How often do you do PT?

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junior member
Jul 14, 2008
Oregon, United States
I had TKR 6/23/08. I had the therapy in the hospital and then went home to no therapy until after the staples were removed. Then I started 2x per week. Is that enough? I am doing my exercises but don't have a bike so having a hard time with ROM without going in?

My doctor said I could go 2 or 3 times a week. I wanted 3 times but the therapy clinic said they could only schedule 2x. Should I push the issue?

I go twice a week. My therapist is only there M, T, Th, Fr and it is unwise to go two days in a row. Trust me, I am very sore the day after! Both doctor and PT said this is sufficient.

I am making progress. (12 weeks post-op) Obviously, you must do your exercises in between.

If you don't think you are doing well on the home exercises, ask your PT for different ones. I have found they always have more in their bag of tricks!

I go to PT 3 times a week. At home I tried to do exercise 3 times a day.

I found a great substitute for a bicycle is something called a pedal exercise which you can use sitting in a chair. There are different styles but try and find one that has a way to adjust the tension so you can increase it as you get better. I try and use it for about 5 minutes a day. I found that a site called They also have things like foam rollers to put under your knee for exercise and other things.

The thing is just keep moving all day long, take a walk, do some knee bends, toe raises and as other said ask you physical therapists for exercises.

Good luck.

I went twice a week, occasionally 3. Dock suggested 3-5 but PT who actually saw hands on progress thought I was good at 2-3. I did the basic leg exercises at home on the off days, so I was doing something every day.
Just had RTKR Monday - Doc has me doing PT 3x per week for a month (that's what the prescription said). I came home Thursday and went to first visit Friday pm. It was short but he taught me a few things I could do. Just getting there for me was tough yesterday. Still sore and have to navigate a flight of stairs in the house each way. Felt better once I got it going.
Thanks again to all of you. I may look into the peddle thing. I don't have a stationary bike at home and I don't feel quite ready to venture back to they gym.

Thanks again!
I found that a site called They also have things like foam rollers to put under your knee for exercise and other things.

Thanks for that site, Simon. What a veritable cornucopia of gadgets! Half of them I never heard of before!

I especially liked the roller board for knee exercises - didn't somebody say their son/grandson had lent them their skate board for such a thing?
I was going twice a week but bumped it up to three times and progress is better. I also purchased the little pedal machine at Wal-Mart ($22) which is wonderful for those in-between exercise times. 10 minutes whenever I have a free time. Not as good as the one at the gym but way cheaper and easy to store and move around. My therapist also gave me a heavy latex band that I hook around the dining room table leg and then put around my knee to pull the knees into alignment. That's working well and takes just a few minutes time several times a day. Little things that help keep the momentum going between therapy sessions and hopefully speed the healing.
HEY SIMON, I always knew you were more than just a pretty face. LOL. That site you recommended is awesome, thanks, just wish I had known about it before the surgery, but then at my age you never know when you are going to need something. Hope you are doing great. Loved your advice, also. You are so right, keep moving. That has been my motto for years and certainly contributed to my quick recovery from the BTKR. Sounds like you are really doing well. Good luck. Rowdy
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