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How Soon for Outings??

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Dec 21, 2008
To anyone that wants to listern- Hi all had my hip op on the 15th thats about 3 weeks ago the op was better than i expected- pain? sure the first few days but the pain i had was mostly in my foot! weird hey, i had trouble getting comfortable in bed so hard to move your body. in the mornings the sharp pains in my heel was dreadful and even on top of my foot. have pains down the leg from time to time but the worst part is this feeling of depression i have, i can cry at the drop of a hat i do have my family around me and they have been wonderful, but there in and out all day and a lot of time just looking at 4 walls. i have always loved tv but at the moment have no interest at all, theres just so much one can read.I just want the next few weeks to go by fast!im getting around on one crutch at home a little to scared to venture out on my own and yet i cant wait to be able to go to the shops.In 3 weeks time my daughter has the part of young dusty in the musical at her uni that will be first outing. how soon can you go out on your own?a few friends have called in but i just dont feel right in my self i wasnt expecting to feel like this at all.i sure hope it gets better anyone else feeling the same? Rosie
Re: New changes to the forum

you need to make your on thread or maybe jo or jamie will be along to make one for you.

I am a knee not a hip but others will be along soon to let you know
Hi, rsalle. I moved your post to a more appropriate thread. It will be easier for people to see it and respond under the Hip Recovery forum.

Depression can be a side effect of some pain medication and it occurs frequently after major surgery like this, so try not to worry about it. Be sure you are getting enough rest, fluids and nourishment and it likely will be a short-lived problem. As you are able to do more and more, you'll begin to feel better.

There is no "normal" time for someone to begin getting out of the house. Each person heals in their own way and time. You'll know when you are ready. Start slow with just a short walk outside...then longer. Maybe a short trip to the store. You'll be ready for that play in no time!

Post any time you are feeling a little blue or have a concern. You know we'll be here for you!!!
I can sympathize. AT 1 week, I felt depressed, restless, needing more than TV. My husband was here all day, but in and out. The 8 th day we went out to dinner, TEDS and all!!. I rode with him on short trips, even if it meant sitting in the car. At 2 weeks, i was much better, staples out, done with Lovenox. I think the darvocet and hydrocodone will contribute to your depression. At 1 week, i decided to take only extra strength tylenol and use lots of ice. That helped tremendously. Getting those meds out of my system
I also had drepression, but mine came after 2 mths. Tears would just flow any time, any place. I only took darvocet the first week at night, then went to 3 Advil in the later afternoon. The depression lasted about 3-4 weeks.
Yours will pass.
Your confidence will return as you get better and feel stronger. Besides which you body has just had an enormous assault made on it. Surgery, anaesthetic, days away from home, return home to find you can't just go back to normal yet. Plus you're easily tired and in pain from the slightest little effort. Appetite all to pot and feeling disassociated from the world as you knew it ..... depression and being emotional is the natural outcome. And the pain pills can do that to you as well - great help!

As for the pain in your foot, it could be they bruised some nerves during the operation. Have a look at this thread numbness in foot. I know it's not quite like your experience and it's on a knee, but it shows you how this can happen.
Hello I did the depression thing as well If its possible you can atleast walk out side maybe see people out there . I sat in a chair out side and saw LIFE going on it would make you feel a lil better......Hang in there you will get there and when you start getting out and about believe you will think it was all worth it....Speak to a neighbor or 2....:)
I think that pain can be your guide on the outings... you will know when you can go out! Take a few short trips out to see how you are doing before you plan anything too adventurous. Get to know what you can handle.
As for the depression I think that its normal. You have been through a lot! Taking away your daily routine lends itself to depression. So, keep posting when you are blue and we will be here for you. That seems to help me! I also agree with Shiloh on this one... walk outside if you have the chance, seems like the sunlight helps.
Hi there,

If you can get into a vehicle easily without breaking your restrictions then take any opportuntities for outings you can get! I even tagged along on hubby's trips to the hardware store just to get out of the house. I suspect that his eagerness for my company had Something to do with the disabled parking permit though...

Agree with Tahoe that walking outside is good if you can... I found walking up and down the street added helped keep cabin fever at bay...

All the best,
The first 2 weeks I stayed home. Then at around 3 weeks I started doing a fair amount of walking every day, then swimming most days. I was lucky and never dealt with depression. I guess how soon for outings also depends on the outing in mind. I sure was tired for a few months though and did not do anything major.
I agree that getting outside is great.
good luck to you and let us know how you are doing
I also had pain/aches in my both feet, it was on the top of the foot in each case and I was told that it could well be muscle pain in the feet. I still get it occasionally now when I have been on my feet or walking for a long time so just assume that is right.
I had a few odd days when I felt really fed up, mainly cos mentally I felt really good but physically I wasn't up to doing much. The time passes so quickly though and soon you will look back on it and it will seem like a distant memory. Take yourself outside and have little ambles around, maybe take up a new hobby that you have always wanted to do - I started researching my family history online using Ancestry. Far more interesting than daytime TV. Make sure you get plenty of rest as well and you will do just fine.
Hi Rosie,
I'm feeling guilty about you. I didn't get to ringing you and here you are on the other side of surgery....where did you have the surgery.....did you go to rehab??

Send me a PRIVATE message with your number....probably best not to put your home number out there on a forum for all the world (although they are all wonderful people) ....and I'll ring you back.
Hi there,
Im at day 17 and utterly depressed - I know how you feel, especially if you've been active beforehand. Its horrible being stuck inside - take both crutches for extra support and get some fresh air if you take things slow you'll be fine. If you want to talk, just drop me a line [email protected] xxx
hi rosie,
i had a spell around week 5 when things just werent moving as fast as they were right after surgery. i try to remember this is only a minute in time. the recovery is longer then alot of surgeries and that can be hard , but each day it gets better. make a list of goals and work each day to achieve one of them , set some long term goals so you can be amazed by how quickly you reach them. and by all means get out of that house. at day 9 i went to a concert at church, you are only on one crutch, i still had a walker then . when i went to the grocery store i used the shopping cart to help me. the rules say not past 90 but 90 is ok, if your comfortable. i'm at week 7 and i went to a small museum last week and then a huge one today at week four i was overdoing it at the local strip mall. i guess my thing is stop putting limitations on yourself. do what you can when you can, rest , take something if you over do it. i like my mobic instead of the pain meds, pain meds make me feel really bad i usually only take them when i'm going to bed. i wish you the very best
Resale and does get better....Just take it easy it is worth the wait you dont want to go backwards....My email is by my name. Im here to talk if you need to talk...Pm also anytime....:)Thinking of you both.....
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