How do I get rid of the grinding?

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Jul 13, 2009
United States
I had a TKR 1/5/09, and according to my surgon, I was doing super-A++. Within a month , I could totally straighten my knee and had 135 ROM. I worked very hard since I am a very active person. At my 3 mo. check up, I complained that I had a slight popping and grinding in my knee. The OS said not to worry. At 5 mo. I went back to say that the problems had only gotten worse, and I was told that I had to have another surgery to resurface the patella. I went back to physical therapy in hopes that it would help. I also got a second opinion from a OS who said that everything looked fine. The DePuy replacement was the right size and in alignment. He recommended that I give it 6 months before I had surgery. I am concerned that all that grinding is going to destroy my patella. I can not sit or stand or peddal a bike without audibly hearing my knee. My knee is stiff, it swells slightly, it grinds and pops and the aching keeps me awake at night. Shouldn't the Dr. have discussed resurfacing the patella before surgery if that was an option? I had already had 3 arthroscopic surgeries on that knee. I don't know what to do or who to turn to. I have lost confidence in my OS. I hate to put off surgery if this grinding is destroying my knee. Help please.
Does the "grinding" hurt, or is it just noisy?
About 10 months post op my knees (both) started making noise when I stand up or sit down. It sounds like someone is ripping a strip of velcro apart. My OS told me at my one year visit the sound is from scar tissue having built up within the joint. It does not bother me other than the noise. People think my clothing is making noise........
The OS also told me it will always sound like that!
So, I am living with it. Not a problem compared to how both my knees used to feel. The scar tissue did develop after I started kneeling on my knees...... I laid bricks around my asparagus gardens. Oh well.
Hi Grote Welocme. Sounds like you did everything and got diff. opinions. I do here alot on here about the popping and making noise. Read The thread from Clunker he has alot of noise. I hope it goes away , but I sure hope it isnt hurting anything. I agree with you on that. Jo or Jamie might be able to help. Im not that far out yet. But good luck to you. I hope you get the results you want and deserve.......
If you are in pain with this grinding, then you should seek a second opinion on your knee. For your OS to say your patella needs resurfacing is some what confusing. When your OS did your TKR, they cut your patella into and put a plastic button on it. Now when you walk you could have some noise from that plastic button tracking but there should be NO pain. When Jo gets here she can give you the best help. Welcome to bonesmart and good luck.
Welcome to the forum, Grote.

I am sorry to hear that you are having problems after such a great beginning to your recovery. If I'm understanding your post correctly, you had the knee replacement, but the OS did not work on the patella and place a plastic button. And now he feels like the patella has problems and wants to go back in and do this part of the procedure. Is that correct?

It also is important to know if you have only the noise going on or whether it is accompanied by pain when you move your joint.

Our forum nurse, Josephine, will be online soon and offer some advice from a medical perspective. If you have lost confidence in your surgeon, I think you do need to search for another doctor that you can trust. You didn't indicate whether or not you felt the doctor who gave you your second opinion might be that person. If not, that's okay....keep looking. You need to have a person you can discuss your concerns with before you make any decision about further surgery.
grote said:
I am concerned that all that grinding is going to destroy my patella.
My knee is stiff, it swells slightly, it grinds and pops and the aching keeps me awake at night.
Shouldn't the Dr. have discussed resurfacing the patella before surgery if that was an option?
I don't know what to do or who to turn to. I have lost confidence in my OS. I hate to put off surgery if this grinding is destroying my knee.

Grote, please don't fret about it destroying your knee. It can't destroy your knee as it is now metal! :wink:

Anyway, that's not the issue here. Dealing with the patella is not commonly discussed as an 'option' as they will either do it or not do it according to the condition of it when they open the knee. I would tend to question her judgement if she decided not to do it and is now, only 5 months later, suggestion you should have it done. I don't blame you for losing confidence in her.

This does not necessarily mean that she is wrong, however. But for your peace of mind I would get one more opinion and see where you can go from there.

In the meantime, what pain killers have you for managing this pain and helping you get a night's sleep? Paracetamol and ibuprofen would be a good mix. Perhaps a chat with your own doctor would be a good idea as well.

Let us know what you decide to do.
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