How Long?... from Ms. Impatience

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old goat

Jul 4, 2009
United States United States
I am 2 days away from 6 weeks post surgery. Yes, I can bend the knee to 120 with great effort. I can go straight easy. I can walk well and even without a cane, but will take it with me for a long time, since my right knee is now in question. I am wondering some things.

1. How long will the swelling continue on the knee cap? It gets really big if I overdo it or after a few hours of intense pt. All the time still warm.
2. How long will I have to keep with the pain pills? I have cut down so much and actually have had some days with no pills. I can take aleve. I do take celebrex everyday, and will forever. Sometimes I just have to do a pain pill. (darvocet)
3. This tightness?? How long will this go on? OR is this it by this time? Is this as good as it gets?

I did have one milestone yesterday. I actually stayed seated at church for 2 hours and 2 hours later too (with a few breaks of course). I actually wore a dress because I did not have to prop up the knee constantly. Amazing I made it through all that. Of course I came home and slept like a rock for 2 and a half hours. lol :hehe:

Massaging, elevation, along with ice, and the pool still help.
I think I just got a little too down last week at pt with the pain. Now I am trying to get up again and not feel hopeless, which I know is not logical, but how can you tell yourself this? Thx for all your encouragement.
Old Goat :sigh:
Ms. Goat.....yes, you are impatient, my dear. You are only 6 weeks out from this MAJOR surgery. You are increasing your activity levels - a good thing. You are gonna have pain and swelling when you do that. At least MOST people do (not every single person, but most). When it happens, you must take some type of pain meds, ice and elevate...and cut back until the pain is better. It's a cycle that repeats itself as you heal. Gradually there will be more and more time inbetween the bouts of swelling and pain....then it will go away (for the most part, anyway). But it can take months till you reach that stage where you can do a lot and not hurt and swell.

You're doing VERY well for 6 weeks. Some of us (me included) needed prescription pain meds for several months before we could switch to something like Aleve. The tightness is swelling, just with out the pain. Same, elevate, anti-inflammant pills and rest.

Why is it you think you'll have to take Celebrex every day for the rest of your life????
Hello Goat, well I think the swelling will be on and off depends on how much you do during the day. The warm knee can last awhile I think I just got rid off my hot hot knee after 1 1/2 mths. but if yours is warm thats ok be glad its just warm. just use ice ice ice...It will stay stiff awhile just keep working it. You had a great milestone yest be proud that is amazing thats along time.....6 weeks is real early but you are doing fine...If you have pain take aleeve etc if it doesnt work take the pain med. dont let it just hurt it just gets you upset and frustrated. Take it if you need it. I think you are doing amazing !!!!!!!
No Celebrex,Goat,,,,pretty soon you should just Celebrate!!! :)
Slow down you move to fast, you are only 6 weeks out!! (Hey Jamie how do you like my advice???? to bad I never took it lol) I know trust me how you just want to get back to a half way normal life. But it takes time. But then I know that you will more yhen likely do what you think you must!!! I know I have. I keep treating it like it is a contest that I can win!!
Cute, Calling.....seems like I DO recall advising you to maybe slow it down just a little with your first knee. You are much wiser now, my friend!!
I am at eight weeks out and I have noticed a big difference in the last week or so. I have much less swelling, which changes everything and I have really stepped up the pt. I have not taken a pain pill for a week or so. Mostly I took half of one at night--but, eventually even that disappeared. I also use Aleve and then I take tylenol at night too.

Really, you are almost there ===the next two weeks will bring some welcome relief from the feeling of being an invalid. I hardly ever "rest" anymore--go to church--even sit and chat at the hospitality hour. My biggest problem is standing around. "There are bothersome aspects of my knee--I hear noise sometimes---more like a roughness that I feel inside the knee---and there are sometimes that it swells after an activity and I have to ice and elevate. But, for the most part, many of the things you are not liking are over for me at this stage. Keep the faith, just a little while longer and you will feel a lot better. Kelly
Thanks so very much for all this encouragement and advice. Thanks, thanks, and thanks again. Each of you are my hero! Old Goat
Just popping in here to say Hi!

What the others have said is so true - you just have to have patience!

I'm now at the stage where I don't need any pain meds, all the tightness - like rubber bands pulling inside the knee area - etc has gone. The swelling is hardly noticeable, and I can get on with all the things I want to do. I do occasionally notice that the more recent TKR can be slightly warm, but the older one hardly ever is.

I am managing well at church, too - I had to read one of the lessons on Sunday and several people afterwards commented that I wasn't limping any more as I walked up and back to the front! I can stand and chat afterwards for quite a while, although too much standing can still get a bit tiring after too long.

I notice that if I'm in the kitchen doing vegetables etc my knees no longer hurt, which they certainly did before my operations.

