend, altough I can feel the weather changing as I am writing (maybe this is why I am stiff). Well anyway, I thought I would write a little something and make myself seen. I have been getting out alot more so Iam no longer on my computer all day but I do check the forum daily.