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How does your PT measure your ROM?

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junior member
Nov 15, 2008
I'm very curious to know what position others are in when your ROM is measured.

When I'm sitting on the end of the physio table I pull my heel back and under the table and if I'm warmed up and having a good day I can now get 135.

However, if I'm lying on my back on the table with my knee bent and I'm pulling my foot up towards my behind it's considerably less, about 115.

Just curious,
I'm reposting this because somehow it seems to have gotten "lost". The little envelope on the left hand side when I go to "subscribed posts" is blue and it's not showing up in the New Posts. I guess I messed up somehow so here it is again...

I'm very curious to know what position others are in when your ROM is measured.

When I'm sitting on the end of the physio table I pull my heel back and under the table and if I'm warmed up and having a good day I can now get 135.

However, if I'm lying on my back on the table with my knee bent and I'm pulling my foot up towards my behind it's considerably less, about 115.

Just curious,
Oh no! It's still blue. What am I doing wrong? Will this one disappear as well?
I merged the two threads for you, Maggy. You'd posted the original in the pre-op forum!
Hmmm....I've not noticed or tried to see if there is a difference. My PT guy comes tomorrow or Tuesday and I'll ask him to measure both ways.

I'm wondering if any differences might be because of the position of the quadriceps? or angle?

Just a thought....

My PT measures me each Friday after she has stretched me. I have to lay flat, leave my "good leg" straight and bend my other leg back toward my body as far as I can and hold. I've tried to sit up and pull by leg but she says this is "cheating myself" and not accurate!!

I've noticed that I cheat alot in PT since at 8 weeks post op I still have trouble getting the muscles in my leg to work properly.
Hope this helps
My PT measures as I am sitting on a chair and move my leg as far back as possible. We never did it while I was on my back.
Found this on the internet

Starting Position:

· Patient should be supine with both legs flat on the table.

· The fulcrum is aligned with the lateral epicondyle of the femur.

· The stationary arm is in line with the greater trochanter and midline of the femur, the moving arm with the lateral malleolus and midline of the fibula.

Oops the picture didn't come with it. Nana
I've been measured both ways, sitting and on my back and the measurement was the same both times.

Chris :)
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