Six weeks is still very early. My surgeon told me it takes three months just for all the basic healing to happen. You are doing well so far and it will get better every day. Keep posting!
Hello, I am new here. This is my first post.
I am 4 weeks out and am feeling somewhat depressed.
I can understand your impatience. I, too, feel the same way. Some days are better than others. I am allergic to pain meds so am going it with just ice. This whole thing is so frustrating.
Hello Barbara and welcome to BoneSmart. Yes, it is frustrating and depressing but try to keep you focus on the long term. Have you read around the threads and seen what other people had to say? Most are truly delighted with their new knees but not until it's about 2-4 months out. Those early weeks are always the worst but they will pass. Hang in there - and hand out here! :wink: :hehe: We'll keep your chin up!
Hello Barbara, welcome I know alot of us went thru the depression and when someone says it will get better well blah blah blah but it really does. Mine did right about 4-5 weeks it just felt different hopefully yours will start to get better. But taking no pains meidcines wow they cant give you anything that you are not allergic to? I do feel for you there, ice is great but...We'll post anytime we would all like to help you even if you want vent we are here your not alone in this.......Hang in there it willl start to look up soon. I have been where you are like what in the world did I do but you will see on time.....I know patience wasnt my best thing

I went through a terrible depression almost at exactly the same time. So much of it is the inactivity--but for me, some of it was the pain meds themselves which deepened the depression. Can you even take Tylenol?

In a week or two things will seem less bleek---but, I have to admit that I was not comforted by that when I was depressed. But, here are a few things that did help.

One, call some girl friends and try for lunch out--even if you have to keep your foot on a chair. Contact with friends really did help. If you can't go to lunch, just ask one or two to stop by for coffee at your house---most people are happy to help. Also, I set up a chair, lounge set up outside and I would lie in my bed of pain outside for at least an hour every day---it did remind me of why I was doing this. and finally, I think the pool saved my life. I could get in the pool and move around with no pain. I also could bend my knee with much less effort---and it was so relaxing to just float around in the water. I used a noodel which I put around the back of my head---sometimes I would just hand in the deep water and let my leg stretch out completely. Water aerobics provided me with both some exercise and some socializing. Be careful not to do anything too wild---most of the folks in those classes have arthritis, so there are all kinds of adaptions to every exercise.

And finally, I really upped my protein during this period--I started eating more meat that I ususally do and more cheese. Also, I started using protein shakes--I would buy the one with 30 g or protein from Naked Juice and then bought whey protein at a health food store and now make my own with yogurt, fruit and protein powder. I stillmake one every am and it has helped. Kelly
Hello Barbra F

WELCOME! I too went through the depression thing.It really bummed me out. But like Jo said you have to look long term. You will see light at the end of the tunnel. I got off the pain meds as soon as I could. They were making it worse. I used to wonder why I did this to myself. But now I am almost 1 year new knees I am so excited. Life is so much better. I raced my race car for the first time last week since I had my new knees. It was a blast. I started coaching football again for the kids. I had to sit the last two years out because of the pain and the inability to walk or stand for any duration. It will go by and when you look back you will really enjoy what you have. Just do your PT. Work hard at it. You will know when you worked too hard and then make adjustments. Keep at it. We are all here for ya.

Goat + P A T I A N CE = faster Rehab :thmb:
Hi, Barbara....welcome to BoneSmart. So many of us have bouts of frustration and depression. But knowing that doesn't make it any easier if it's YOU. We're here for any time you need some company or you need to vent. The suggestions provided above are excellent too! Sending you a ((((HUG)))))!!!
Yes Barbara,

Keep coming back here. It's the best place to encourage you as we have all been there. So many on here are very caring and will help you to get through this trying time of frustration and helplessness.

Time is the greatest healer, but none of want to wait. We are used to doing and going and if you are like me, you don't like to be still. Unfortunately still is part of the healing process. I too had a lot of issues with medication. Keep the communication going with your OS and find what works best for you. There are many medications to choice from and surely something that will help you. Pain management is a huge part of the recovery process. I had to have something to endure the PT and make it productive. Will be praying for you.

I wish I had found this forum earlier. Maybe it should be on the sheet of home-going instructions.
Everyone is super and so encouraging!
When I decided to have this surgery I didn't realize how major it was. I had the surgery on 6/22. I did well with in-home PT. I can bend my knee to 128 and totally straighten it. But for most of the time it is just stiff and sore. Next week I see the doc for my post-op visit and I am hoping and praying that he will ok me for swimming. They tried 6 different pain meds, all made me feel worse. In the hospital they ended up just giving me Tylenol which is like taking nothing. But the worst of the pain is over. Now it's just that nagging stiffness and heavy feeling.
I have read various threads on this site and many questions I had have been answered. It's great to know so many people care and will share their experiences.:thmb:
Yep - this really is the greatest support group going!
Hi Barbara, welcome to Bonesmart! You and I had our surgeries on exactly the same day, June 22nd! I am also in that stage of feeling depressed. I know it's just from boredom! I am now home all day by myself, and since I still can't do too much, the day just drags. I am trying to keep myself busy with reading. I made a scrapbook for my sister, which only took two days. I do have lots of crafts I love to do, but I haven't felt in the mood.
I am only taking Percocet (1/2 of a 5mg tab) at bedtime. It does help with sleeping. It seems my knee hurts more at bedtime, and I have trouble getting comfortable. During the day, I spend most of my sit-down time in a recliner with my feet up. Sometimes I just take plain Tylenol during the day. I feel bad for you if you can't take anything for pain. It is getting better, but does still bother me enough to take something.
Well, keep your spirits up! I know it won't be long before we can both do more and we'll be back in the real world soon. Best wishes, Paula
Welcome have found a family who will support and encourage you. I do not know how I would have made it through some of those blue bored days. I even had a few public meltdown.

What you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Keep posting...we'll cheer you up:thmb:
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