How long do they last?

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Jan 7, 2008
United States
Hello, I searched for answers to my questions, but no luck... I guess I don't understand how to search well.
I had a total knee replacement done on Feb 25, 1998...almost 10 years ago.
Everthing went well. I was 46 at the time. My questions are:

How long will this knee typically last?
What symptons might I get when the knee joint starts to have problems?

The reason I ask is because the last couple of days, I have experienced some mildy painful muscle cramping around the front of the knee joint when I first sit down after having been standing for an hour or so...and it seems the quickest way to make it go away is to stand up, and massage, flex the joint.

please advise, and Thank you in advance.

My doctor told me it was based on activity level, he said they could last 10-15 years based on one's activity level.
Hi McQue. Welcome to the forum! Glad you found us at last.

I seriously doubt that this would be the way that wearing would manifest itself. Much more likely to be, as msf says, a stiffness in the quads tendon which is the major muscle at the front of the thigh and runs down across the knee into the top of the shin bone (tibia) It also incorporates within it the knee cap. This muscle/ligament is mostly responsible for balance when you are standing erect.

Tell me, what is your job or why are you standing for an hour at a time? Can you not do some simple exercises during that period? Like flexing your knee up as high as you can, even pulling it up to your chest. And then do straight leg stretches. It would help keep your joint in trim.

The life expectancy of a TKR is, as yet, not fully known but they predict 10-15 years as a MINIMUM. The best way to know if this is a problem for you is to get it x-rayed to see if there is too much wear in the plastic insert.
Thank you for your time, consideration, feedback, and advice!

I am very active lately doing some automobile bodywork while I am on vacation. this hobby has me on my feet, back, knees, (always padded when on my knees). This muscle tightening is just as you the thigh above the knee and then down into and around the kneecap area. I haved stayed off my feet for long periods of time the last two days, and the sympton has not returned.....So, if it does, I will ask my Doctor about scheduling an xray somewhere down the road....

best regards,

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