How long before they feel like my own???

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new member
Nov 3, 2008
United States
I had one knee replaced 10 months ago and the other 7 months ago. After standing or walking on hard surfaces they begin to tighten up and at the end of the day they are even tighter with some pain going up steps. I have walked 18 holes of golf but it really kicked my butt.

How long before the pain goes away and they feel like my own??
I am with you. I had my tkr in November and I do not feel at all like this knee is remotely mine. I stiffen up in long car rides, it is hard for me to drive long distances due to the stiffness. But I am very active. I ride 75-100 miles a week. I do all the hiking I want. But I wondered the same thing, when will I not notice this is not my knee? Pain is gone sure, but this odd feeling has replaced the pain.

I am very interested to hear responses also.

I think it takes a while. At least from the post. I am at almost 4 months and my knee gets so stiff around the sides and the bottom.
It will hurt on the sides toward the bottom of the knee but not a real bad pain.

Others will be on that are further along and tell you how they are doing.
I don't think I will ever get use to lumpy and bumpy. I keep thinking that they will settle down and become part of the family! But I just do not see it happening any time soon.
Oh Calling lol. Too cute...
DME, Welcome I am only 3 1/2 mths so I really cant wait to see the replies. I know I was told a good year for recovery though.....Good Luck to you. Hang in there. Post anytime.
It is quite common for a year to pass before you really feel like the knees are yours. The pain you get is likely from some internal swelling when you have a lot of activity. That will eventually go away too. I had a lot of that - even after a year - but it is lessening little by little. Try to focus on all that you can do painlessly now and don't worry about those odd feelings. They are normal and will eventually go away. This is what people mean when they say knee replacement surgery is a BIG deal and complete recovery can take a long time. The knee is a VERY complex joint with lots of different types of movements, many ligaments and tendons...just a lot of things that have to settle down and learn to work together.

I know a number of people here on the forum have been so fortunate to have their recovery be short and easy, but it still is quite normal to recover as you are - slowly over time.
Hi dme,

My knee is 8 months old and I was very lucky in recovery, but I still get tightness and some soreness if I sit or stand in the one spot for too long. Beats the pain I was in hands down so I'm happy even if this is as good as it gets (and I know it's not):thmb:
One thing no one mentioned/asked about is "Are you still taking NSAIDS?". And, if so do it before you exercise or are active. (They're far better at preventing swelling than fixing after the fact). A naproxen in the morning seemed to help me along.
ooh, Naproxen didn't suit me at all!

Jamie's right - can take a year or more before you finally wake up one morning and find the first thing you thought about was not your knees!
I am almost one year out from BI-TKR and I have days when I never think about my knees and other days when I have some stiffness and minor aches but over all it's 1000s time better than the last fifteen years of constant pain.

I am just over four months out from mine and I'm just now getting moments were I forget that I've had surgery. Sometimes, albeit rarely, I will stand up and start walking without stiffness or difficulty.

I do look forward to the day when every first step is that way and not just the random moments. Once I am standing, as long as I don't move around too much, my left knee feels properly my own. (I've been asked to work as "security" at my son's MMA fight tomorrow night- it would require either sitting AND standing or constant standing. If I feel up to going, I'll opt for "constant standing", so I won't look feeble if I need to intervene in a security manner!).
I pretty much have the same as frog. I am looking forword to just standing up and walking off every time with out being stiff and not just once in a while.
After I take a few steps it is ok but I don't want the stiffness at all. I have minor pain.
Today was a day of too much activity- took the dogs to the vet (four dogs, lots of standing/walking) and to the grocery store. Then my son had his weigh-in for his MMA fight and we had to walk across a parking lot (whoever had the idea to have MMA fight weigh-ins at a bar on a Friday night was an idiot). So, I'm sore a bit now and swollen. I iced earlier today and it felt better.

And since I'm at the end of my day and not really under any stress, I can look at today and say things like, "As long as we take care of ourselves and know we need rest, we'll be okay." (if someone had asked me how I was a few days ago, busy and stressed, the comment would have been different).

Oh, and if anyone was worried about me standing all evening for the MMA fight as "security", no worries- the owner of my son's academy (we're hosting the fights) decided I should sell T-shirts, so I'll be sitting at a table, all safe and sound with no stress on my bionic knee. :wink:
At 8 months they still feel strange but are a whole lot better than they were a year ago. At least now I can stand or walk as long as I want without any pain

The two things I just cant do (Yet) is to sit crossed leged or kneel

Otherwise all is good :D
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