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How long until the swelling gets better?

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junior member
Jul 27, 2008
United States-Mississippi Gulf Coast

I have not written in a while, been busy working out and doing PT. I have been trying to get the best ROM I could. When I work out I don't have as much swelling but when I am home walking around, my whole leg swells all the way down to my ankle. I tried going to work Wed. I could hardly walk when I got home. I got very discouraged about returning to work. I am out of paid time off and now I am getting worried. I really thought I would be back to work by now. How long will it continue to swell like this?

Also when I went back to the OS 2 days ago and I told him it was difficult bending my knee that it felt as though something were stopping it from bending and very painful. He talked to me about doing a manipulation to speed up the rehab so I could get back to work. I am afraid it could make it worse. I am scheduled Monday morning and I am nervous about it.

any suggestions

PS I also have Fay heading my way and will be here on Monday. Guess I will be driving to the out pt clinic in the rain and wind.
Fay is visiting me right now. The eye is about 20 miles to the east. So far, it hasn't been too bad. We've had light to very heavy rain all day. The winds just started picking up. Probably 30-35mph.
As for the swelling, I'm at 7 mos. post op. I had swelling up to the 4-5month period. The best thing is ice, ice,elevation, and time...I know it's a pain in the butt but you have to do it.
Yes I saw that, I was just reading all the posts about you and the storm. Boy the whole state of Florida got this one. Even though it was a tropical storm it still wreaked havick on you all. We are still trying to recover from Katrina, sure don't need another one to come in here now. They are just getting the beaches looking nice again and are rebuilding Highway 90 which runs along the MS coastal beaches. Where do you live? I am in Gulfport, MS.

Thanks for the info on the swelling it sure does get old. I have company coming for the weekend and of course I have been cooking and cleaning and my leg is so swollen and now I am limping around. Everyone is going to feel bad and tell me they wished I had not done all this but I just want to be my old self and be normal.

Don't wish the storm to stay on you but I sure don't want to see it either. GO NORTH FAY!!!
I live in Tallahassee Fl. And I was wrong about the eye's distance. It is 65 miles east. Looks like the worst part will be this evening.
We were just over in Gulf Shores Al a couple of weeks ago. They're still getting over their big hit 4 years ago with Ivan.
Now that Fay is gone from Palm Bay, they said the flooding is going down quickly. Still snakes in the street. My mother will go out of her way to run a snake over so I hope she doesn't plough down some neighbors mailboxes.
As for your swelling, make sure and take some anti inflammatants. It just takes time, My mother had her TKR 7 weeks ago and she is in that frustrated state also.
Hope you all stay safe.

Sue, did you say how many weeks out you are?

My swelling lasted maybe 8 weeks. I can still (15 weeks) get some swelling if I work it hard.

The best thing for me was ice and elevating it above the heart. I laid on the sofa and put my leg up on the back and would read. That made a huge difference in reducing swelling.
I am only just about 6 weeks out and unfortunately am having swelling issues as well. The PT suggested that we try those lovely white ted hose again -YUCK! I worked only half days on my PT days and I thought the swelling was in control. When she suggested that it may have just been that yesterday was long she sort of giggled and said she didn't mention it earlier this week because she knew I was doing the best I could and didn't want to add to the frustration. So back go the ugly white stockings (well - just one). Hopefully that may help for Monday -- Told the boss I will be in sweats next week - Oh well...... This too shall pass! Hopefully!

Hope you all stay safe.

Sue, did you say how many weeks out you are?

My swelling lasted maybe 8 weeks. I can still (15 weeks) get some swelling if I work it hard.

The best thing for me was ice and elevating it above the heart. I laid on the sofa and put my leg up on the back and would read. That made a huge difference in reducing swelling.

I am 10 weeks. I went shopping today and I did pretty good all day. But it seems when I take Aleve I don't swell very bad.

Thanks for information
Hello Gang,

I am 9 weeks post op. My knee gets swollen at the end of the day and has been slowly reducing in size after 4 wks. The inside of the leg (medial) has stopped swelling significantly. The outside (lateral) developed a little swollen knot that will increase as the day wears on. It clicks more when the swelling is >. I switched from Ibuprofen to Aleve this morning. I did it to see if there would be any difference and I wanted to see if I could take one pill in the AM and then 1 in the PM. Wish me luck. Tonight, I'm not (unless I wake up hurting) going to take my 1 percocet. I've been on 1 for 2 1/2 weeks and feel its time to challenge my body and my mind. There have been some spasm issues so I do take 1 muscle relaxer at 8 PM every evening.

After 33 yrs in an allied health profession with the last 12 in medical industry....I had enough. Tired of spending 175 nights per year on the road. I've re-entered teaching and will teach Medical Science and Biomedical Technology. Been in orientation for 3 wks with classroom construction during the past week. Students arrive Monday.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Regards, Tom
My doctor just told me on Thursday that the patella is more prone to clunking--or clicking--when there is swelling. Fluid gets in between the patella and the joint, and that makes a separation that allows it to clunk. When the fluid is not there, they move together properly.
I noticed my knee clicking and popping more when it is swollen. Thanks for the info now I know why. Boy there is so much to learn about this TKR stuff. Thank goodness we have this forum to learn from.

I just did a search on manipulations and read about everyone's experiences. Now I am feeling better about doing my manipulation on Monday and it looks like Fay is just going to be a depression when it gets here so I don't have to worry about my procedure being canceled because of the weather. Its still in Florida but it is getting really windy here. I either just hear a transformer blow or a gun shot. Sure hope it was a transformer.

I'm glad my OS is going to load my knee up with Marcaine so I won't be in a lot of pain for a while. He did that on my arthroscopic surgeries and I didn't have pain until late that evening.

Have a good evening
Hello stwalker
You are not alone in this kind of swelling. As soon as I put my foot to the floor the knee and lower leg instantly increase in size and PAIN. Is this what is happening to you? For me I am beging to wonder if this is normal? I have heard of some having simaler issues? I guess time will tell??
Pain>swelling>pain will be your constant companion for some weeks maybe even months. Don't get too anxious about it.
You've got a long ways to go...I'm at 7 months and still have an occasional bad day despite working out 5-6 days a week. I visit my O.S. this morning and I have to ask if it is expected that I will hurt this bad every time a tropical storm comes around. My leg stiffened up like it was at about the 2-3 month stage.
This weather is making your knee stiff and painful too? I woke up this morning wondering if this weather was the cause of my knee feeling so stiff. The old Fay is sitting just a little north from me. I woke up a couple of times last night and heard rainfall every time.

I am up for my manipulation this morning just what I need a little added pain from the weather. I guess in a couple of hours I won't be caring to much about all of that.

Looks like some of that weather is heading back towards Florida again. Plus we have a new system they are watching in the Gulf. Thats just great!

Well gotta get ready to go.
I know I have a long way to go--and I hope my short supply of patience will be replenished like the loaves and fishes.

I am thinking of Sue and her MUA today--hoping it is just what is needed.
Yes he will give you what you need. Just thank him like you already received it and he will keep you replenished.

I am doing much better to today a little sore. A little more pain if I don't turn just the right way. I am sure PT will be fun today. But no pain no gain.

I'm tough I can do it.
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